
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 48: Passion

*Warning: Explicit sexual content*

Kelrian let his gaze wander, examining the beautiful pieces of furniture made out of the best wood in the Eastern Kingdoms. The floor was covered by a beautiful blue carpet, blue curtains hung in front of the closed windows. Masterpieces of art hang on the walls. They showed old Silvermoon City from afar, the Sunwell, Windrunner Spire and Windrunner Village from afar and many other beautiful places. The walls were yellow and decorated with golden and blue wall paintings.

Sylvanas' office had not changed over the years. Even when the Scourge had invaded Silvermoon City and devastated Sunstrider Spire and the headquarters of the Farstrider, Sylvanas' room had remained untouched. Kelrian had no idea why the Scourge didn't go into her room.

He had heard that most of the other rooms had been searched but Sylvanas' room had been spared. Kelrian had no idea if magic was responsible for that or if the Scourge simply hadn't found the room. Kelrian could not explain how her office had been left untouched but he was glad about it. Otherwise, he would not be able to regard its beauty.

He walked over to the desk, sitting down on the edge. He grabbed the nearest picture and took a look at it. It was a picture of him and a heavily pregnant Sylvanas. They were lying next to each other on the bed, her round belly was exposed. His arm was wrapped around her shoulder and he pressed a kiss on the corners of her lips. Sylvanas was just smiling and staring at the ceiling.

A small but sad smile could be seen on Kelrian's lips as he ran his fingers over the picture. He missed the good old times when they had been at peace and had nothing to worry about. He missed the living Sylvanas who had been full of joy and optimism. He missed touching her warm skin and toying with strands of her golden-blonde hair. He missed her so much but she was not gone, he was aware of that.

Sylvanas might have changed drastically and became a different person but from time to time he could still recognize the Sylvanas he had fallen in love with. She only showed her true self when she was alone with him or her sisters. She behaved differently when she was around others who were not as close to her as Kelrian or her sisters.

Kelrian put the picture aside eventually, walking to one of the doors on the right side of the room. He took the left door, entering Sylvanas' bedroom which looked exactly the same as it had done six years ago. The carpet was the same, the pieces of furniture still stood on the same spots and just like the king-sized bed which blankets and pillows were blue.

Kelrian stopped in the door, his gaze fell on the woman who was sitting on the bed and stared out of the window into the night. Her gaze rested on the full moon. Kelrian walked over to her and sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. The woman put her head on his shoulder, relaxing as she felt his warm body against hers. Her crimson red eyes still rested on the moon.

"I have to return to Undercitysoon," Sylvanas said after a while and averted her gaze, looking at Kelrian.

Kelrian stared into her eyes. "I will go with you," he said determinedly.

A barely recognizable sad smile appeared on her lips. "You can't."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow and tilted his head a little. "What do you mean?"

"Undercity is no place for the living. You wouldn't feel comfortable there."

Kelrian snorted amused. "Wouldn't feel comfortable... I have endured a lot in the past so I'm sure I can bear a city full of undead creatures."

"Undercity smells after death and decay," Sylvanas responded.

"I know a few spells to bear the stench."

"No sunlight comes in Undercity. It is a dark and sad place. Just as sad the fate of my people. I doubt you will hold out longer than a week." The look in her eyes told him that she was dead serious about this.

Kelrian was unimpressed by her words. "If that's all you have in your sleeve to scare me, then I have to disappoint you. I'm not scared of living in Undercity no matter how dark it is there or how badly it smells. I won't leave your side, no matter what happens."

Sylvanas put a hand on his cheek, giving him a small smile. "I'm glad to hear that but I fear destiny will separate us again. I have to rule Undercity and your talent is needed in Quel'Thalas. The Scourge is still active in Quel'Thalas even after we conquered Deatholme. A few villages still belong to them and Scourge minions are still roaming through the ruins of Silvermoon. Just like the wretched. They are a serious threat, especially to unarmed traders."

"So you want me to help the sin'dorei?" he asked curiously.

Sylvanas nodded. "It is your duty as their king."

Kelrian snorted slightly annoyed. "King... I'm not their king."

"You are the son of Kael'thas Sunstrider. Since the sin'dorei have deposed him as their king, you are the rightful heir of the throne," Sylvanas said and put her other hand on his other cheek.

Kelrian shook his head. "I'm not fit to rule the sin'dorei."

"You are a great leader," contradicted Sylvanas. "Don't try to deny it."

Kelrian sighed. "I'm a leader in battle but I'm not good in politics. Alleria is better suited for the role of a leader. She has more experience than me. More experience when it comes to politics. I would have never been able to form an alliance with the human kingdoms, the kaldorei, the dwarves, the gnomes and the Forsaken. I'm a warrior. I'm a general but not a king."

Sylvanas tilted her head and brushed the strands of green hair out of his face, revealing the right side of his face. "You may have not enough experience when it comes to politics but I'm sure you can learn that. I could teach you about politics."

Kelrian sighed. "Even if I would be good at politics, I think Alleria is still a better choice than me. I rather fight at the front instead of staying in Silvermoon and plan everything. I know that Alleria also participates in battles but only in the most important ones. I want to fight in every necessary battle and kill as many Scourge minions as possible. Our people wouldn't be able to fully focus on the battle when their king is around them. They would give everything to protect me and not pay enough attention to their surroundings. I rather have my men focused on the enemy than on me. I don't want to be the king as long as I have to fight at the front. And I won't stop fighting as long as the Scourge is still active."

Sylvanas was silent for a few moments, giving him an agreeing nod. "I understand you."

"I want to come with you to Undercity but only when Alleria has no important tasks for me. We have to reconquer the remaining villages first and then clear the Ruins of Silvermoon. When the sin'dorei no longer need my help, I will come to Undercity and see what I can do in Tirisfal Glades and in the Eastern and in the Western Plaguelands," he explained.

Sylvanas got closer to him, slipping onto his lap. Her face was only a few inches away from his. She felt his hot breath on her cold skin. "There is much to do in the Eastern Plaguelands. Stratholme, Naxxramas and a few other Scourge bases are still a threat to us. As I said, I could make use of someone with such a great talent for killing Scourge minions."

"I will help you as soon as I can, my love."

Sylvanas smiled and pecked on his lips. "I'm glad to hear that."

"When will you go?" he asked.

"Tomorrow." Sylvanas noticed the sad look in his eyes before it vanished the next moment.

"So this is our last night together before we separate again for an unknown amount of time?"

Sylvanas gave him a sad nod. "It is but we will meet again as soon as possible."

Kelrian put his hand on the back of her head, pulling her hood down slowly. He ran his fingers through her pale blonde hair, massaging her scalp softly. Sylvanas had her eyes closed as she enjoyed the gentle touch. Sylvanas' eyes were still closed as Kelrian closed the distance between their faces, pressing his lips against hers. Sylvanas didn't hesitate to return the kiss, putting one of her hands on his back.

The kiss was slow but passionate, Kelrian was breathing through his nose to extend it as long as possible. They didn't use their tongues yet but the kiss was still awesome enough and made them want to share more kisses. They kissed again after a short pause, using their tongues this time.

Sylvanas' tongue entered Kelrian's mouth first and licked every reachable spot. Kelrian allowed her tongue to be unchallenged for several minutes, then he used his tongue to fight back. Their tongue's fought for dominance. None of their tongues won but Kelrian still managed to insert his tongue into her mouth. He explored her mouth, softly moaning into the kiss. The kiss they were sharing was one of the best they had ever shared. It made him breathless, so he had to pull away to catch some air.

He stared into Sylvanas' eyes, noticing the lust in them. Kelrian rubbed her left cheek, running his fingers over her ear. His fingers reached the earring in the middle of her ear, toying with it gently without causing any pain to Sylvanas. He did the same with the other ear, running the tip of his index finger over the golden ring. Getting touched by his demonic hand felt weird but not unpleasant. She was sure she would get used to it soon.

He toyed with her ears a little, then he brought his mouth to her right ear and ran the tip of his tongue over its entire length. He chuckled as it twitched in excitement. He did the same with the other, making it twitch too. He didn't need to touch the tips of her ears to know they were stiff. He was sure that Sylvanas was aroused and he knew he would find more evidence of this if he would undress her.

"We should make use of this night then. We have no idea how many days or weeks we will be separated," Kelrian whispered into her left ear and bit it gently, causing a low moan to escape Sylvanas' lips. Sylvanas wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing her body against his.

She closed her eyes as he started to kiss her neck, she tilted her head to give him better access. He would mark her, she was sure of that but she didn't even try to stop him. She allowed him to bite her neck gently and leaving several love bites. Kelrian enjoyed marking his territory. He kissed the other side of her neck and began to remove the armour she was wearing.

He didn't need long to remove her upper body armour. He had expected her to wear a normal bra beneath it but instead, she wore white-silver sexy lace underwear. Kelrian's mouth started to water, his eyes widened a little and a surprised expression appeared on his face. His lips formed a wide grin, lust appeared in his eyes. Sylvanas blushed a little as she noticed his hungry eyes staring at her breasts.

Sylvanas said nothing at first but the longer he ogled her breasts the more confident she got. She had feared he would not like her undead body, she had feared he would consider her as ugly and would never want to touch her. She had feared he would be disgusted by the thought of getting intimate with a corpse.

Even though he had already touched her once, she still had had these fears. They had been intimate but she had still feared being rejected. But now that she saw the lustful look in his eyes, she was certain he was not disgusted by her. It was obvious that he was attracted to her body. It was the same body he had loved in life, only her skin colour was different.

Kelrian brought his hands to her D-cup breasts, cupping them. He didn't hesitate to knead them, enjoying their softness. He didn't stop as Sylvanas leaned in and sealed her mouth on his, capturing him in a long-lasting passionate kiss. Their tongues danced with each other while Kelrian's hands groped her breasts.

He could feel her stiff nipples through the fabric. He kneaded her nipples and twisted them a little, noticing that one of them was pierced. The left one. Kelrian knew he had to be gentler with that one so he stopped twisting it and just kneaded it with the tips of his thumb and index finger.

A moan escaped Sylvanas' lips. It was not too loud but not too quiet either. Kelrian smirked and continued to fondle her breasts, putting one of his hands on her back. He opened her bra with one hand and removed it. He licked his lips as he caught sight of her exposed breasts.

Kelrian lowered his head and licked over the pierced nipple, putting the other between his index finger and thumb. He twisted it and pinched it while he licked gently over the other. Another moan escaped Sylvanas' lips, which was a bit louder than the previous one.

Kelrian continued to toy with her breasts but Sylvanas was not idle in the meantime. She did not just sit between his legs and did nothing while receiving pleasure. She wanted to make him feel good too. It was not just sexual desire she felt for him. If it would just be sexual desire she felt, she would only demand him to please her. But It was love which she felt, so she wanted to make him feel good in return because she loved him. She loved him the same way he loved her.

She put a hand on his upper thigh, resting it there for a nearly two minutes before she moved it upwards. She noticed the bump between his legs and began to rub it slowly through the fabric. Her other hand rested on his muscular chest at the beginning but the longer their foreplay endured, the more it travelled south.

Sylvanas used both hands to unbutton his trousers, pulling them down slowly. More moans escaped her lips in the meantime and she noticed that she got wetter and wetter. Kelrian was really good at what he was doing. He had always been a great lover, the best she ever had. Unlike the lovers she had had in the past, extended foreplay had always been important to him. He loved to toy with Sylvanas' breasts and he loved what she was about to do.

Sylvanas pulled his underpants down, her eyes widened as she saw his stiff manhood. She was more than just surprised by its size. She remembered correctly how long his dick had been the last time she had made love to him. It had been pretty large for the genitals of an elf. Now that Kelrian had gotten larger, his manhood had gotten larger too, as she had expected. She had expected it to be very large but she was still surprised by its actual size.

"By the Sunwell... It's so big... I doubt that it will fit into me..."

Kelrian made no comment about her statement. He just grinned at her and pulled her a little closer. Sylvanas' crimson eyes still rested on his manhood. She still couldn't believe what she was seeing. She wondered how this big thing would feel in her tight pussy. She wondered how good she would feel when it would penetrate her walls. She wondered how long she would endure with that thing inside her. She assumed it would hurt a little at the beginning but she was certain the pain would vanish quickly and be replaced by pleasure.

She will find out if her assumptions were right but not yet. She didn't want to insert his cock in her needy pussy even though she was so horny at the moment and wanted his dick so badly. She wanted to do the same he did to her and toy with him. She wanted to tease him as he teased her. She wanted to make him horny too. There was only one way to do that and she would need both hands for it.

She put her hands around his long and thick shaft, stroking it slowly. Kelrian's eyes rested on her but he didn't stop to toy with her breasts, his demonic hand caressed her back softly. Getting touched by it no longer felt weird for Sylvanas. She had gotten used to it.

Sylvanas enjoyed touching his huge dick, noticing that it twitched softly under her cold touch. It was stiffer than ever, signalizing her that Kelrian was really aroused. But so was Sylvanas. She had gotten wetter and wetter with time, her needy pussy wanted to be touched. She knew she had to be more patient. She also knew that the longer she waited, the better she will feel when his dick would be inside her and the better her orgasm will be. She had to be patient but that was no problem for her because she was a patient woman.

Sylvanas was using both hands to make him feel good, causing loud moans to escape his lips from time to time. She knew she was good, she knew what to do to make his moans became louder and more frequent. She increased her rubbing speed, her eyes rested on his dick. Kelrian was biting his bottom lip softly, his head was tilted back a little and his eyes were half-closed but still rested on her. A smile could be seen on Sylvanas' lips as she returned the gaze.

She increased her pace again and even run the tip of her tongue over the entire length of his dick and his glans. She teased him with her tongue and rubbed his dick very fast but she didn't take it in her mouth. She didn't suck his dick, she just licked it and rubbed it but that was already enough to bring him close to his climax.

Waves of pleasure rushed through his body, his glans started to tingle and his dick began to twitch. Nothing happened for a few moments but then Sylvanas managed to bring him over the edge. Cum shot out and landed on her face and on her breasts. His dick was still twitching and Sylvanas rubbed it slowly until it stopped.

Sylvanas' eyes still rested on him, a wide grin could be seen on her cum-covered face. She stared at him for nearly two minutes and then cleaned her face and her breasts with handkerchiefs. She was more than just satisfied with the outcome. She had really enjoyed touching and rubbing his huge dick which was still stiff.

A perverted grin appeared on her lips. "That's just the beginning, my dear. We are not finished yet."

Kelrian smirked, signalizing her that he was ready. Sylvanas let go off his dick and started to remove the green blouse he was wearing. Her eyes fell on his muscular stomach and then wandered to his broad chest as soon as she had removed his shirt. Demonic runes were tattooed on his arms, on his chest and on his back. He even had the crest of the Sunstrider family tattooed on his back. It was in the middle of his back and surrounded by circles which consisted of demonic and thalassian symbols. Sylvanas noticed her name written in ancient thalassian on his left arm and the names of their children on his right arm.

Sylvanas said nothing as she regarded his upper body and took a closer look at the tattoos. She lifted her head eventually, not knowing how much time had passed since she had started examining his upper body. Despite the tattoos, she still enjoyed the view. She was heavily attracted to his thoroughly fit body and his handsome face. She was much wetter than before and the tips of her ears and her nipples were as stiff as possible. She was really horny. She couldn't wait to put his dick in her pussy but she knew she had to stimulate herself a little before she could do that, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to insert his dick without hurting herself.

Sylvanas stroked Kelrian's dick with one hand, the other massaged her wet pussy lips. Kelrian replaced her hand with his right hand, caressing her slick folds while Sylvanas toyed with her clit to make herself feel much better. Due to the passionate foreplay, he didn't need long to make the Banshee Queen ready for his dick. Sylvanas inserted her fingers in her pussy and fingered herself until her inner walls were widened enough to welcome Kelrian's manhood.

Kelrian laid on the bed, his head was lifted a little and his eyes rested on Sylvanas who sat squatted above his upper thighs. She propped herself on the mattress with one hand, theother was enclosed around his shaft and slowly guided it to her needy pussy. A sharp cry escaped her lips as the tip of his cock entered her pussy. She slowly inserted more of his dick inside her, feeling her inner walls tightening around his. The suppressed hisses which escaped her lips quickly turned into moans which were as loud as the ones that escaped her lover's lips.

Sylvanas tilted her head back, a very loud moan escaped her lips as the tip of his dick hit her g-spot for the first time. Sylvanas looked down at herself, noticing that she was wetter than ever. As expected not every inch of Kelrian's manhood fit in her pussy. His dick was too large for her but she didn't mind that.

She only wished she could sit on his hips and ride him but that was not possible as long as his dick was not fully inside her. She could not ride him but she could move her hips up and down his cock. And she did that. His dick rubbed her inner walls, making both elves moan loudly.

Sylvanas moved her free hand to her right breast, fondling it while the other still rested on the mattress. Kelrian's hands rested on her hips and caressed them gently, his eyes rested on her. He didn't dare to look away while she was bouncing on his dick. He didn't need to do anything because Sylvanas was doing all the work.

She was moving her hips erotically, causing that the tip of his cock hit her g-spot over and over again. She loved the sensation of having his dick inside her pussy. She had always loved it and she had missed it so much since she had realised that she still had sexual needs, even though she was undead.

But she didn't fuck him just because of her lower desires. She was having sex with him because she loved him and she loved to have sex with him. She wouldn't do that with any other man. Kelrian was the only man for her. The only man she had ever truly loved with all her heart. Even with her undead heart, which no longer beat, she still loved him. She would always love him, no matter what will happen. Not even death changed her feelings for him.

Sylvanas put her other hand on her left breast, kneading it as well. Kelrian's hands still rested on her hips, steadying her and keeping her at balance. He moved her up and down his dick, noticing that his second climax was approaching. He didn't stop nor did Sylvanas stopped toying with her breasts and nipples. She continued to squeeze her left breast with one hand, the other wandered to her clit. She rubbed her clit, pinched it and even kneaded it softly.

The sensation was strong. Too strong. She felt her orgasm approach. It was coming closer with each time the tip of his dick hit her g-spot. She was so close but she didn't come yet. Kelrian came before her.

He shouted her name as he shot his load inside her, filling her pussy. Being filled with his sperms brought Sylvanas over the edge. A loud moan escaped her lips, followed by her lover's name. Her inner walls contracted, pussy fluid was released. She bucked her hips as she rode out her orgasm, a melody of moans escaped her lips.

Sylvanas collapsed as soon as Kelrian's penis left her full pussy. She laid on top of him, a large amount of his cum and her pussy fluid flowed out of her sex. He had released more cum than could fit in her womanhood. The mix of their sex fluids landed on his left upper thigh and the sheet but Kelrian didn't care about it. The blankets could be replaced and he could get his upper thigh clean with the help of pieces of cloth or handkerchiefs.

Sylvanas' head laid on his chest, her eyes were closed as she listened to his loud, unrhythmical breathing. He was out of breath but not exhausted. He just needed a few minutes to calm down before he could do it again. His arms were wrapped around her body, his gaze rested on her.

Sylvanas' kept her eyes shut and as she enjoyed the warmth of his body. She enjoyed being held by him. She enjoyed being near him in general. But what she enjoyed the most was making love to him. Being penetrated by his dick was the best feeling she had ever experienced since she had broken free from the Scourge.

She was looking forward to cuddling with him for a while. She was looking forward to just lying there with him and do nothing. She wanted to relax with him but Kelrian had other plans. Sylvanas opened her eyes as she noticed that he had moved her and himself.

They were lying on their left sides, Kelrian laid behind her and had wrapped an arm around her waist, his body was pressed against hers. His other hand rested on her right upper thigh.

Sylvanas frowned but did nothing to stop Kelrian from doing what he had in mind. His hand wandered to the back of her knee as he started to put kisses on her neck. Sylvanas' right leg was bent and spread. Kelrian lifted it a little so that he had perfect access to her nether region. He was spooning her, caressing her belly with his hand while his demonic hand made sure her legs were spread.

Kelrian was rubbing his still stiff member against her southern entrance, eliciting a loud moan from her mouth. Kelrian ran his tongue over her jawline and her neck, putting soft kisses on her neck and right shoulder. Sylvanas' eyes didn't remain shut for long this time. Her eyes opened again and widened as his massive thing entered her pussy for the second time of the day. He thrust his cock inside her until the tip hit her g-spot, making Sylvanas moan out loudly.

Waves of pleasure rushed through Sylvanas' body and Kelrian was not even moving his hips yet. He didn't move his hips for nearly five minutes, all he did was to kiss her shoulder, her neck and her right breast. He pressed his thumb on her clit, applying pressure. The waves of pleasure that rushed through the Banshee Queen's body became more intense. Their intensity was increased once again as Kelrian decided to move his hips and pump his manhood in and out her.

His rhythm was slow at first but it got faster quickly. It remained consistent, in contrast to the rhythm of the melody that escaped Sylvanas' lips. Her moans were music to Kelrian's ears, just like his moans were music to hers. They enjoyed hearing these lovely sounds from the other. Kelrian's thrusting was fast but not rough. He was gentle with her, not wanting to hurt her. He pumped his dick in and out in a constant rhythm, hitting her most vulnerable spot over and over again.

Sylvanas turned her head eventually and put her hands on his cheeks, pulling him into a passionate kiss. Their tongues met and wrestled, their lips didn't part as if they were glued together. The pleasure they felt was immense. Sylvanas had no idea how much time had passed as she climaxed again. Kelrian stopped to let her rode out her orgasm, gave her a short pause but then continued as he realized she was not exhausted yet. She still had stamina left for another round.

They remained in the same position, moving their hips to make the other feel good. They didn't stop kissing and touching the other. They didn't even stop as Kelrian came inside her again and filled her pussy. They didn't stop as Sylvanas was brought over the edge shortly after he had ridden out his orgasm.

He held her tightly as her body trembled when she rode out her orgasm. He let go of her leg and wrapped both of his arms around her upper body, pulling her closer. His dick became slack after he had pulled it out but it was still pretty large.

Sylvanas had her eyes closed as she snuggled up to him, pressing her backside against his front. She felt his hot breath on her neck, his humanoid hand on her ass and his demonic hand on her belly. Sylvanas put her hands on his, intertwining their fingers. It felt strange to hold his demonic hand. Strange but not uncomfortable. She assumed she would get used to it sooner or later. One day, she would hold it as if it was the most normal hand in the world, she was sure of that.

They shifted and repositioned their bodies. Kelrian was lying on his back and Sylvanas laid next to him, her head rested on his chest. His arms were wrapped around her, one hand rested on her back and the other on her hip. Sylvanas' hands rested on his upper body.

The elves were just lying there and cuddling, enjoying the pleasant silence. They said nothing for a while but then four words escaped his lips which would have warmed Sylvanas' heart if she would still be alive.

"I love you, Sylvanas," he said again as he stared into her crimson red eyes which were widened and reflected nothing but love and surprise.

Her response came immediately. "I love you too, Kelrian."