
Werewolf Diaries

Conner could be considered a delinquent, if your version of a delinquent was a random student who thrashed people who needed it. Conner was a sickly person who was picked on, even through he was sick, something in him wouldn’t let them beat him. So he fought, he fought until he completely reformed the school. He lived for thrill, now that it was over…What else could he do now.

Though_that_then · Filem
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Louise’s Refusal

Joseph and Mary Sighed

"Are you also after our son?" Mary spoke in a calm voice, but the sounds of her fist clenching could be heard in the room by everyone. They both were a somewhat dissappointed, they were extremely glad that their son found someone, or rather a group of sisters…they didn't judge him.

Joseph fist could be heard after she clenched her fist. They were all to familar with these crazy types of people.

Aeila was the first to speak

"Yes, but not in the way to think…we just want him to join our pack, as wolves." Aeila said, she didn't want to cause any trouble with the two…they most likely would be her parents in the future.

All four eyes of Conner's parents narrowed

"Really? That's similar to what the other people said." Joseph remembered some things from the past.

"Other people?" Question marks appeared above the heads of every one of the four sister.

"Yes, other people. Many others have tried to do what they call "Research" and "Tests" on our son. Some claimed to be angels, yet they took our son. Some claimed to be vampires, yet they tried to adopt our son. When those "Angels" took him…the law did nothing. So we took it in our own hands, we searched and searched until we found a person to help us. We of course didn't believe it, but it was better than nothing. Long short to short story, we got our son back. The person didn't take any money, they just laughed and left. But even after all that, we had to keep taking him to different hospitals, we didn't want to lose our son." Every sentence Mary spoke, you could hear anger in her voice rise.

Conner was shocked at the sudden infomation dump, he never knew this.

"…" The four girls said nothing.

Slience hung in the house air, Joseph broke the slience…he wanted to know…

"So, are you coming to take our son." Joseph was ready, even if they were high school girls in his eyes, he had seen far worse. He once saw a little girl, she couldn't have been older than ten, she moved liked a blur and snatched his Conner away, Conner at the time, wasn't even at the age of one. So it was natural that he didn't remember such a thing.

This time a unexpected thing happened…a unexpected person spoke…it wasn't Aeila, Haith, nor was it Aera…It was the Tsundere, Louise.

"No!" The tsundere who was extremely worried yelled out before standing

She grew fearful each passing second, even if she never admitted it outloud, she really, really, really, really liked Conner. Even if they didn't speak everyday…the actions he did alone, were more than enough to mellow her tsundere heart. So, from the way his parents spoke, it frightened her to her strong and prideful core, she thought that they would never allow her to see him again. So in a panic, she yelled out and stood up on instinct…her fear of never seeing him again, had already overshadowed her extreme tsundere antics.

Everyone's eyes suddenly looked of at Louise, her three sisters eyes were extremely wide. They couldn't believe what they were seeing

"…" The room was slient again, they waited to her what Louise was going to say, but not even Louise knew what she was going to say…so she just said whatever came to mind.

"I want your son! I don't want to take him! Please give him to me!…Even if he doesn't join, don't take him from me!" The tsundere was already red, but she keep speaking. Her legs were already weak, but she stood her ground. Her eyes were red, but you could see the honesty and light inside of them.She would rather flush away her nature than part from him.

Her words were like tape to everyone mouth's…no one dared to interupt the wolf named Louise. They felt that if they did, such a thing may never happened again.

A smile formed on the faces of Joseph and Mary…they couldn't hide them even if they trained under actors for decades.

Joseph was the first to laugh

"Hahahaha! How could I refuse that? Conner…you better not every mess that up." Joseph was extremely serious right now, despite him laughing. Even he never did so much in front of his wife's parents, not only did he now admire the girl named Louise, but he trusted her more. Maybe it was during the time he spent during his olden days, maybe it was the time he saw a guy asking to join him on his adventure. To him, the girl in front passed that guy by killometers. The light he saw in that boy's eyes fell short when compared to this girl.

Mary was the next to speak…

"He can join." Mary said simply, even her high standards were touched by the girl. She didn't know how to even refute the girl…she felt like a proud mother….the feeling was strong.

Louise's face flushed red, she sat down in a hurry. She glanced over a Conner, before she turned away.

"Hmph!" She put on a indifferent expression, she seemed like she didn't care when she really did, now everyone in the room knew one thing.

This Girl Was In Love.