
Were in the world

slow at first but later will speed up after School. This is another world isekai type short novel. after school is finished we'll more about the transition will be revealed after chapter 7 some things may get more adult.

Bad_Grandpa · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

9 Crazy year

My language classes are much simpler with no outrageous stuff there.

my economics and business classes have a few complications with several of the textbooks written by people who never knew business or only engaged in economics through politics.

political bias is a crappy way to educate.

Truth before political affiliations is the best.

However some people see only one side of issues which only gives a limited amount of education.

I've been living business for 7 years and I can and have encouraged economics directions through my money and business endeavors.

My companies are running 1 trillion dollars plus profits. and we sink the monies into local economics and education.

The country of Malden and the hospital I woke in have both benefited from my rescue and education.

With mine and other Kin businesses the international banking community has included Malden into the Top 5 international banking Countries.

I keep out of that stuff, my diversity of businesses are Technical as for Banking I'm actually lost in.

I have several whole teams to work law, financial and accounting.

Because of mine and others efforts Malden now has a 1st world tech foundation and with its tourism industry is definitely a place that is enjoyable to the Rich, Famous and Aspiring.

With a heavy background of Kin working behind the scenes for generations.

With my wholly-owned subsidiary T's international under Cabe technologies.

I'm actually untouchable in Malden.

It's actually fun to have police Traffic helicopters direct me around heavy traffic.

My Family are Celebrities.

Dr. Han is now because of my contributions to Mandy Memorial Hospital is The executive director of Emergency services.

And Mandy is now considered a top international hospital and now a Medical School as well.

My girls don't know yet but I purchased a tropical resort island in Mandy for our Permanent Terran home.

I do at some points concede that my personal businesses could be considered a business and economic aberration to an extent.

However I will argue that at times the exception proves the rule.

Serves you right is what the girls told me when I said what Mandy did in computer class.

So Mandy got a lot of kisses immediately when I got home with a very sincere apology.

Mandy: Your teacher are sharp picking me out and attaching us together.

Just keep it low key, Kay?. Good, let's wash and eat dinner is cooking 35 minutes till serving.

After a quick community bath we get to dinner just as everything is getting served.

We do have a few hand picked Were Kin staff.

Since Mandy can't do everything with aslo being part of my cyber security fo T's she did hire a few older Kin widows to help around the condominium.

we do a jog through town all 7 of us Mandy has power but not speed specifically she does keep up though.

after our 10 kilometer run we all go home to shower off and get to homework assignments.

I'm hoping if I think of business law as an entirely new language I can kill this course.

Well that didn't go as planned.

With all of us logged into our dinning room table we can network all of our assignments helping each other.

with 7 of us, That does include Mandy due to her experience helping out.

We knock out everyone's homework easily before an early bed time.

Being Kin my mating bites heal quickly on my girls.

snacks, showers and long make out sessions I think may be a normal occurrence.

in a few weeks we'll check with a Kin Dr. for conceptions.

Although the girls and especially Mandy believe I have fathered children to all 6 the first night.

Mandy did retire as a Shaman so I won't disagree with her conclusions.

Apparently we can go back to normal dinners with plenty of meat, vegetables and salads followed later with nice desserts.

Waking in the morning to making pit is fun, just let me wake up first.

I'm not the most cognizant individual when I first wake so being the subject of some if my wives newly awakened libidos is definitely new.

I have been informed that this has been a fantasy of several of my wives for a while and to keep up please.

I get it however this means Waking earlier we're still in school.

and we do need proper sleep to succeed.

although in 9 more months we will be getting the help of several Kin clans to take pressure off of my girls why we continue with school.

Even if we don't actually Need the degrees we still want them just to show that we can and did get them and use our time also networking with other students and teachers for future contacts and connections.

As the weeks go by Katrina and Katelyn as well as Mandy for some reason lose some of their libido while Lilly, Bella and Annie make up for it and then some.

As the weeks go by we get into the swing of things at the University and take weekends at Kin residences for obstacle courses to keep our bodies in shape and keep our mental health focused.

the girls are really good at keeping their bodies in shape for the new up coming members.

Mandy actually taught me to sense the new lives the girls are carrying.

I can sense bright healthy and pure life growing inside of the girls.

I'm happy with being a father to be.

School work is actually not difficult when we have 7 people working the problems.

so for now we're actually kicking ass in our school work and with Mandy helping with the company and Mr. Cabe networked in the company is getting even stronger and more connected.

Mandy has even created a nutritional and psychological health division for space sustainability which is also being used for farming development and mental heal on Terra as well.

Creating innovation that will help down here as well as up there.

We actually don't want to get too far afield with business diversity but this will be helpful.

We are doing what we can with school as a priority and business as secondary.

We want our children to be at want for nothing and have a future that reaches as high as they can grab.

Giving my family the moon or a moon is so close to being an eventually its actually quite scary.


Too soon another year will be coming to a close and several crying little bundles of joy that constantly need attention are finally here.

Luckily no twins this time around

Annie, Katelyn and Mandy had boys.

Katrina, Lilly and Bella had girls.

Birth is much too soon to tell power and such except for I and Mandy as Shaman can tell they will all be moms races.

Though at this time they all appear human as all Kin do.

I thought it interesting that Lilly gave birth live instead of egg like birds do but was taught by the Eagles Shaman that the human form take precedence during birth.

Around 5 years old they will start to incorporate their animal selves into becoming Kin.

Since the Shamans of each race gave to kids and mothers clean bills of health I'm definitely feeling good physically, mentally and emotionally.

Now on to completing year one.

Anthony and Barry have become comfortable with Ghost popping up in screens in the computer lab.

The have even enjoyed making assignments around trying to keep Ghost out.

Only I know Ghost is a girl, the twin teachers suspect but don't know definitively.

They would freak if they knew she is my wife and have a son off of her.

* I find myself falling through the air in a violent storm. Wind throws me about as rain soaks me and lightning scares the crap out of me.*