
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 9: Reflections

"Oh shit, what did I do last night?" Kelrian muttered. He opened his eyes, closing them immediately as he noticed that everything was spinning around him. He turned around and buried his face in his pillow, hoping that this would make the world stop spinning around him. He tried to remember what had happened the previous day but he didn't remember much.

There was a celebration. He had sat at a table with his friends. They had talked and drunk a lot of alcohol, at least everyone but him. Then he had met Sylvanas and followed her to this balcony. He was not sure if he remembered correctly that Sylvanas had kissed him after they had talked for a while. He tried to remember harder, coming to the conclusion that it was true that Sylvanas had kissed him.

He turned his head a little, touching his lips with the tips of his fingers. He could still feel Sylvanas' lips on his. Her soft, warm and full lips. He still remembered how her lipstick had tasted. It had tasted after peaches. He was also remembering the lovely smells of her perfume and her hair. He was one hundred percent sure that Sylvanas had kissed him but he was not sure if she had done it because she had really wanted it or because the alcohol had led her to do that.

If it was not the alcohol this could mean that she had feelings for him. Kelrian shook his head, pressing his face against the pillow again. No, there was no way Sylvanas Windrunner was interested in him. He was just an ordinary ranger while she was a legend. There was no way Sylvanas would want something from an ordinary ranger. He had heard rumours that Sylvanas hadn't had a male lover in sixty years. Not to mention the rumours about her and her best friend Verena.

Maybe she wasn't interested in men. Maybe she was really interested in women and this kiss had just been an accident. An accident caused by the large amount of alcohol Sylvanas had consumed.

Kelrian shook his head once again, burying his face deeper in his pillow. No, this didn't make sense either. Sylvanas wouldn't show so much interest in him and wouldn't favour him if she wouldn't feel something for him, wouldn't she?

Kelrian had no clue what he should think about this entire situation. He had no clue what was right and what was wrong. Maybe he was misinterpreting things. He was not sure about everything which concerned Sylvanas.

He decided that it was the best to not approach her about the previous day. He would wait that Sylvanas would say something, if not he will just forget that it happened and never speak about it.

He turned around after a while, sighing out in relief when he noticed that the world around him wasn't spinning anymore. He still had a bad headache but at least he was able to recognize his surroundings.

He tried to remember what happened after the kiss but there was nothing but darkness. He didn't remember what had happened after the kiss. There was nothing. A lot could have happened.

Maybe it was better not to remember what had happened after the kiss. He had been drunk so the chances were high that he had done something he would be ashamed of if he would know about it.

He got up after a while, walking to the mirror next to his wardrobe. He regarded himself, noticing that he was wearing nothing at all. Why was he naked? Did he walk home alone or did someone bring him to Liadrin's house?

He hoped that he had managed to walk home alone, otherwise it would be very awkward, considering that he must have stripped off his clothes before going to bed. He was just hoping that no one had seen him undressing before going to bed. He shook his head slightly as he decided to not think about this anymore. He came to the conclusion that it was the best to stop thinking about what happened yesterday and just leave it behind him. The best was if he would act as if nothing had happened.

He opened his wardrobe and pulled out underwear, socks and his recruit uniform. He got dressed and left his room quickly, walking to the kitchen. A surprised expression appeared on his face when he spotted a familiar person sitting at the table. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm living here, silly" responded Liadrin with a small smile on her lips. She had crossed one of her legs over the other and was sipping on a cup of tea.

"I know that but I... Never mind. I'm just surprised to see you here right now. I thought you are working for Sylvanas' main team from Monday to Friday"

"I am but yesterday was the celebration which all recruits who had passed and all instructors have attended. Whenever such a celebration takes place all Farstriders and priests who have attended the celebration have a day off to recover from the many glasses and bottles of alcohol they have consumed" Liadrin explained.

"But you didn't attend the celebration, didn't you?" he asked as he took a seat opposite to her.

"I didn't attend the celebration that's right but the rest of my team did. Sylvanas could have sent me to a hospital to take care of the injured and sick but instead, she gave me the day off so I could look after you"

Kelrian took an apple and regarded it for a short moment before he took a bite. "As you can see, I'm fine" he spoke with a half-full mouth.

She chuckled, giving him a teasing grin. "Are you sure about that?"

He nodded in return.

"You weren't fine yesterday when the Ranger-General brought you home"

Kelrian spat out the pieces of apple he was chewing on when he heard what his cousin had just said. "Excuse me?" he asked, leaning forward. He regarded Liadrin with widened eyes, hoping that she was joking about this.

But she was not joking about this. She meant it seriously and she told him this.

"What happened exactly?" he asked.

"Well, shortly after midnight someone knocked at the door. I was tired and half asleep when I opened the door to look who was disturbing me at this late hour. It was a very drunk Ranger-General with her very drunk subordinate. I didn't protest as she brought you up to your room and left an hour later"

"She left an hour later?" asked Kelrian. His voice was a bit louder and filled with irritation and surprise.

"She did"

"What did she do while she was in my room?"

"I have no clue. I didn't dare to ask and I was too tired, to be honest. You should be the one who should answer this question"

"I have no clue what happened after... after..."

"After what?" asked Liadrin, raising an eyebrow as she gave him a curious look.

"After... I talked to her privately"

"You talked to her privately?"

"Why are you grinning like this?" asked Kelrian, pointing at the teasing grin on Liadrin's lips.

She giggled, patting his shoulder playfully. "I don't know what you are talking about"

"Of course, you do" exclaimed Kelrian. It was unmistakable that he was not amused at this very moment.

"Ah, c' mon, Kel. You know that I'm just making fun of you. Don't be such a sourpuss"

"I'm not a sourpuss" he responded quietly. He took a banana from the fruit plate in front of him and started to peel it.

Liadrin regarded her cousin while sulking. She was wondering why Sylvanas herself had carried him home. She could have sent one of her rangers to bring him home. She was also wondering why she had stayed in his room for an hour.

What did they do there? Did they...? No, Sylvanas wouldn't take advantage of a drunk man, even though she liked him, wouldn't she? Kelrian was her subordinate after all. On the other hand, Liadrin had never seen Sylvanas so drunk before. Normally, the Ranger-General didn't drink much so she could control her actions. But yesterday she had been so drunk. This meant that everything could be possible.

Maybe Kelrian knew something but he didn't want to tell it for some reason. Maybe it embarrassed him too much, so he had decided to not tell anyone about it. Liadrin wanted to know so badly what had happened yesterday but she knew that she wouldn't get any information from him if she would pressure him. Maybe she could involve him in a conversation and elicit a few information. Maybe she could find out something. Maybe she didn't find out anything but she could try it at least.

She put her hand on his, caressing it softly. She waited until he lifted his head and looked at her. "So, you don't remember what happened yesterday after she brought you home?"

He shook his head. "I can't remember what happened after I talked with her at the celebration"

"I didn't remember that you like to drink so much"

"I normally don't drink alcohol but... I don't know... Lady Windrunner convinced me to try a sip. The sip turned into a whole glass which turned into many glasses. I don't know why I drank so many of them. If only I knew the reason for that"

"I think I know the reason and I can understand it"

Kelrian tilted his head, giving her a questionable look. "What do you mean?"

She chuckled about his innocence. "C'mon, I'm not the only one who has noticed the way you look at her and the way she looks at you"

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

Liadrin chuckled once again, shaking her head amused while smiling. "I guess it's better if you find out for yourself what you are for Sylvanas"

"I'm her recruit, that's all I am to her"

"Sure, you are but you are also her favourite recruit. I think she really likes you. And with really I really mean REALLY"

"If you say so" he responded quietly and looked at his fingers.

Was Liadrin serious about this? Was she telling him the truth or was she just mocking him like she usually did from time to time? No, he wouldn't believe that. Liadrin loved to make jokes about him from time to time but she would never about something which involved others. She would never give false hints about people who had feelings for Kelrian. She had never made jokes when he had met his first girlfriend. She had supported him and given him tips on how to talk to women. She would never give him false hopes. She was always honest with him.

So, this could only mean that Sylvanas was really feeling something for him, at least Liadrin was interpreting that. Kelrian was still unsure about his feelings nor was he sure if Sylvanas was really feeling something for him. But the kiss and these comments from Liadrin...

Kelrian was so confused at this very moment. Maybe she was feeling something for him and maybe he was feeling something for her but what would that mean for Sylvanas and him?

He couldn't just confess to her and start a relationship with her. Sylvanas was one of the most famous persons of Quel'Thalas. He would stand in the midpoint if people would find out about their relationship. There would be many people who would be jealous of him and maybe treat him differently in a negative way. Not to mention that Sylvanas would also be focused. People would talk about them but not always positively. People will say that he had only gotten his spot in Sylvanas' trainee squad because she had feelings for him and not because he deserved it. Kelrian was sure that he would manage to handle such gossips but he was not sure if Sylvanas would. He was worried that something between them would cause troubles for her.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Liadrin who patted his shoulder softly. "I've given you many tips about women in general. I don't think a relationship with Sylvanas is impossible but it would be more difficult than your previous relationship. But first, you have to think about yourself and your feelings for Sylvanas. I know you feel something for her, you just need to figure out what exactly you feel. You need to be one hundred percent sure about everything before you do the next step. A secret relationship would be the best solution. Think about it and don't hesitate to come to me if you have found out what you feel for her"

"I will " responded Kelrian as he stood up. "Thanks for your advice, Liadrin"

"Where are you going?" the priestess asked curiously.

"I just want to catch some fresh air and get my head clear so I could think about what you just told me"

"Okay, see you soon I guess" she responded and waved at him. He waved back, giving her a small smile before he walked to out of the kitchen.


*Her hand reached out for his, caressing it softly as soon as she got it. Her lips placed soft kisses over the length of his ear. Her wet body was pressed against his so she could feel the warmth which was radiated by his body. Her other hand rested on his belly, caressing his stomach muscles. She intertwined her fingers with his and began to kiss his neck softly as her other hand travelled downwards until it reached the waistband of his pants. She didn't hesitate to take the big thing in her hands which was already waiting to be touched. The corners of her lips formed a smile when her ears recognized the low moan which had escaped his lips. She loved to be the aggressive one. She loved to be the one who initiated everything. She loved to be the one who was having the active part.

She loved to be in control so she really enjoyed when she pleasured the man next to her. His moans were music for her ears and the faces, he made when she satisfied him, were priceless. Sylvanas was working wonders with her skilled fingers. He really enjoyed it but he didn't want that their love-making would be one-sided. He wanted to do something for her. He wanted to return her service. He took her hands away from his private part then he put them over her head and tied them together. She gave him a confused look but he ignored that and made the next step.

She noticed too late that his hand had moved downwards and was now resting between her legs. He was rubbing her through the fabric of her blue panties. He was very good at what he was doing, causing that a low moan escaped the Ranger-General's lips. Her moans became louder as he removed her panties and started to caress her southern lips with his skilled fingers. He pressed his thumb on her love bud, causing that a wave of pleasure was built up in her slowly. The wave became stronger as his fingers slipped in her wet folds and started to penetrate them. The single low moans which had escaped her lips from time to time turned into a melody of moans which was loud and echoed through the room.

In the end, she couldn't take it anymore. The wave of pleasure hit her hard, causing that her entire body trembled in excitement. She smiled and looked at the man she loved as she rode out her orgasm.

She stared at the fingers right in front of her face which were covered by her climax. But these fingers weren't Kelrian's fingers. He was not even in the same room as Sylvanas. He was not naked nor did he lie in her bed. Only Sylvanas herself laid in her bed with nothing on except for her birthday suit. She was panting heavily, exhausted but also satisfied by the orgasm she just had.*

She realized soon enough that the hand which had pleasured her was her own. She blushed when she realized that she had pleasured herself while thinking about Kelrian. She had once pleasured herself while thinking about him wearing nothing but his swimming trunks. But this time she had imagined doing it with him. Sylvanas shook her head slightly, cleaning her fingers with a handkerchief.

She noticed that a person had opened the door and was standing in it. Her facial features derailed, she opened her mouth to say something but no word came out. The person chuckled when Sylvanas' face became redder.

Sylvanas didn't hesitate to grab her blanket and cover her body with it. "Ah c'mon Sylvie, you don't need to cover yourself. There is nothing I haven't seen before" the person said as she walked to Sylvanas' bed and sat down on the edge. She put her hand on Sylvanas' head, running her fingers through her majestic golden-hair.

"If you are sexually frustrated and tired of men you can come to me whenever you want. I will make sure that all your worries will vanish" the person said, giggling softly.

"Thanks for the offering Verena but I will pass on this"

"Are you sure about this?" her best friend asked. She tilted her head and regarded Sylvanas with a teasing smirk on her lips.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure about that" she responded, regarding Verena curiously.

Verena just shrugged with her shoulders, giving her a playful smile. "I still love you, you know"

"I know, Verena but you know that I'm not really interested in women. I'm attracted to men and not to women. You were the only exception"

"Were?" she asked, sounding a bit sad.

"Are" corrected Sylvanas. "You are gorgeous and smart, and I have really enjoyed the few years where we have dated secretly but... you know..."

Sylvanas stopped speaking as Verena pressed her index finger on her lips, silencing her. Sylvanas frowned and raised an eyebrow, regarded her best friend curiously.

"You don't need to explain yourself again. You have told me once why something between us would never work and I've accepted it"

"I know. I still feel bad for having refused your proposal"

"You don't need to. The spreading of the rumours about us stopped when you refused me. Our lives got easier, especially mine because I was not in the midpoint anymore. People stopped talking about me and they stopped staring at me all the time"

"If you say so" responded Sylvanas. She didn't seem to be convinced by this statement. But she knew her best friend since her youth. She knew when Verena was telling the truth and when she was lying. She could read her like a book. A very chatty book in this case.

Verena used the opportunity, where Sylvanas was lost in thoughts and couldn't stop Verena from whatever she wanted to do, to slip under the blanket and put her arm around her friend's shoulders. Sylvanas turned her head when she noticed what her friend had done. She didn't move away, she just regarded Verena. "What are you doing?"

"Well, it seems that you need body contact so I'm here to give you what you need" responded Verena. She gave Sylvanas a teasing grin as she put her hands on her hips, caressing them softly.

"I don't need body contact"

Verena giggled. "Understandable after you touched yourself for so long"

Sylvanas' cheeks became as red as a tomato. "Wait... you saw that?" stuttered Sylvanas nervously.

"Yep, I saw everything. Damn Sylvie, seeing you touching your breasts and slipping your skilled and smooth fingers in your womanhood looked pretty damn hot. It was hard for me to not take advantage of that. It was also hard to not touch myself while regarding you touching yourself" teased Verena.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes "Gosh, Verena. You are impossible"

The other woman didn't respond to her. She just laughed about Sylvanas' reaction.

"Why did you watch? Why didn't you let me know you were here"

Verena gave her a teasing grin. "First of all, I found it pretty sexy what you were doing. I also didn't want to interrupt your release of stress. I know you haven't slept with a man for seventy years so I didn't want to stop you from making yourself feel better. You deserve to feel good and I understand that you are tired of short-lived relationships and one-night-stands. I understand why you haven't slept with a man for so long"

"If it would be up to you, I would never be allowed to have sex with a man again. You would want me only for you, until the end of the time"

"You are right about this, Sylvie. Good for you that I'm not the one who is deciding about your life"

Sylvanas chuckled. "You would want me to only wear clothing which would accentuate my curves"

"You are god damn right. I love your curves, especially your breasts" responded Verena and put her hands on her ex-lover's huge rounds.

"Stop it, Verena. I will say it only one time"

"Fine" moaned Verena, lifting her hands to signalize Sylvanas that she surrendered. Sylvanas chuckled and shook her head slightly. She wouldn't admit it to her but she loved Verena's silly side. She loved joking and fooling around with her. She loved to hang around with her and do things no mature woman would do.

They knew each other since their youth and sometimes they behaved as they had behaved during their youth. Sylvanas was always serious when others were around. She could only relax and not be the strict Ranger-General when she was alone with Kelrian or Verena. She could only be herself when no one was around her, no one except for these two. These two were the only persons who could take all the pressure from her shoulders without needing to do much.

Verena did that with her perverted jokes and her silliness while Kelrian didn't need to do anything in particular. He just needed to be around to make Sylvanas feel better. She had grown fond of him over the past ten years. When they first had met, he hadn't appeared to be the perfect recruit Sylvanas had been looking for. He had been worse than most of the other candidates but he hadn't given up. Not even after he had failed the examination for the second time. Others would have given up and looked for another profession.

But not Kelrian. He had trained hard over eight years to get good enough to pass the third examination and become a member of Sylvanas' newest training group. He had proved that he had lots of patience and a very strong will. He deserved to be trained by her, especially because Sylvanas was sure that he would become one of the best Farstriders one day under her watch. She was sure that he wouldn't disappoint her. She will prove her sister and the other examiners that they had been wrong about him. She will prove that her assumption was right.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt that Verena had pinched her left nipple. Sylvanas raised an eyebrow, regarding her best friend.

"You are back in our reality" spoke Verena.

"I've never been somewhere else" exclaimed Sylvanas.

"You were daydreaming or lost in thoughts"

"You are right"

"What were you thinking about?"

"I think you already know the answer" replied Sylvanas.

"Kelrian, right?"

Sylvanas nodded.

"You thought about him when you masturbated, didn't you?"

Sylvanas blushed and hesitated for a few moments. Verena knew her from her youth, she could read her like an open book so there was no reason to lie to her. Sylvanas nodded her head, slower this time.

Verena chuckled and grinned teasingly. "I knew it. Do you want to know about who I'm thinking when I masturbate?"

"About me" responded Sylvanas without hesitation.

"Exactly" responded Verena, patting Sylvanas shoulder. She pulled the blanket up for a little, observing Sylvanas' nude body from head to toe. "May I touch your breasts one more time. Only for a short moment"


A faked growl escaped Verena's lips. "Fine. How was the celebration?"


"Only good?" Verena dug deeper. She was pretty sure that her friend had much more on her mind but she didn't want to say it for some reason.

"Well... What do you want to know?"

"I don't care about the details. Just tell me if you and Kelrian interacted"

"We did"

"Tell me more"

Sylvanas sighed. "We talked privately, drank some alcohol and then we kissed"

A big smile appeared on Verena's lips. "AAANNNDDDD?"

"I enjoyed the kiss and I am pretty sure he enjoyed it as well"

"What happened after the kiss?" asked Verena, sounding more curious and excited than before. It was unmistakable that she was really happy for her. She was hoping that things would work out between Sylvanas and Kelrian even though she still loved Sylvanas. She knew she couldn't have Sylvanas but she didn't stop loving her. She loved Sylvanas so much that she wanted that she could happy with someone else who truly loved her.

She had talked with Sylvanas a lot about Kelrian and she had given her useful tips over the years. She had advised her to not rush things and to not do silly or stupid actions. She had preached that patience was really important if Sylvanas wanted to be together with the younger elf one day. She had done everything in her power to support Sylvanas and the Ranger-General was more than glad to have her.

"Well, he was too drunk to go home alone. I was drunk as well but my vision was still good enough and I was still able to walk without staggering so I brought him to Liadrin's house. I brought him up to his room and then..."

"Then what?" asked Verena, nearly jumping on Sylvanas because she was super excited to hear more.

"I spent an hour in his room"

"Ohoh" sang Verena. She gave Sylvanas a teasing grin and patted her shoulder softly. "Sylvanas, you naughty girl"

"Naughty girl? Wait... what are you thinking about?" asked Sylvanas with a confused expression on her face.

"Probably not what you were referring to"

"What do you think I was referring to?"

"Isn't that obvious, Sylvie? You know me pretty well. I'm a pervert, you should know what I thought first"

"You thought I had sex with him?"

"Haven't you?"

"No, of course not" exclaimed Sylvanas. "He was too drunk. I would never take advantage of a drunk person, not even when I'm drunk too"

"So, what did you do instead?" Verena asked curious.

"We talked a bit and then I watched him sleep"


"Creepy? Do you want to know what is creepy?"


"It's creepy that I pleasured myself two times while thinking about my subordinate. Today, I even imagined having sex with him"

"There is nothing wrong about masturbating while thinking about a person you really find attractive. I always imagine you pleasuring me when I play with myself" Verena admitted with faked shame.

Sylvanas shook her head about this statement and threw her pillow in her best friend's face. Verena laughed and threw the pillow back at Sylvanas who caught it and put it back beneath her head.

"So, what are we doing now. Do you want to talk about Kelrian?"

"Yes, but not now. I'm very hungry. Let's go to the kitchen and eat breakfast. Then we can talk about my feelings for him"

"Sounds fine to me" responded Verena. She got up and helped Sylvanas getting dressed. Of course, she used every opportunity to touch Sylvanas while helping her taking on her clothes. Nor did she stop looking at Sylvanas' breasts and her firm ass. Sylvanas didn't mind at all because she and Verena had been lovers for eight years which meant that Verena had seen everything of her and had already touched every spot of her body countless times. She didn't need to be embarrassed about showing her best friend her nude form.

The two women got ready and left the room. Both of them were really hungry so they couldn't wait to make breakfast and satisfy their hunger.