
When Pokémon Meets Naruto

After waking up from the mother's womb, only to find that he has become Uzumaki Naruto? Where did the nine tails in my body go? How did you become Arceus? Wait, why is the thing I channeled not a toad? What the hell is an elf? Pikachu, I beg you, don't eat it, you will become a fat mound if you eat it again, look at your skill table, high-speed movement has been replaced by Mount Tai. Charizard, can you be more courageous? You are a flying dragon, not a ground insect. How can you be afraid of heights? Miao Frog Seed, if you use the cane whip, use the cane whip, you tentacle play, let alone the enemy, even I can't stand it! ! !

Poison_Rage · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Chapter 49

  Boom! ! ! ! !

  As the battle became more and more intense, the sound of explosions, as if the periosteum was about to be shattered, kept coming from the center of the battlefield.

  Twisting his body, the cat boss once again avoided the flames attached to the teeth of the wind speed dog.

  As the flame tooth failed again, the wind speed dog seemed a little irritable, and his physical injuries became more and more serious. it's gone.

  Wind Speed ​​Dog, who didn't intend to delay any longer, kept changing his eyes, and then, an orange-red flame gradually ignited on his burly body, wrapping around Wind Speed ​​Dog's body like a vortex.

  Flame charge, apart from a few skills such as destroying the death light and z moves, is definitely one of the most destructive moves. Even if it has the side effect of blood loss, it needs the wind speed dog to attack the enemy before it can be triggered.

  And as long as Flame Charge can hit Boss Cat, even if the opponent is a crispy assassin elf, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die.

  At that point, it won't matter if the wind speed dog gets hurt.

  Because at that time it can basically establish the victory of this war.

  At this time, the cat boss on the other side also knew that he must not be hit by this move, but after the wind speed dog used the flash charge, the speed was even faster than before, although it was dodging as much as possible, But he was still hit by the wind speed dog's attack.

  boom! ! ! ! !

  The body of the cat boss was instantly knocked into the air, and landed heavily on the grass not far away. The original white hair without variegation became eclipsed after receiving this blow, and the place that was attacked became scorched black.

  "Wow woof woof!!!"

  Seeing that he was about to win, the wind speed dog even barked excitedly, which he had long forgotten.

  However, when Naruto not far away also thought that this war would end in this way, something unexpected happened.

  Another cat boss, taking advantage of Fengsugou's triumph, rushed out of the grass on the other side, and slammed Fengsugou's body with its raised paw.


  The wind speed dog who was hit hard couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, but then, it seized the opportunity and used its burly body to slam into the cat boss who had no time to escape.

  As the cat boss rolled and fell to the ground, the wind speed dog gritted its teeth and stared solemnly at the second enemy in front of it.

  It couldn't figure out why there was a second cat boss on the scene.

  But fortunately, even though the cat boss was not fatally injured by the flame charge, he still suffered a lot of damage, and now he still has a chance.

  Since one flash charge is not enough, then two, three times, until the opponent can no longer use that weird move.

  Dragging the same scarred body, the wind speed dog turned on the mad dog mode.

  As the battle between the two sides became more and more fierce, Naruto, who was still hiding in the grass at the moment, looked at the two elves with some greed. Naturally, he didn't think of eating like Pichu, but was greedy for wind speed dogs and cats. The skills of the boss.

  Flame Charge and Substitute, if you can get your hands on these two moves, even if you can't learn them now, they can still play a big role in the future.

  However, greedy eyes are greedy, and Naruto also knows that the battle between wild elves will not drop items. Even if he kills the two bosses in front of him, the probability of dropping these two skills is close to 0.

  Of course, he thought it was more likely that he would be instantly killed by those two red-eyed guys as soon as he appeared.

  Thinking of this, Naruto looked at the nervous Pichu sympathetically.

  It seemed that this little guy's first love was about to end in failure.


  Another ten minutes passed, and at this time, the wind speed dog was all over,

There is almost no complete area, not to mention the scars, and even the majestic flaxen hair is almost gone.  But fortunately, he finally won the final victory.

  With one foot on the body of the cat boss, the wind speed dog looked up to the sky and howled loudly, regardless of the physical trauma, and let out the joy of victory (dog barking).

  Afterwards, the wind speed dog took the red gemstone from the forehead of the cat boss with its paws, and as a victor, gave the beautiful ruby ​​to "Marylou", the most eye-catching star in this war .

  Taking the magnificent ruby ​​from Wind Speed ​​Dog's mouth, Mary Lou squinted her eyes, looking very happy.

  But just when Feng Speed ​​Dog thought that he would be able to embrace the beauty in this way, and wanted to lick Marylou with his tongue, Marylou avoided him unexpectedly.


  Wind Speed ​​Dog blinked in confusion, then licked it again, but Marylou still avoided it.

  Wind speed dog: I lick

  Marylou: I hide

  Wind Speed ​​Dog: I will lick again

  Marylou: I'll hide again

  Going back and forth like this seven or eight times, the wind speed dog was completely dumbfounded. It looked at Marylou pitifully in front of it, not knowing what it had done wrong.

  Even Naruto in the distance felt very funny about the scene in front of him, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Because theoretically, since the wind speed dog has already won, Marylou should accept the other party, but this is not the case. What's going on?

  Soon, Lalu Lasi beside him gave an explanation.

  "Marylou's behavior represents her refusal of the wind speed dog's courtship."

  "Ah? Why?"

  While Naruto was surprised, he also felt very sympathetic to the wind speed dog in front of him.

  Who would have imagined that the honor he had so desperately won would not be recognized, and his lover even rejected its courtship.

  Is this the so-called licking a dog to die?

  Hmm... The context doesn't seem right, it should be licking the dog to the end, and it's normal that there will be nothing left.

  Lalu Lasi, who didn't know what Naruto was thinking now, told Naruto in a short sentence why Marylou rejected the wind speed dog.

  "Don't you know that fire and water are incompatible?"

  "Uh... what's incompatible?"

  Naruto was stunned for less than three seconds before hearing Lalu Lasi continue to explain:

  "It's impossible for a petite water-type elf like Marylou to like a burly fire-type elf like Wind Speed ​​Dog. It was impossible for him to get it from the beginning."

  Hearing Lalu Lasi's answer, Naruto suddenly reacted.

  "According to what you said, before this battle started, the wind speed dog can already be sure that it is the golden retriever defeated dog?"

  Lalulas nodded.


  Well, now Naruto is more sympathetic to the other party, who made it wrong!

  At this time, Lalulas said again: "By the way, even if the final result is that the cat boss wins, that Marylou may not necessarily accept it."
