
What a mess

Two families. An arranged marriage. What could possibly go wrong? A story filled with love, laughter and lots of embarrassment. _________________________________________________ "You can't find someone so pretty, smart, funny, stubborn, mature, childlike, fearless, shy, insecure, emotional, no bullshit; all at the same time." "You're like a broken compass. You are either happy or just fucking annoyed with everything. Either way, you don't know exactly how you feel and what you want." Despite not wanting to get married, when Naira's family insists her to tie the knot, she decides to give Ayan a chance. Cocky, friendly, and extremely attractive, he shares an unlikely trail of secrets that haunt his past and come knocking down his present. Getting kidnapped, temporarily adopting a seven-year-old, attending a marriage, making new friends... Naira does it all. Amid all the chaos, she'll find not only love but also herself. "Your laugh wrinkles your forehead. It touches my foolish heart." "You're like a book I keep on reading but can't remember. Every time I read, I find a new section, a new paragraph, a new sentence." _________________________________________________ The characters are both Indian and reside in Delhi as of now.

Drapetomaniac12 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
149 Chs

Day 4 (I)

"You radiate happiness. I look at you, and... I smile."


"Why did you eat my Oreos?" Rudy snarls.

Um... why is he in my room in the middle of the night?

I groan and get up, blinking at him.

"What-" I start but am cut off when Ayan gestures me to shut up.

How dare he?

Sasha grits her teeth, "She didn't take your bloody Oreos, you idiot." She then turns to Zubair, "Is this some kind of joke?"

Zubair gives her a bored look, "You think I would wake up this early for... HIS OREOS?"

I watch them with my mouth agape. What's going on?

Ayan seems to notice my bafflement. He moves the cushions away and whispers, "They just barged in the room, arguing a while ago. Something to do with Rudy's Oreos."

Before I can open my mouth, Cole appears at the door, with Emily beside him. "He has still not found them?"

"Shut your damn mouth," Rudy chides Cole. "This is a matter of life and death!"


Matter of life and death?

Weren't they talking about... OREOS!!!!!???

I was listening to them wide-eyed when Rudy is interrupted by a smack on his head.

"Can you be serious for once?" Sasha yells at him.

Rudy grins and plops down on the floor. "I'm not moving till I get my Oreos. I was planning to eat them tonight but somebody stole them." Then he narrows his eyes at all of us. "One of you is an Oreo thief. Just confess, I will forgive your petty self."

"That's it? You just want a bloody confession?" Sasha glares at him. "Fine, I took them. What will you do?"

Rudy glances at Sasha. His look is purely murderous.


I flinch when he shouts and cover my ears. I just woke up... for this bullshit?

Rudy shakes Sasha's shoulders frantically and we all look at him in shock.

Does he have a death wish?


In a nanosecond, he's lying on the floor again, covering his nose.

"Try that again and you'll be lying in a pool of your own blood," Sasha snarls at him and leaves the room, shoving Zubair aside harshly.

Rudy pouts and gets up to his feet. "But my Oreos-" he whines.

I sigh and mutter under my breath, "I'll buy you Oreos in the afternoon. Can you wait for a few hours, please?" I plead with him.

He takes a second to decide.

After all, it's a matter of life and death, isn't it?

He grins and then walks up to me, encasing me in a hug. My body is crushed in his tight embrace.

"Can't breathe," I mutter.

"Why are you all still here?" Ayan steps in, looking pointedly at Rudy, "leave."

Rudy sighs and pulls away. "What is the rush? Unless you both are busy...." Then he grins, "Just don't forget to use protection. I don't want to be an uncle at such a young age."

I throw a cushion, aiming right at his face.

Well, I try to, it hits Cole instead.

"Sorry," I mumble, sheepishly.

He smiles at me but doesn't say anything. Emily on the other hand starts giggling.

When they all have left, I snuggle in the sheets when my face collides with a cushion.

"And that's how you aim, baby," Ayan grins and curtsies.

"Ayan," I whine.

"Sorry, sunflower." He unlocks his phone and then says, "It's almost 5. You wanna have breakfast?"

I hesitate but say yes nonetheless. "Okay, let me shower quickly."


"Hey, buddy." I sit beside Rudy. "What's wrong?"

It is late afternoon. We all are at the beach, sitting on the sand, gazing at the sea.

Eh... not all. Ayan is currently talking (to be honest, flirting) with a girl. He keeps passing her flirtatious smiles and grins at me whenever we make eye contact.

What the hell does he want?

I shake my head and focus on Rudy. Rudy is being all quiet and serious and somehow that bothers me.

He rolls his eyes. "Why do you care?" he sighs, "I know you hate me."

I glance at him seriously before cracking a small smile and turning back to gaze at the ocean. "I don't hate you silly. I consider you my friend."

An annoying friend. But I don't say that.

He gives me a cheerful smile, "Really?"

I nod. "So what's bothering you?"

He smiles sadly, "Sasha doesn't like my company."

I grin at him. "Like your company or like you?"

"Hmm, that," he states uncertainly.

"Rudy," I hold his gaze, "She is... complicated. She would never say it out loud. I guess, you just have to wait till she figures out her feelings."

"But she never shows any sign only!"

"Are you sure?" I grin at him. "Look carefully, you'll see a lot of signs."

He stares at me, dumbfounded. "You're kinda smart. I can see why Ayan is interested in you."

I purse my lips in a thin line. "He's not."

I cock my head in his direction. Rudy follows my gaze and smirks.

"Oh, Naira. Sweet Naira." He pats my head comfortingly. "He is trying to get a reaction out of you."

I roll my eyes but glance at Ayan again. He's leaning close to that girl's face and whispering something in her ear. He must have felt my piercing gaze because he makes eye contact with me. His eyes have a wicked glint and he winks at me mockingly.

I avert my gaze and glare at the sand.


"Naira," Rudy gives me a sideway glance, "he did one mistake though. He forgot that every action has an equal reaction."

I give him a flat look.

Uh, yeah? Is he daft in the head?

"Why don't you interrupt them and show him his place?"

"But how will I-" he cuts me off and shoves me. "You'll figure it out, smartypants."

I get up and glance at him warily. He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Go tiger. Give them hell!" he says, giving me a thumbs up.

Ah, here goes nothing.

Hope you liked the chapter.

What do you think Naira's going to do? xD

Thanks for reading :)

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