
Wheel of fortune

Rishab_Kumar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


After what felt like an eternity of endless waves and boundless horizons, the ship finally arrived at port. The sight of solid land was a welcome relief to the crew's sea-weary eyes. As the ship glided into the bustling harbour, a mix of excitement and exhaustion surged through Ria.

The air was different here – a medley of unfamiliar scents, a blend of saltwater, exotic spices, and the tang of city life. Her heart raced even as the Captain barked orders this was a temporary stop to restock their supplies and the crew skillfully manoeuvring the ship into its berth, the shouts of the crew mingling with the cacophony of the port.

Now if she could just steal a knife and some coins

Under the bright sunlight, the seaport of Artona bustled with the vibrant energy of commerce and adventure. Ships from distant lands docked along the harbour, and the salty breeze carried with it the tang of possibility. Amidst the clamour and the crowd, a figure moved with purpose.

Ria, her raven-black hair neatly tied under a weathered sailor's cap, her attire fashioned to mimic a boy's, threaded through the bustling streets. It had been a risky escape, her heart still racing from the close call with the slave ship's guards. She had managed to steal a small bag of coins from her oppressors, her hands trembling with a mixture of exhilaration and fear.

The sensation of solid ground beneath feet was surreal after weeks spent swaying with the rhythms of the ocean her legs wobbled as she stepped onto the dock,

The bustling activity of the port was overwhelming – merchants hawking their wares, crew members scurrying about with crates and barrels, and the distant chatter of foreign languages.

She took a moment to savor the feeling of stability, to relish in the sensation of being on firm ground as she gazed over the colourful market stalls, the grand architecture, and the unfamiliar faces of the locals. It was as if a whole new world had opened up before her as she explored it

The narrow alleyway was cloaked in shadows, the air thick with tension as Ria navigated the labyrinthine streets of the city. Her raven-black hair was hidden beneath the brim of her cap, her green eyes sharp and wary. As she turned a corner, her senses tingled—a premonition that trouble was close at hand.

From the darkness emerged a trio of thugs, their faces twisted into malicious grins. "Well, well, what have we got here?" one of them sneered, stepping forward with a menacing swagger. "Looks like we've got ourselves an unsuspecting victim."

Ria's heart quickened, her fingers instinctively tightening around the hilt of a concealed blade. She assessed the situation—the odds were against her, but she wasn't one to back down without a fight.

"Hand over your valuables, sweetheart," another thug growled, the glint of a dagger catching the dim light. "And maybe we'll let you go without a scratch."

Ria's lips curved into a wry smile, her mind racing as she weighed her options. With a deft motion, she let her illusion dreamer power unfurl, its invisible tendrils weaving through the thugs' perceptions.

In the blink of an eye, their expressions shifted from smug confidence to bewilderment. Ria's power painted a vivid illusion before them—a second group of robbers, menacing and heavily armed, appearing from the opposite end of the alley.

"What the hell? Who are you guys?" one of the original thugs stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

The imaginary robbers advanced, their illusory footsteps echoing off the walls. Ria's heart pounded as she maintained her focus, allowing the illusion to take hold.

"Looks like you've wandered into our territory," one of the imaginary robbers snarled, his voice dripping with false bravado. "And it seems you are trying to take our prey eh?."

As the two groups of thugs faced off, their confusion turned to heated argument. Accusations flew, tempers flared, and Ria's illusion spun a chaotic web of deception.

Amidst the chaos, Ria seized her opportunity. Her agile fingers danced over the thugs' pockets, a quick swipe of her knife she snatched their ill-gotten gains one by one. She moved with the grace of a shadow, her movements quick and precise, her illusion dreamer helped conceal her actions

As the imaginary confrontation escalated, Ria completed her stealthy theft, her pockets now heavier with the thugs' ill-gotten spoils. With a final, triumphant smirk, she retreated further into the shadows, her steps silent and sure.

The argument among the thugs continued, oblivious to the fact that they were now missing more than just their dignity. Ria's heart raced as she rounded a corner, her escape assured, and the echo of their voices fading behind her.

Once a safe distance away, Ria finally allowed herself a triumphant exhale. She couldn't help but chuckle softly to herself, the rush of the moment mingling with a sense of satisfaction.

As she vanished into the labyrinthine streets, she carried with her fat pouches of money


The inn she entered was alive with laughter, music, and the clinking of tankards. It was a stark contrast to the quiet nights at sea yet in the shadowy corner of the inn's common room,

Ria slipped into a seat, eyes scanning the room for any suspicious glances. She counted the coins she had managed to steal, lips pressing into a thin line as she calculated how long they would last her.

The inn's walls were adorned with nautical artefacts, faded maps, and tales of far-off lands whispered by the sea. Ria's green eyes lingered on a particularly detailed map, imagining herself standing on distant shores, far away from the chains of her past. Her thoughts, however, were interrupted by the innkeeper's gruff voice.

"New in town, lad?" the innkeeper asked, eyeing her curiously. Ria nodded, affecting a voice deeper than her own, and ordered a modest meal to avoid suspicion. As the innkeeper shuffled away, her mind wandered to the events of the day.

She had escaped that dreaded slave ship, her heart pounding like the waves crashing against the shore. Clinging to the memory of the wheel's whispered promise of freedom, Ria had seized the opportunity, donned the disguise of a boy, and disappeared into the seaport's labyrinthine alleys.

Her thoughts drifted to the first time she had discovered her unique ability—illusionary dreamer, With a mere thought, she could manipulate the perceptions of another's senses, creating vivid illusions that were so convincing, they could be mistaken for reality. It was a power that had both awed and terrified her, its potential for deceit and salvation locked in a delicate dance.

She had used her power to feign her way onto the ship, her appearance shifting just enough to deceive the slavers. As her fingers traced the rim of the coin purse, her heart ached with the burden of her circumstances.

She yearned for a life free from the chains of slavery, free to explore the realms beyond her imagination unfortunately her first attempt left her and her caravan captured by slavers

With a sigh, she glanced towards the inn's window, where the moon cast a silvery glow over the restless waves. Determination kindled within her, a spark that refused to be extinguished. No longer content with merely surviving, she yearned to thrive, to uncover the mysteries that awaited her beyond the horizon.

As she savoured her meagre meal, she allowed herself a moment of hope, letting her dreams intertwine with the salty air that whispered of adventure. Ria knew that the journey ahead would be treacherous, but she was ready to face whatever challenges awaited her.

Over the next few days, she explored the town. Ria couldn't believe the diversity, the industry, the colour. He loved everything. The streets were wide and fairly clean, though pigs and chickens and dogs ran hither and thither.

The buildings were one or two stories, covered with salt-streaked shingles and clapboards, with painted doors and icons dotting the walls. The shops bore painted signs. The ale bars were crammed with sailors and merchants and farmers and artisans. The docks were heaped with goods unloaded from long graceful galleys and boxy cogs.

Workshops lay open, so she watched horses being shod, ships being streaked, fish being gutted, candles being dipped, cloth being dyed.

She bought foods she'd never tasted. Fresh ocean fish and greens fried in olive oil. Lamb roasted with onions. Honeyed squash

Huge chunks of rock crystal that proved to be cane sugar dipped on string.

While on her way back to the inn she silently went to the harbour she had to check since she can't breathe easy till the Slavers were gone silently she wondered if the crew had searched for her maybe they might think she drowned or something and leave even though the crew (except those Whippers) wre friendly enough she wasn't too eager to stay in that slave ship

Today the Slave ship had left early morning she was finally free