
While Others Are Increasing Their Rank: I'm Creating A Game

In a world where some people possess extraordinary abilities such as controlling air, manipulating water, or having a superhuman physique, how can an ordinary and average person without such talents survive? In 1982, the world entered a new era as some individuals began exhibiting unusual powers. However, this ability only appears in one out of every thousand humans. Governments worldwide agreed to assign ranks to those who possessed these powers to maintain peace. Some individuals, known as S-ranks, possess exceptional abilities and are considered all-powerful by ordinary people. Despite the presence of these extraordinary beings, peace still prevails in society. Cedric Jacquier, a non-manifested individual, had one dream - to create a game and earn money. However, his dream was shattered when his old computer broke down, along with his three-year game project. Cedric was once again left in despair due to his misfortune. Cedric fainted due to malnutrition and health problems. Strangely, a blue window screen appeared before him. Cedric decided to recreate the game he had lost. This led to the creation of a hyper-realistic game that could transport users to another world. The game was called "Atlas" and it quickly gained popularity, with both ordinary people and enthusiasts eager to purchase the game capsule and experience the alternate reality. Despite assistance from the system, Cedric found that creating the game was still a challenging task. He had to develop a compelling storyline, design characters and NPCs to drive the plot forward. Despite facing many challenges, Cedric's determination and use of the Game Creator System enabled him to develop a game that has attracted over 5 billion players worldwide. It is renowned for its incredible graphics and lifelike quality, as well as its captivating plot and storyline. Prologue 1: "Atlas" The game known as "Atlas" and dubbed "with the title "Another World" was renowned for its hyperrealistic graphics. Both individuals with manifested abilities and regular people were able to enjoy the game. "Well hello there folks, welcome to Tonight's show with me your host. Michael Moore, and for our special guest the one and only! The Creator of Atlas with over 3 billion players worldwide! Mr. Cedric Jacquier!" The crowd cheered, many players who experienced the game Atlas were all excited to finally see the mysterious creator. As the red curtains were drawn, many gasped in awe, particularly the female players and audience. Meanwhile, the male audience felt envious. "Ohh hello there Mr. Jacquier, it's nice to finally meet you!" "The pleasure is mine." Cedric and Michael were seated on the sofa, and Michael's excitement was palpable upon seeing Cedric's arrival. He was also one of the select few players in the game. "Talent, wealth, skills, and a man with good looks. Truly you are blessed in many ways, Mr. Jacquier" "Well, I wouldn't call blessed." "Can I ask Mr. Jacquier? Where did you get the idea of creating Atlas?" "Well Michael, It's a long story. Well, I first created Atlas on my computer, it was a 2d game. Then from one problem rose another." "Oh, what kind of problems were there Mr. Jacquier?" "My computer got damaged, erasing the game from its data." "I see, but there are many news that you manifested is that true Mr. Jacquier?" "Nope, I'm not one of the manifested individuals. I'm just a common man, who created a game." "Then can you tell us how you became one of the richest men in the world?" "Well, Michael...In short, when others were busy trying to increase their ranks, I was busy creating the game." .... [A/N: Number of Chapters are random, but I update Monday-Saturday. Sunday is my rest day]

Nikhoollas · perkotaan
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74 Chs

Chapter 32: The Room

"Teach Vine?"

"Yes! Teaching Vine the good and the bad, now Vite are you up to the challenge?"


Vite hesitated for a moment, she tightened her resolve and looked at her God with determined eyes.

"Yes! I will teach Vine!"

"Jahahaha now that's what I want!"


In the meantime, the father and son entered the village. As night approached, the father and son returned home. Some Beastmen and Beastwomen would bow their heads and pay their respects to Dux along the way.

"Your amazing Dad!"

"Am I?"

"Yeah, you keep everyone in the village safe and everyone looks up to you!"

"I'm not the only one who keeps the village safe, there are other people as well…"

"Yeah, but out of everyone you became the chieftain instead of them! One day I'll also rule the village!"

"Rule? You mean Protect?"

"Nope, Rule! I'm going to grow up strong, that even Mom wouldn't shout at me if I go outside of the village!"

Dux shakes his head, as they both headed to their home.

Lenta was preparing dinner, meanwhile, Pan was busy crafting some necklaces made of teeth from the animal Lenta had caught. Terzo was napping without care.

"Your home?"

"Yep, hey hon"

Primo saw how his father would melt away seeing their mother. Primo vowed inside his heart that one day he will never let women conquer him. Looking at his father who was currently hugging his mother with a lovey-dovey face made Primo barf in disgust.

"Yo, what are you doing Pan?"

"Hmm? Oh I'm making a necklace for Mom"

"Necklace? That's boring"

Pan who held the small necklace felt dejected hearing his brother's words.

"By the way where were you? You missed our nap time.."

Terzo who woke up rubbed his eyes looking at his brothers.

"Well instead of sleeping like a bunch of lazy bums, I was helping Dad with the new field. Hah, truly you two are so weak, that you even need stuff like a nappy, nap time is only for children."

With a proud tone, Primo crossed his hands smiling in front of his two siblings who weren't that impressed.

"Get off me you stink!"

"Oh hon, come on just one kiss and I'll bathe after this ok?"

"No, now go away!"

"Tch, old hag you got Dad totally wrapped in your hands.."

"What did you say, Primo? Who's the old hag again?!"

"You are! Old Hag!"

Lenta who was cracking her fists badly wanted to teach this son of hers a lesson. But Dux stopped her.

"What did you say, Primo? Is that how you should talk to your mother?"


Primo turned around closing his mouth and sitting beside Pan.

"That kid! Just where does he get such attitude from?!"


As the family of five ate their dinner. Dux could feel the indifferent attitude between the two family members.

'You two are alike…'

"Primo, where have you been this afternoon? Your siblings were sleeping while you were playing outside again haven't you?"

"I went with Dad and helped him with the new field. I wasn't playing hag"

"That mouth of yours!"


Cedric who is now home was sitting, whilst watching the interaction between the mother and son had a headache. Just listening to the two fights made him ache. A child who has a foul mouth, and a mother who also has the same mouth.

"Though Primo looks like Dux his attitude is keen to Lenta. Meanwhile, Pan who looked exactly like Lenta has the attitude of Dux."

Lenta was tending to the other children, singing them lullabies and tucking them to bed.

Meanwhile, Dux was outside.

"Good night Mom.."

"Goodnight sweetheart."

Lenta kissed Pan's forehead.

"Mom, goodnight!"

"Goodnight as well sweetie."

Lenta then kissed Terzo's forehead. Tucking the two asleep, Lenta glanced at her first child who didn't look at her.

"Well, goodnight.."

Lenta kissed Primo's forehead.

"Ew stop!"

"Really? You've been waiting for me to kiss your forehead…"

Lenta sighed and stood up after tucking Primo who had a prideful expression on his face. Lenta glanced at Dux and sat beside him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I didn't notice you beside me, Hon."

Lenta rested her head on Dux's shoulders.

Dux held Lenta's hand. They were getting older, four years has passed ever since they arrived in this world. In these four years, they built a sturdy village for their tribe. They had three children now, and many of their acquaintances have started their own families.

Fortis has become the leader who teaches the Beastmen to become warriors. Callidus, Mollis, Magna, Celer, Frigus, Dulcis. For the original creations, time flew by so fast. The original five of them were now over 80 people.

"Dux…everything is moving too fast.."

"What do you mean?"

"The children have now grown, our numbers in our village have grown. Yet…why do I feel so scared? As if everything we have now, we will lose them all.."


Dux glanced at Lenta who had small wrinkles on her face. It was true, they weren't as young as they were. In the past four years, many incidents have passed, and everyone they used to know was now getting older.

They were getting older, and as such they began to wonder what would happen to them after their death. The Beastmen knew what death was, but what they were afraid of is the question of where they would go once they die.

Without such knowledge after their death, they were scared of dying.

"If I die Dux…"

"Lenta? What are you saying? No one's dying…."

"It scares me…this world is too vast for us Dux…I'm scared for our safety and the children, especially Primo. He has that free spirit and curiosity."

"Yes, but his attitude reminds me of you.."

"What?! Hey, I wasn't that annoying and problematic! You dummy!"

"Hahaha of course you weren't hon…"

[Your creations are scared of death]

[Without any knowledge of what lies in their life after their death it made the Beastmen restless and scared of the unknown]

[As such the system has given the host a 'Room']


[Description: A room in which the host can put his creation into. The room can transform into many sectors, not only that, the host can transform the room into what he wants.]

"A room?"

The info was vague and this made Cedric curious as to what the room would imply.

Cedric opened the room, and a small box appeared in front of him in 3d. The room was a white room square shaped. Not only that after checking how many creations he could fit inside.

The room had inputted an unlimited limit. Meaning the room could hold over millions of creations. After checking the info, Cedric now had a gist of why the system gave him the room.

"Renovate the system room!"

[How would you like to renovate the room?]

[Input the details you want]

"A room that is a paradise, and in the center of that paradise is a huge castle! On that Castle is a huge statue of Lux and Orcus! And in the center of the castle are seats for the gods!"


[Renovating the room]

[The renovation will take some time]

[10 hours in the host's real world]


Cedric was quite curious as to what happened on the planet for four years. As Cedric was scrolling through the map, he found many interesting things.

There were some monsters such as a wyvern, bloodhounds, and even giants walking around the other parts of the forest.

But strangely they haven't stumbled on the Beastmen village. This made Cedric quite alarmed, the monsters were sort of evading the Beastmen tribe.

The monsters were huge and powerful in the forest, but they never once step foot in the Beastmen tribe's village.

Cedric was quite confused as to why, though he was happy that the monsters wouldn't attack the Beastmen's village.

But the fact that they never once tried in the last four years was strange.

Cedric used the 3d model to scour the Beastmen tribe.

"It's emitting an aura?"

Strangely there was a bloody red aura surrounding the Beastmen tribe. Cedric glanced at the Beastmen tribe from up above and followed the trail of the red aura.

After a few seconds, Cedric found the source of the red aura, and it came from one of the children of Dux and Lenta.

Primo had a red aura over him that stretches through the whole village.

"What the heck?"

[Name: Primo

Level: 150

Race: Beastmen/White Wolf

Health: 50,000

Magi: 400,000

Talent: High

Str: 500

Agl: 500

Dex: 600

Int: 1,200

Cha: 600


* None


* The Child Blessed With Fighting: A child who was blessed with an immense blessing of strength. This child is made for fighting, and a genius when it comes to a fight. This child is skilled in using many weapons, and if trained properly could even destroy a mountain with one punch.

* A Troublesome Child: This Child has a problematic personality and needs proper teaching to tone down such disastrous and deadly traits.]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nikhoollascreators' thoughts