
What is a Saint?

Who gets to decide what is right, or what is wrong? What makes stealing wrong? What makes murder evil? Are there really no grey lines? "Their faces, their bodies, her body, all of it began to haunt my mind..." What is a Saint? Saints are supposed to be powerful beings that help people, and yet... Why are there rumors of one extorting a poor family? Why are there rumors of another forcefully stealing married women? Why are there rumors of several who enjoy torturing people, as well as colluding with the very things they've sworn to eradicate? ●~●~●~●~ The synopsis is pretty short, but allow me to simplify what the story will be like. This story is meant to be one where the MC mentally & physically grows stronger. There will be a strong emphasis on morality, and a fair share of gore. The MC will at times be naive, but hey, growth! I'm not sure what else to add, but please know there will be NO HAREM. Whether or not there will be romance... I'll leave it up to Chris ;) ●~●~●~●~ Extra's! 1. This is my entry into 2022 WSA, so it would be nice if you support this & give me any feedback! 2. Upload speed will be a minimum of one chapter per day, with 2 being the average. I will write more depending on demand. 3. If you want to contact me, then either write a comment or add me on discord via: dSaruk#0413

dSaruk7 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Just Another Week

Opening my eyes to yet another day, I struggle to get off from bed as I've been trained to death by my father last night.

How'd I even get to bed? I can't remember, but I'm guessing my dad carried me back, huh.

Either way, what followed was the usual morning routine of cleaning myself up.

Not soon after, I was called by my mother, and since I wasn't really doing anything, I came right to her. Standing next to her was my father, Nikolai, and a couple of more men who seem trained, though they were behind Nikolai instead of with him. My parents greeted me while a smile as did Nikolai.

"Good morning, dear." The gentle voice of my mother sounded amidst the discussion they were having. "Hey mom, dad, and uncle Nikolai." Honestly, if not for my mother's smile, I would have thought something was wrong, as the air was tense and my father seemed worried about something. "Well, honey, remember how next week is your coming of age?"

I didn't. I had no idea I would be turning 15 so soon, but naturally, I pretended otherwise. "Oh, yes! What about it?" It was then that my father spoke instead. "Well, since you'll be coming of age a week from now, on your birthday, we will be making a trip to Aysgarth to get you registered with the Hunter's Guild."

Before I had a chance to even retort, my mother spoke again. "Since you can now handle a sword, it's only natural to get experience using it, don't you think so, Chris?" Nikolai couldn't help but pinch his two silvers either. "Yeah kid, it's important to know how to handle a beast, especially consideri-"

He then suddenly stopped and as my eyes darted towards the perpetrators, I watched both my mother and father give him a glare, silencing him. Of course, I was really confused about why that happened, but... I pretended not to care and moved on with the conversation. "B-but... must it be done on my birthday?" I'm not really sure why those words even came out of my mouth, but I did feel an aching telling me that going somewhere, wasn't what I wanted for my coming of age.

What I heard next was an answer I expected. A unilateral "Yes." escaped my parent's mouths at the same time. "Then... Surely we will celebrate after we return from Aysgarth, yes?" It was my mother who spoke then. "Of course."

Satisfied with the answer I got, the notion of leaving Grimsby for a couple of days didn't seem so bad anymore. With that, my parents would shoo me off as they continued whatever their previous discussion was, before my arrival. I was plenty curious, and was even tempted to listen in, it's just that... my mother isn't exactly going to allow me to do that after sensing me nearby.

As such, I simply left, with my thoughts kept to myself.

The coming of age is considered to be whenever you turn 15, and that applies to both boys, and girls. I'm turning 15 next week, Thursday; and if I'm not mistaken, Elise has hers on the same day of the week, but 2 weeks later.

When one turns 15, they gain various rights. At age 15, kids can enroll into academies (needless to say they're all based around swordsmanship). Though perhaps more importantly than that, kids who become of age can legally participate in hunts as well as defend settlements.

To put it in a different perspective, unless you're of age, it is illegal to involve yourself I'm combat unless it is a life-threatening situation.

As such, during Beast Tides or related events, anyone who isn't of age is typically gathered and kept out of the fighting under the safety of a couple of protectors.

Becoming of age quite often meant taking apt more responsibility, and if you were an only child, it was practically guaranteed that you become the head of the family.

It didn't take long for me to stop my wandering as I find myself back in my room. Taking another look around, I really can't help but smile as I gaze upon the collection of my books with affection.

There were a variety, books about history, other records, books about arithmetic, about culture... Plenty.

And the more I looked, the more I realized, just how proud I am to have read dozens of these books. Proud of the knowledge I possess.

Proud of not being a brute who doesn't care about the world and it's origins.

Hello folks! If this feels like it's taking too long, please, trust me when I say this is necessary and you won't regret it!

If this chapter feels short, then understand that it is intentional!

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