
Whispers of the Eternity

Arachnea, a bright-eyed nineteen-year-old, leaves the comfort of her small town life to pursue her dreams in the historic city of Verona. As she steps into the ground of the majestic and beautiful city, she is unaware that her life is about to intertwine with beings as timeless as the city itself. The six vampires, each appearing not a day over twenty-nine, are brothers bound by blood and secrets. They are the guardians of ancient lore and the keepers of the night. Each brother is a different shade of the night. As Arachnea's world collides with theirs, she discovers that each brother offers her a different facet of love and a glimpse into the immortal world. From the passionate whirlwind with Zachary to the serene depths with Caleb, her heart is both a prize and a sanctuary for these immortal beings. But as ancient enemies emerge from the shadows, Arachnea and the Perry brothers must unite. Love becomes their greatest strength and their most vulnerable weakness. Together, they must navigate the treacherous waters of vampire politics, family feuds, and the haunting question of whether an eternal love can truly exist. *** Mary Joye. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Arachnea, with wide-eyed wonder and a heart full of aspirations, Arachnea steps into the cobblestone streets of Verona, leaving behind the familiar embrace of her hometown. At nineteen, the world is a canvas of possibilities, and college is the brush with which she'll paint her future. Her innocence is a stark contrast to the city's ancient secrets, and her soul—a blooming garden waiting for the right moment to flourish.

As she navigates the complexities of academia and independence, Arachnea finds herself woven into the lives of six enigmatic men. Like the flowers in her cherished garden, each one is a different shade of beauty and strength, their thorns hidden beneath beguiling petals. They are a mystery, a challenge, and a temptation, pulling her into a whirlwind of emotions that she's both excited and scared to explore.

IU as Arachnea

Cole Perry is an enigma wrapped in the shadows of night. At 504 years old, he is a vampire with considerable age, yet his visage betrays none of the weariness of time. With his five brothers, he forms an unbreakable chain of loyalty and power, but it is with Brian, his twin, that he shares an indelible bond, one that transcends mere blood.

Cole's heritage is a tapestry of the extraordinary—his mother, a creature of profound empathy and botanical mastery, bestowed upon him gifts that defy the predatory nature of his kind. He navigates the world with a heightened sensitivity to the emotions of others, feeling their joys and sorrows as acutely as if they were his own. This emotional acuity is both his compass and his curse, guiding him through the labyrinth of human sentiment while often overwhelming him with the depth of his connections.

Brant Daugherty as Cole Perry

Brian Perry  mirrors his twin, Cole, not just in visage but in the extraordinary gifts they share. His eyes, a reflection of Cole's, hold the same profound ability to perceive the emotions of those around him. This empathic resonance is more than a mere skill; it's a bond that ties him to the pulse of life, allowing him to navigate the world with a compassionate understanding that few can claim.

Tyson Ballou as Brian Perry

Austin Perry A 500 year-old vampire whose pale, almost translucent skin belies the storm that brews within him. His eyes, a deep shade of midnight blue, seem to dance with the notes of the haunting melodies he adores. Music is his escape, a way to feel the pulse of life he once knew. With every note, he clings to the humanity that slips through his fingers like grains of sand.

His mind is a fortress, impenetrable to most, but within its walls, he harbors the ability to hear the whispers of thoughts, a gift from his great-grandfather. The skies echo his mood, calm one moment and thunderous the next, bending to his will.

Jaco van den Hoven as Austin Perry

Caleb Perry is nearly five enturies old,  Caleb's presence is as calming as a still lake under the moonlight. His skin holds the faintest trace of the sea, a testament to his ability to command the waters. His eyes, a vibrant blue, reflect the vitality of the forest he protects and the creatures he whispers to. The fourth in his line, Caleb carries a gentle strength, a quiet confidence that sets him apart from his siblings.

His connection to the animal kingdom is profound, allowing him a perspective on life that is both wide and deep. He understands the language of the wild, a gift that enables him to be a bridge between the human and the natural world.

Colin O'Donoghue as Caleb Perry

Zachary Perry, at 490 years of age, Zachary is a vampire whose very essence is as mercurial as the winds he commands. His lean frame moves with the grace of a breeze, yet holds the potential to unleash a hurricane's fury. His hair, the color of a raven's wing, seems to ripple with the currents he conjures. The fifth of six, he is both master and servant to the gales that heed his call.

Zachary Perry as Henry Cavill

You can imagine his eyes are blue and brown, hehe.

Xero Perry, at the tender age of 480, Xero is the embodiment of youthful exuberance wrapped in the wisdom of ages. His skin, a soft shade of ivory, often carries the warmth of the creatures he adores. His eyes, a piercing blue, reflect the innocence and curiosity of the animal kingdom he so deeply resonates with. As the youngest of six, Xero navigates the world with a lighter step, his laughter as infectious as the chattering of squirrels.

His bond with animals is not just a quirk—it's his essence. He communicates with them, understands their needs, and influences their actions, a mirror to his own desire for understanding and connection. This ability is not just a tool but a testament to his character, revealing a heart that beats in harmony with nature's most untamed spirits.

Camille Lacourt as Xero Perry

Despite the countless moons that have waxed and waned over the centuries, the six of them carry the deceptive guise of youth, their faces unmarred by the passage of time. They walk among the mortals, their late-twenties appearance belying the depth of their ancient souls. Each smile, each gesture, is a practiced art of blending in, a mask worn so often it has become a second skin. Yet, behind the facade of modern youth, lies a history written in the silent whispers of the night—a history as old as the stars that watch over them.


Mary Joye.