
Mysterious Woman

The Lieutenant knew that the general had some tendencies of being paranoid. Regardless, he had no choice but to follow the order since it might get dangerous if they were to come close to the country.

Mars then commanded all the units to get close to the largest spider. They began firing their bullets unto it. Its body was being struck on all sides. Though their bullets bounced back. It was like it was wearing a thick steel armor with its carapace shell.

The spider emitted a shrill. Though there were no signs of the spider being taken down anytime soon. Though they noticed it was slowing down.

The VMF never stopped firing. Sergeant Varg went close to the entrance, he was a burly man with a semi-bald haircut. He held an RPG. "Stay clear."

The ones on his rear went away as to not receive the flare of the breech.

"Fire!" Varg fired and the rocket flew hitting the gigantic spider's leg.

"Sorry, my aim was a bit off."

After an explosion, it only managed to crack one of its legs, but that was the only damage that they could inflict.

The choppers were just hovering above the creature. Varg then fired another round. After another explosion, it only managed to scathe its outer covering. It was a tough opponent. Even the RPG-7 which was used against tank shells couldn't destroy its thick covering.

The spider was still moving. Eventually one of its legs came off. Unlike its body, its legs seemed to be fragile. It then fell over the swamp like a falling trunk. Though, the spider could still move normally with its remaining 7 legs.

The lieutenant was glad. "Alright, we can take it down by destroying its legs."

Though, the choppers descended for a bit to inspect its bottom part. They could see web cocoons the size of a human body hanging on its belly. There were about a hundred of them.

Those were probably the people being held captive. Lieutenant Mars was staring at it with a gaped mouth.

Mark was surprised. "Lieutenant, if we destroy its legs, the people underneath the spider will be squashed."

The Lieutenant grabbed his binoculars and was stunned. "This is an annoying enemy. I think we just need to contact Vesna and request better equipment."

Private Mark thought that there was no time for that. They were only given a small amount of time. He inspected the body of the spider. Since it was wearing some sort of armor, there were gaps on its body where the legs and heads were connected.

Mark gulped as he yelled. "Varg, try shooting the spider right there." Being an avid gamer, he thought it could be a weak point.

Lieutenant Mars was skeptical of his words. Though he already saw that this person was sharp. He was amused. He then smiled. "Alright, follow this young lad, and Varg fire another round."

Varg smiled, he reloaded. "Mark you show off. Alright."

Everyone complied. The choppers then went close and Varg aimed through the iron sight. He then fired, and the rocket flew.

Once it struck the armorless area of the spider, it exploded. The spider shrilled aloud in anguish.

After almost exhausting their RPG ammunition, the spider then ceased its motion. It bent slightly down and its black eyes were now closing. Its purplish blood was flowing down from its body.

They then began cheering in applause. They went close to Mark and Varg then celebrated. But the Lieutenant scolded them. "It's still too early to celebrate. All units, get down and rescue the civilians."

The VMF rescue team complied. The choppers threw out their rope ladders and they clambered down. With their weapons, they jogged towards the dead carcass of the giant spider. Coming close, it was bigger than they expected.

The others tried to look away since it was a repulsive sight. They only focused on the captives.

Their bodies were wrapped by thick webs. It was a shocking sight.

Private Mark approached a web cocoon. He grabbed his military knife and began cutting it apart to release the person from the inside. One after another, the other soldiers set everyone free as well.

Mark noticed that the people found inside the web were pale. They were cold as a corpse. Several medics attended to them. He hoped they were fine.

He continued with his task. One of the people that Mark found inside the cocoon surprised him. This one had pink and long hair, she was wearing a fancy dress, embroidered from silk and gold. Most of all, she had an animal ear on her head.

But he was taken aback more by her immaculate beauty. He never saw a young woman as good-looking as her before. His arms shivered as he pointed at her. "Varg, John. Hey, check this out. You can't believe this."

His associates went close to check her. They were stunned. "Hell! Is she a cosplayer?"

"No way this is a cosplay." They touched her ears and it was real.

"No fucking way."

Mark wept tears of joy.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Varg said.

"It's my dream damn it. I can't believe I saw a real anime girl before." He caressed her hair. "Look, her hair ain't even dyed."

They then transported the survivors into the choppers. As Mark was holding her, he didn't feel like letting her go. He didn't even want to give them to the medic. "Please wake up and be my wife."

Varg sighed. "Hey Mark, don't break any laws you know. You look very creepy right now."

Mark chuckled. "I know, I know. But it looks like my suspicion is right. We are in a different world. Not just in any world but in a fantasy world."

John was grinning. "Then that means, there are people out there. I'm curious what we can find."

"If there are people out there then that's concerning. No doubt there is a civilization. We might fight them you know worst-case scenario." Varg said.

While Mark focused on her. He eventually gave her to the medics. They checked her pulse and heart rate. Mark was worried since she looked like she was dead for a long time.

They were placing her in a medical emergency bed.

He asked a military nurse, one of his associates. "Sheena, will she gonna be alright?"

"She is fine but she seems to be in a state of coma, but her vitals are normal for some unknown reason. We will know more once we get some blood samples back in Vesna."

Mark sighed in relief. "Then that's good."

Sheena raised her eyebrow. "By the way, who is she to you?"

Mark looked away. "Uh, my... Hopes and dreams."

"It's weird because it's the first time I saw someone with pink hair. It also looks natural."

Mark nodded. "Yup! Then take care of her I beg of you." They then transported them back to the helicopters.

The lieutenant went close to about 8 soldiers. His eyes were determined as he was about to speak something serious to them. "This is a request from me. We need volunteers to stay since the choppers are fully occupied."

Since Mark was hyped up after seeing the unknown girl, he stepped forward. He felt like nothing could stop him.

There were 8 volunteers.

Private Mark noticed that it was only the lowest ranks who were left behind. They lined up and saluted. "Yes sir, we understand."

"We will be giving you enough supplies. We will return once we deliver them back to Vesna." Lieutenant Mars saluted back. He then went away along with the helicopter units. They flew up and head straight to Vesna.

They settled for now and made a camp. They were silent as they made a circle around each other.

One soldier was a lookout in case of an enemy. He climbed up over the face of the spider to get a better view. Though he cursed repeatedly upon seeing it up close. "Bloody hell. This thing is horrendous." He almost slipped and fell. "Ah!"

"Damn it, Gezo, be careful," Varg spoke.

The rest of them laughed. While Mark was just sitting silently with a firm smile. He was staring blankly.

John sighed. "I can't believe we are the people who had to be left behind."

"It can't be helped. We have no space left back in the choppers." Another said.

Varg laughed. "It was your fault that you volunteered."

"I had similar scenarios back then when I served in the UN. There was a time where I volunteered as a sacrificial soldier to take out an anti-air unit just so they can launch an airstrike." He then took off his vest and showed a scar on his chest. "I was almost ended up as collateral. Got shot in the chest. Glad I turned out fine. But as soldiers, it is our duty to stake out lives." Captain Flynn was the most experienced here. He had a scar on his eye and he was burly.

The newbies were staring at him with a gaped mouth. They agreed.

Varg grabbed Mark's shoulder. "Hey, you've been silent there. What's into your head."

"Huh? Uh..." Mark was awake. He looked around cluelessly.

They chuckled. "The moron is in love, you damn otaku," Varg mentioned.

"Uh no." Mark scratched his head.

"Don't deny it. It's clear as day."

Captain Flynn smiled. "You like her, huh? Well, I also found my wife when we were assigned to Israel. She lives with me back in Vesna. I have now two kids."

Varg kept on teasing him. "That's why to go for it, Mark. Haha."

Their jolly mood was broken when their lookout shouted. "Unknown forces coming to our location."

They then grabbed their rifles and stood. They approached and asked their lookout for additional details. "What's wrong?"

"The forces are composed of medieval knights? And it is being led by an old man with iron armor. They also look kind of tough." The lookout was above the spider. He was peering through his binoculars. "Their weapons seemed to be spears and swords."

Flynn was surprised. "What did you say? Medieval knights?"

"We finally made in contact with the people of this world, huh?" Varg smiled as he reloaded his rifle.

At some point, the knights were now visible to them, riding stallions with their capes draping on their backs. There were about thirty of them. Fully clad of heavy iron. They couldn't see their faces were covered with helmets.

The superior who lead the group seemed to be an old man.

The VMF raised their rifles at them. They backed away slowly. "Identify yourselves and your motives!" Flynn yelled at them.

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