
Who are you really?

I just couldn't believe anything. I just wanted to know who Isabella was. I couldn't shake that Isabella has to be my mom. I hesitated at first but I walked to the door and screamed out "Isabella". I then heard loud stomping foot steps approach my door. I stepped back. My mother was holding a long brown wooden stick. and she said to me "I'll teach you to keep your mouth shut and mind your business you little snoping pig". My mom raised the stick and hit me hard on my back. The pain was unbearable tears poured out my eyes. she then began striking me wherever she could. After what seemed liked forever she stopped and said "that will teach you to mind your mother". she then told me to stand and I barely could my arms and legs was covered with stripes. I was in so much pain she said "Isabella you and Annie need to hush up". My name was Abigail and there was nobody else in this room but that doll. I was scared I didn't know why she called me Isabella. She then left and locked the door. I limped to my bed. My body ached all over my eyes were swollen red from all the crying I had been doing. I layed down painfully down.