
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Guardian angel

"Don't you think that you're getting to know her quite well in this short amount of time?"I halted back in my steps as I heard a deep voice from behind me. " What's wrong?" Everly scrunches her nose, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at me . I looked behind me to see non other than the messenger .


What is he doing here? "Are you ok?"Everly asked once again as she waved before my eyes. "Yeah . Yeah I am " I say as i turned around again walking straight again to my destination.

I felt him following me . Every step I took were taken by him too. I don't think angels follow people around like this.

"Um , I need to go to the bathroom real quick. Stand in line , I'll come back directly." With that , I left her standing as I urged Raoul to follow me . Upon reaching the public bathrooms I sighed as I looked at the messenger ushering him to spill whatever he wants to say.

" No new news , I'm just here to see if everything is doing well. " He stated rather suspiciously . I had this feeling that it was no regular check up. But what is he here for then? "Is that so? What did you mean at the beginning ?" I looked at him as he was politely standing his hands before his back. I received few glances from people passing by as they saw me talking to myself , but I couldn't care less.

"What do you mean?" Is he playing dumb? From the moment I met him , he had this weird aura around him . He knew too much about Everly and he would stick his nose into my business , when hes only supposed to pass me the news.

"You said 'Don't you think that you're getting to know her quite well in this short amount of time?' What do you mean by that?" I asked as I began to lose my patience . "Owww" His mouth formed a big O as he moved his head a bit to the sides. " Nothing" He smiled as looked at me showing his perfectly aligned white teeth. "It was just a thought" He laughed it off as he excused himself to go . "Wait" I stopped him as I moved closer to him , my eyes fiercely looking into him , as he looked unmoved. "What are you exactly?"

He stepped one foot closer as he formed a straight light with his lips. He look down for a bit licking his lips, then looking back at me flashing his smile. " I think I know what you're trying to ask. I'm Raoul , the head master of Angels M , also the messenger assigned for your mission. Other than that, I'm Everly's guardian angel . I'm here to protect her , guide her and help her."

Her guardian angel and also a head master. She's a lucky one in the gods world, but she's always sad. As I nodded , he bowed leaving .


"What took you so long?" Everly who was now sitting on the bench outside the store vexed as she stood up tilting her head to the right . I just laughed as I apologized to her . " Let's just go eat okay?" I added as she happily nodded following me . Each of us was holding some of the grocery bags as we walked over to our building . Entering her apartment, we put the bags on the kitchen counter . " I'll pack these up , you can choose whatever you wanna order and just order, I'll eat anything you wanna eat. " "You sure?" Both her eyes were now fixed on me. Her dark brown eyes that were now looking even lighter as the sun was shinning hard threw the window curtains.
