
Chapters six through eight

Chapter six:

Back at the FROGGEE-ATLAHOUSE, Sebastien and William were playing a suspenseful game of UNO in the living room.

"UNO!" Sebastien blurted in their suspenseful game of Uno. "not TOO quickly!" William said, smirking. "No.." sebastien said. "O-ho-ho-ho-ho, yeah." William teased. He took a card out. DRAW 4. WILD CARD. it read. "NOOOOOOOO" Sebastien yelled, startling the cat. He picked up 4 cards and William played the Draw four Wild card.

"Blue," he said, calmly. Sebastien looked down at his deck of cards. three greens, one yellow, and one blue. He played the blue. Next, William played his blue. "UNO!" William yelled. Sebastien muttered. Next, sebastien grabbed a card. Red. he grabbed another card, yellow. Then another card, blue. He played it. William then played his final blue and won. "YES!" he celebrated.

"Good game." Sebastien congratulated.

"What time is it?" William asked, looking outside to the great vacuum of space. "It's hard to tell out here," Sebastien said. He got up and checked the clock, and it was 9:32. "Whoo-wee." William said. "I need to turn off the lights in Qibly's room." William said, and he bolted up the stairs. Sebastien was left downstairs, alone. Well, not completely. "Mrewaaughhh" Pato said, stretching, And then yawning. He jumped off the couch and started rubbing his hand.

"Aww, pato." Sebastien said, smiling and petting him. He looked outside down to the earth. He hadn't seen it in two hours, and did NOT expect what he had just seen. The entire western part of the US was covered in the big blob-o-dog. "Wow" he said, stepping towards the modified windows. William walked in and stepped towards the windows next to Sebatien.

"That's a lot of dogs," he pointed out. "Yeah." Sebastien agreed.

The night was hard. They couldn't figure out if sebastien should sleep in stella's room, or if he wanted to sleep long-term in the bonus room. They eventually decided to set up their sleeping quarters in William's parent's room.

"Do you think the dogs will stop and we will be able to go home?" Sebastien said. "I don't know, but I doubt it.." William answered, putting his book down. After talking for a while, they decided to shush up and go to sleep.

The next morning came slowly, but when they woke up, William got up first. He went downstairs and popped a waffle into the toaster oven and brought out the syrup and butter. It felt weird being home alone in a house with artificial gravity out in space. He went over to the fridge and got a can of Fancy Feast and put it in the cat's bowl. Pato jumped down and walked over to the bowl. Then, William went over to the living room and checked the router. Still no internet. He sat down and opened the book on the couch. After a while, Sebastien came down, with bags under his eyes.

"Bad sleep?" William asked, closing his book.

"Yes. I had a lot of nightmares. Most of them start with me being back on earth and ending with me being swallowed by the wave of dogs." he said. Sebastien grabbed a cup, then opened the fridge and poured some water into it, then took a sip. "It's strange though. I always thought the world would end by alien invasion or nuclear war, not by a flood of dogs." Sebastien stated. "Yep, I get it." William said.

"The router still doesn't work, though." William said. "So, no minecraft?" Sebastien asked. "Nope. at least no two player." he answered, sitting back down on the couch. In a couple of minutes, the toaster oven dinged. William got up and took it out of the Toaster oven and buttered it. After it melted, he put syrup on it. "What do you like to eat for breakfast?" William asked. "I usually have cereal." Sebastien said, looking in the pantry. 

"Ok. We have Rice Chex, Honey Comb, and some old Honey Bunches of Oats and some Raisin Bran, that's probably been stale for a year now." William said. "Hmmm.. I'll have Honey Comb." Sebastien decided. 

Then all out of the blue: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "What was that?!" Sebastien asked, one eye raised. "That's… Pato." William answered. Pato's scrabbling and pitter pattering could be heard from the hallway. It grew louder as Pato came bolting into the room. He took two circles around the house before he came tumbling in and jumped onto his cat tree, then clawed the clawing pole. "WOAH. Pato just went NUTS!" Sebastien pointed out as Pato turned toward the kids, ears back and eyes dilated. 

"We call that the poop zoomies," William said. "When Pato poops he goes crazy for some reason" he explained. "Huh. I wonder why." Sebastien wondered.

"Let's go check on the dog flood. Man, that's funny to say." Sebastien said.


Chapter eight:

The dog flood had covered most of America and was slowly moving to New York, while the tip of Mexico only remained and most of Canada covered, too. It seemed as though there was no stopping the growing flood of dogs. 

"All those people.. Why and how did this happen?" William asked, his hands on his head, looking worried. "We got a lot more dogs to worry about, and food levels, though our stock will last us another week." Sebastien pointed out, looking at the pantry. "Actually, let me show you the greenhouse." William said. "WHAT OTHER SECRETS ABOUT YOUR HOUSE HAVE YOU NOT TOLD ME ABOUT???" Sebastien yelled. "Well, there's the engine room, the hyperdrive room, and the life support system room, which also holds the water vat, which is all under the house, except the escape pod room, which is in the garage, where a wall is separating it from the storage room. I've shown you the power room, the one with the balmeran crystal, and the storage room.

"You've gotta show me the hyperdrive room. The machine is always sooo cool looking in the movies." Sebastien said, bouncing. William lead Sebastien

Over to the closet, now a staircase. To the side under the house was the actual closet. "Woah." Sebastien said, flicking on a lightswitch. A blast door was at the bottom of it, labeled "maintenance room". William tapped a code that sebastien couldn't see and the door opened into a hallway with more blast doors. The one in front of them was labeled "engine room". The other doors lead to the greenhouse room, the life support room, and the hyperdrive room behind the staircase. "Woah." Sebastien said, running to the door to the hyperdrive room. He opened it and it led to a decontamination room. "You don't need to use it," William said. "Only on the way out. Can't let covuononium acid melt the rest of the FROGEE-ATLAHOUSE" William said, calmly. "WHAT?? He yelled, as they entered the hyperdrive room. 

"What's covonino-mum acid?" Sebastien asked. "Covuononium acid. It's a highly acidic acid able to melt through steel like a hot knife and butter.. It gives off a specific type of energy used to initiate hyper-drive. It's also SUPER cold." William explained. "We can cool our drinks on it!" Sebastien said, looking at the flasks of it.

They turned the corner and saw a large tube reinforced by a deep gray metal and glass. Inside was a steaming blue liquid with multiple tubes inside of it. Pumps lead out of each end and a valve on each pipe. It was about the size of a small truck. "Wow. Your house continues to amaze me." he said walking up to it. To the sides were valves and pipes and on the other side was a lab station.

"We use it to cool our coolant.." William said. "That's why there are pipes inside the vat." Sebastien nodded. They walked back upstairs and checked the router again.

"WAI WAI WAI WAI WAIT- WE GOT INTERNET!" William yelled, grabbing the router which was now flashing as a sign of internet access. "I'M GONNA CHECK MY PHONE!" William said, running over to his phone and checking it. 3/3 bars. "WE GOT 3 BARS!" William yelled. "Only three?" Sebastien asked. "That's not good." "out of three." William explained. "Oh, great!"

William and Sebastien checked youtube. A bunch of the famous youtubers made videos explaining how they would not be able to create videos because the dog flood was on a direct path to their house, Basically saying that they will die soon. MR. beast and some other rich youtubers paired up and used the last of their money to bunkers from ATLAS Survival Shelters and supplies for millions of people where the dog flood had not hit. along with his friends, family and some celebrities, he hid in a million dollar bunker.

"That was kind of emotional." William said, looking down. 

"At Least we know that there are still millions alive, thanks to mr.beast and his friends." Sebastien explained. "Yeah." William sighed. The day carried on like a flash- finally getting to watch TV shows and play video games together. William wondered whether his roblox friend D_np3 was safe.

By the end of the day, the dog flood had completely covered the entirety of north and south america while the seas were turning brown because of the dogs polluting it. 

"Well, I say we make a proper dinner." William siad. "How about some mac'n'cheese and broccoli?" William asked. "Yes please!" sebastien answered, licking his lips and clenching his stomach. It growled. William got a pot and put some water into it, then he grabbed the pack of Elbows pasta and placed it on the table. He put the pot on the stove and turned it on medium. Waiting for it to heat up, he cut up some broccoli and put some olive oil and salt on it. He put it in the airfryer. Once it was heated up he poured the pasta in and stirred it, then he then shredded some cheese over the pasta to see if that would work. The cheese turned a yellowish brown, but Sebastien said it was good. He had made home-made mac'n'cheese without help from a parent, so that was great. 

The mac'n'cheese actually did not taste bad, and they ate it. They finished up their meal and loaded their dishes into the dishwasher, then fed the cat.

They then played another round of UNO! And then watched some TV until it was time to go to bed. They brushed their teeth ready for a good night's sleep.