
White Saint

His only wish is to become a doctor to help the people in need. However, God has a different plan. He needs him to go to the other world. Lucky for him, he can become what he wants, a doctor to help the people in need.

LuxVonDeux · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

First Step (1.4)

It has been two days since I arrived in this world. In those two days, I successfully got information about the country where I currently lived. This country, or rather kingdom, is called the Barian Kingdom.

This kingdom is located on the eastern side of the world. The place is called Eastern Continent.

The kingdom has six major cities, and the city where I stay is not one of them. The city where I stay right now is called Valur.

Valur City is a dungeon city. What that means is that this city is located near a dungeon. As for the dungeon… A dungeon is an underground place where many monsters spawn. A low-level dungeon usually has been left alone, and the lord of the city makes the dungeon as a training ground for his soldier and the adventurer.

A dungeon is not too common. That is why a dungeon city is something that attracts many people. The reason is that a city will not be built on top of a high-level dungeon because it was too dangerous for the people.

The highest level dungeon that has been used as a dungeon city is dungeon level three. There will be at least ten-level three soldiers or adventurers guard it with enchanted armor and sword.

Now into the next topic. Adventurer. They are what you call a mercenary. However, unlike a mercenary who will betray their client to the highest bidder, an adventurer can be considered a backup soldier.

Sure they are people that only want to work if there is money in line. However, they also have a few obligations they need to do, like defending the city or village where they currently stay. Help the soldier maintain peace in the city or village they stay.

Adventurers rank among them, from SS-rank to F-rank. F-rank is the people that just registered into the adventurer guild. Even if you are level three, you still need to be in the F-rank for awhile. This rank usually only gives a gathering and chore mission like herb gathering and food delivery.

The rank also has an influence on which dungeon the adventurer can go to. For example, F-rank adventurers cannot go to the Dungeon even when they are level five. E-Rank adventurers can go to the level one dungeon if they are in a party consisting of ten or more E-rank adventurers.

The other people that can explore the dungeon are the soldier and the noble. The commoner cannot explore the dungeon unless they register themselves as an adventurer. If you want to get stronger without a dungeon, you need to explore the world and kill the wild monsters that spawned from the chaotic mana in the air.

There is also the option of training, but it will take time and dedication to do it. From what I can gather, the noble take their children to the dungeon, where the soldier weakened the monster and let their children kill the monster.

They are doing a power leveling in real life.

However, by doing so, some of them did not get the experience of fighting the monster because a low-level individual can kill someone with a high level if the low-level person knows how to strike.

Sadly, the noble did not think about that.

I can get by asking around that if someone wants to buy a house, they need at least five hundred to seven hundred gold coins for a medium-sized house. There is a smaller house I can build, but they are located outside the wall.

Anyway, I decided to become an adventurer as I want to explore the world and also explore the dungeon. Since there is a dungeon nearby, I don't want to pass up the opportunity to explore it.

I get up from my bed and get out of the inn, where I walk toward the adventure guild where I can register myself and take some mission to earn some money.

~10 minutes~

After ten minutes of walking, I arrived in front of a massive building. Many people are walking in and out of the building. The majority of them bring some kind of weapons like sword, spear or Warhammer.

As I walk inside, many people are chatting with each other, drinking, and doing some arms wrestling contests in the corner. I ignore the stare that I got from some people sitting near the door and walk toward the receptionist desk and greeted by a beautiful woman.

"Welcome to the Adventurer Guild. Do you come here to register or to post a quest?"

"I come here to register."

"Okay! Please show me your Identification card and wait here for a few seconds."

"Here you go."

I give her my ID and see her take my ID card, walk to the back and come back with a crystal ball in her hand.

After placing the crystal on the table, the woman put my ID card on the crystal, and I can see the crystal shine in blue color. Seeing the crystal glow with blue color, she nods her head and says.

"Please give the crystal ball a little bit of your blood."

I pick up one of the needles the woman takes out from under the desk and stab my finger with it and smear the crystal with my blood. The crystal absorbs my blood, shines a little, and then suddenly, a card appears in front of the ball.

"Congratulations, you are now a part of Adventure Guild. Please let it be known that you cannot explore the dungeon in any city before reaching the E-rank. You can take an E-rank test in a week. The test will happen every Sunday morning."

"Got it."

"Good. Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Yes. Can I take on a quest right now?"

"Of course! You can take the quest in the F-rank section at your current rank, and if you are in a party with at least three members, you can take an E-rank quest. After you take a quest from the Quest Section, you need to bring it here so I can register it into your adventure card."

"Got it."

"Anything else?"

"Nope. Thank you."

"It is my pleasure!"

I smile at her and walk toward the Quest section, where I see many people gathering around it. I walk toward the F-rank section and begin to read all the quests.

|Herb Gathering|

|The guild needs some herbs to make potions! Here is the picture of the herb and where you can find it|

|Reward: 50 Bronze coins per 100 grams worth of herbs|

|Grass Cleaning|

|The church in the west district needs cleaning. Need someone to clean the wild grass around the church|

|Reward: 70 Bronze coins|

|Cattle Watcher|

|Need someone to watch my cattle for the rest of the day. I need help on Sunday. You need to watch it from 8 AM to 5 PM|

|Reward: 1 Silver and 10 Bronze coins|

{Note: Your job is only to watch them, not letting them run away and feed them in the morning and at noon.}

I look at the quest in front of me and take the Herb Gathering quest. The location is not too far away from the city, and it only takes me around fifteen minutes of walking if the quest is correct. I can take one kilo worth of herbs and get five silver coins.

"Excuse me. I want to take this quest."

"Of course! Please show me your cards."

"Here you go."

After the receptionist registered the quest into my card, I began my first quest in this world.