

Just an Idea. What If you get a chance to reincarnate with a system that grants you overpowered powers/Items/summons BUT you can't use them for your selfish desires but you need to act as a whetstone for protagonists across the multiverse polishing them so that they can face a vague unknown threat? or be better prepared in their own world. disclaimer: all props/characters/plot etc belong to their original creators. First world: Marvel.

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4 Chs

Hulk vs Giant

Next day morning

"As you can see the Giant appears to be fighting a big green humanoid and they are slowly moving away from new york as they smash through buildings with their incredible might." Said the reporter as the camera focused on a 300-m tall green giant trying to catch a small green man in comparison to it.

Each swing of the Giant's arm sent hurricane-like winds and shockwaves that destroyed buildings and made vehicles fly. Each stomp of the Giant created creates 10s of meters wide and just as deep and sent localized earthquakes. It seemed focused on the green humanoid and completely ignored the military which was trying to shoot it down with bullets and missiles which were nothing more than a nuisance to it at this point.

The green humanoid or Hulk punches were not that weak either each punch from the Hulk caused the Giant to either stumble or injure it but the wounds regenerated just as fast as they were dealt.

"But as incredible as the fight is there have been no casualties from their fight as a blue blur is going around rescuing people,"

"Are you live?" asked a robotic voice from behind the reporter which caused him to panic.

The person behind him was wearing black pants with black shoes and a utility belt that seemed to hold a lot of gadgets his torso and arms were covered with some sort of gray-blue armor with a pulsing disk over his heart.

His head was covered under a futuristic faceless helmet.

"Y-yes" answered the camerawomen.

"Thank you, I am Unit-37G9_Alpha of the series 'Rescue Bots', We request the government of the United States of America to grant us access to a large amount of electricity so we can move the two terrors away from the city. You can find us running around the terrors rescuing civilians and injured soldiers. That's all" said the robot and it sped away.

"Um, yeah so that happened." Said the reporter awkwardly.

A minute later.

"Hey 'Rescue Bots' come to my HQ you guys can use the giant arc reactor for whatever you guys want" came the voice of Tony Stark from somewhere.

The bots formed a chain with each bot at least 100 meters apart from the next until they reached the arc reactor where Tony was ready with the output of the giant arc reactor laying on the ground next to him and the reactor ready to be driven into overdrive.

"You guys are fast" commented Tony as he looked at the bots curiously.

"Your help is very much appreciated, Mr.Anthony Edward Stark. Our creator is a fan of yours" said a 'Rescue Bot'.

Tony smirked.

"Call me Tony and who is this creator of yours?"

"Alright, Tony. [I'll meet you soon. Kinda busy co-ordinating the bots at the moment may I?]" Replied the Bot its voice changing to human-like.

"Sure, go ahead. What do you need that much power for?"

"[I am going to throw the Giant and the Hulk at least a hundred miles west of here. If I am being honest the amount of power I am going to get from the arc reactor is barely going to be enough. I was going to access the power grid but that is going to cause a lot of casualties and a shit tone of property damage.]"

"You are quite considerate aren't you?"

"[Not really, I just have the situation mostly under control despite the abruptness of it. No, I am not from Hammer or the military. My Identity is kinda complicated/dangerous so I would appreciate it if you stopped trying to hack me it's taking up processing power which I have little to spare.]" said a rescue bot as their pulses synced up.

"I am not the one trying to hack you. What should I call you? Bot Master?".

"[You can call me Stone, 'Bot Master', huh. I might take that as my alias, Thanks. Now, step back and cover your eyes or you might have to wear glasses for the rest of your life]"

"Your welcome" replied Tony as he retreated further back.

After Tony retreated he wore a rather dark pair of sunglasses and watched the 'Rescue Bots'

Soon the 'Bot' nearest to the arc reactor simply plugged the outlet to his torso and started glowing and after he had built it up enough he sent the built-up energy down the chain as a 'pulse' which ended in two 'bots' who looked like they were ready to leap at any time.

The pulses started faster and stronger to the point where it was a stream of electricity with the two bots at the end accumulating the power and after a few seconds, the 'bots' started to disintegrate starting from the nearest to the arc reactor.

Just before the last two bots disintegrated they moved to their positions and unleashed ridiculously huge beams of electricity that severely injured the Hulk and the Giant and threw them at least 100 miles away from the city.

Tony whistled.

With the Giant and Hulk.

Hulk woke up remembering a bright flash of light and feeling his body going numb and burning and he got pissed!

Hulk roared and looked around to see he was in a crater of some sort he looked down at the Giant who was recovering and got even more pissed.

Hulk brought his fists down at the Giant's recovering chest causing more damage and waking him up.

The Giant looked at the hulk and sneered as his body started collapsing turning smaller until it was a head taller than the hulk but his eyes and chest were glowing green with scales covering most of his skin and spikes originating from his joints that weirdly did not interfere with their movement.

The combination of the super-soldier serums and Biceps Brachii King combined with huge amounts of powers seemed to combine all of them creating a High-Dragon level/low God level threat according to OPM standards.

Soon Hulk and the Abomination started fighting again and this time Hulk was losing badly he simply couldn't get angrier fast enough.

The US military/Government seeing this and the fact that the two creatures were far enough away from any towns/cities decided to launch a nuke in hopes of killing them off.


Stone who was watching the whole fiasco from start frowned, he could see that the Hulk was a lot weaker than he anticipated, he had contingencies in place in case the Hulk failed or he failed his mission but he would prefer if the hulk succeeds hence making his mission a success, he could see that banner was fighting the hulk and in the process was about to shatter his psyche.

Stone then sighed and activated one of his mission powers called 'Plot armorer mode'.


Time for the Hulk stopped

{ADD scene where Hulk and Bruce have a counseling session in the next chapter}


I hope you guys like this story and thanks for everything ....YAWN

good night (-_-)ZzZz

Awriter out ZZZzzz

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