
Chapter 1.

Zeta Amato:

Where are they?

'' Kids?" I called them but no one answerd. I guess I'm home alone. Untill I heard someone coming to the living room and it was my brother my twin annoying brother to be honest. He saw me and left. Finally some peace and quiet, until he came back.

" Where"s everyone?" he looked at me.

" I don't know I just got home." How should I know? Like I wasn't working with him in the office!

He stood up and looked outside he was upset again and he was right but I can't help they never listen.

It's a long sad story about our family. When we me and my brother Nikola were young I think 8 years old we lost our little brother. He didn't die, we think but we still don't know anything it's been so many years. Honestly I lose hope everyday about him but my twin doesn't. When our little brother Fiero was 3 years old he went with our mother in the playground as always... but that day he never came back... and we were never the same, at least my parents... someone took our little Fiero and since that day we know nothing. My family never stopped looking for him, everyday and we are hoping for a mircle. My eyes got teary again thinking about that day..

" You thinking about him don't you?" He asked me still looking outside.

I wipe my tears and stood up going next to him " Always Nikola he was a little sunshine to this house"

After that day Nikola became overprotective about our family so am I but mostly him we also are the oldest one in this house. We know who took him but not what happend to him. Our family is powerfull and well known but that didn't stop them from taking our brother away. My mother almost die from guilt so and my father but he never show that. They stopped talking, smiling, eating, working. They were just a human body without soul they also forgot that they had kids! That awful situation stopped three years later when our little brother Callisto was born and our life changed a little bit at least for my mother.My father was the same he never stopped blaming himself about Fiero. Because it was his fault. Before my brother Fiero was born my father was a businessman a successful one! He had his enemys but things were alright until a employee died. Actually someone killed him he was a young man but love makes you crazy they say... someone killed him but his father blamed mine... he never stopped calling our family killers but we didn't kill his son! His revange was simple he kidnapped our little boy to replace him. He kidnapped our angel! When my mother learned that she never forgave my father they even got divoeced. Two strangers in the same house hating each-other having kids. Thank God my other siblings were still young so they didn't understand much, until they grew up. We never got that man he run away he changed his name, lastname and everything. Our brother could be still with him or he might have killed him... police never stopped looking also but always the same answer " still nothing" I tried so hard to hate my father and for a year I did but for my bad luck I had a soft spot for him and still do even tho he is not here anymore. It wasn't just the fact that he's son got killed but he was also my fathers enemy. Imagine your son working for the man you hate and gets killed. When Callisto was 16 we lost our mother she killed herself she was fine, but she wasn't so I had to be a mother to Callisto and our other siblings our father was heartbroken.. He was never home, always drinking, blaming us blaming himself... blaming the world! And that's how he left us... blaming for his lost child, and for the one and only love of his life my beloved mother.. his beloved wife. After their death me and my siblings were taken care of our grandpa. He still lives with us but he's never home. We try to take good care of Ciana, Callisto. Ciana is 23 years old a lawyer and independent woman my parents would be so proud.. but she is still a little baby for Nikola he has a soft spot for her and only her, not even me that I'm his twin! Callisto is 18 years old he is still kid he has no idea what he is going to do with life. And our little Fiero he must be 21 years old... I always think where is he? What is he doing? Does he study? Is he happy? Is he alive?... As I said before it's been so many years but we still have hope. Even our mafia skills have no use. My grandpa still looking for him he found my fathers investigation but still nothing..

How can you take someones kid? Yes he hated my father but what about us? What kind of revange is that! He did nothing wrong he was a baby...

He destroy our family. After so many years of investigation, lament it's time for our family to get vendetta! Familia Amato will get revenge! Me and Nikola will do that Ciana never gets involed to our work, and Callisto has no idea... yet. Sometimes I understand Nikola about our siblings but I can't force them to listen.

" Where's nonno?" He asked looking at me and interrupting my thoughts as always. This is what you call bad timing!

I turned my head and looked at him before answering " You know you have something called smartphone. You can call him! " and I looked outside.

" I forgot that I'm sorry" He said and pulled his phone outside his pocket to call grandpa.

" You also have brain try to use that! " We might be siblings but I know for sure he is the stupid one!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ThatsOlicreators' thoughts
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