
We are destined.Let me pamper you

"Duh, Fine! What do you want me to do?" Xiu Mei gave up, and Feng Jianyu gave a mischievous grin. His eyes shone in expectation. "I want a kiss" he spurted out. After a good silence of one minute, she scoffed, "pfft… dream on…" "Fine, if you're not giving then I'm taking one myself," "W-What? No way. You already took one last night… No more" Feng Jianyu sneered, "You call it a kiss? That was just a small peck. And it was you who broke it… Now finish where you left. ---------------------------------------------- On the night of Xiu Mei’s 16th bday, she came to know the biggest truth of her life. Devastated by the betrayal of her family, she ran away from her so-called home, taking nothing but her precious invention, on which she had been working nonstop for the last 4 years. ___ Feng Jianyu was a devilishly handsome man, who was powerful, cold, and ruthless. As the current President of the Feng Corporation, his only goal was to take his company to the unachievable heights. But fate had some other plans for both of them, and their paths crossed. Intrigued by her intelligence and talents, he tested her and gave her an attractive offer. Finding the offer interesting, she accepted it and worked hard. However, something happened, and they both ended up offending each other. __________ After 7 years, the mysterious Xiu Mei was a genius woman living in a beautiful villa with the most advanced security system. Nobody knows the reason behind living in security. She was forced to live with a handsome man inside her villa for an indefinite period. Though she welcomed him hesitatingly, to her horror, he was none other than Feng Jianyu. They both recalled their past but none of them spoke about it. Will she ever trust him and tell her story? What happened to her precious invention? Will their hate relationship be turned in to a love relationship? Will she find out about the big secret of her life? -------------------------------------------------- Original novel By dream_ash Join me on discord https://discord.gg/RudqR3q I edit the cover, but the photo belongs to their respective owners. I have no right over this photo. All credits belong to the owner.

dream_ash · perkotaan
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522 Chs

Ultimatum to his brother (Edited)


After having breakfast, Feng Jianyu tried to get up but Feng Junjie stopped him, "Brother wait…let me help you."

"I am not a cripple…. I can help myself," Feng Jianyu yanked Feng Junjie's hand away.

Feng Junjie stepped back but he was still cautious and stood behind with both hands stretched outward, ready to support if he staggers on his step.

Feng Jianyu sat down on the bed in half-lying position with his back rested on the headboard as he looked towards Feng Junjie and beckoned him.

Feng Junjie pulled a chair near the bed and explained the whole story that he knows. "When dad saw you in the hospital, he took the matter in his own hands and asked me to stay with you 24/7 and instructed me not to leave your side for a single minute since your attackers were still unknown.

Father activated the underground forces to investigate. But he doubts that this attack was done by one of our rivals. So he….."

"Stop," Feng Jianyu raised his palm.

"What happened, brother? Are you uncomfortable somewhere?" Feng Junjie got up from his seat in concern.

"Don't create so much drama? I already know this part….come to the main point? How did I end up here?" Feng Jianyu was irritated.

Feng Junjie "...."

'Why shout at me? It was just a prelude for the story….' Feng Junjie did not dare to voice out his thoughts.

"OK…Fine…" He pushed the chair a little farther as was going to speak the most dangerous part of the story. "When dad decided to take the matter in his own hands…. One day he called and asked me for the passcode. Cough…ummm!!.... passcode to enter your study."

After saying this sentence Feng Junjie sneaked a peek at Feng Jianyu's face. Seeing the dark expression he further pushed the chair backward.

"I…I…I had no choice…. So I gave him the passcode of your study to let him take important documents. Most probably he saw her photo during that time."

Feng Jianyu's expression was getting darker and darker as he continues to listen.

Feng Junjie could feel his throat getting dry by now. But he dare not tried to get up from his chair and get himself a glass of water.

He continued his story-

"Father messaged me her photo asking if I have seen her before. Obviously, I have never seen her before. Moreover, I was so busy with you that I didn't have the time to investigate her."


Suddenly Feng Jianyu picked the side table lamp and threw it towards Feng Junjie.


Feng Junjie's reflexes were fast and he dodged it on time. Placing a hand against his beating heart, he looked in horror towards his brother.

"FE…NG JUN…JIE…HOW… DID… I… ENDED…. UP… HERE," Feng Jianyu was fuming like a mad bull who is about to attack.

Being horrified he spoke whatever he knows, "The night you were supposed to be brought here, dad asked the senior cousin to give you a mild sedative. It was the dad who found Miss Xiu Mei and contacted her."

All of a sudden there was an awkward silence.

Feng Jianyu lifted his gaze towards his brother as if he can see through his soul.

He kept silent for 1 minute.

This 1 minute was more than enough to break Feng Junjie completely as he narrated the yesterday's incident like a tape recorder including the contract signed between Xiu Mei and Feng Dingxiong. He obviously omitted the part where he lost his face to Xiu Mie.

Feng Junjie was unable to control his thirst anymore, so he got up to drink water.

He directly picked the water jug kept on the table and finished it in one go before returning back to his seat like a frightened puppy.

No one spoke anything, and in nervousness, Feng Junjie kept on shaking his legs.

"Get me the details of the contract," After some time Feng Jianyu ordered. "And I want all the information about this Miss Xiu Mei within an hour," Feng Jianyu gave the deadline.

Getting the orders Feng Junjie responded immediately, "Already on it brother…I have asked the intelligence team to get detailed information about her." Then he moved towards the side drawer to get Feng Jianyu's medicine.

Placing down medicine and a glass of water beside Feng Jianyu he added, "And fetching the contract details won't take much time. I will get it ASAP."

Feng Jianyu picked the medicine, "Since I'm staying here, get me the important files and laptop?" he said as he gulped the medicine with water.

"Brother you should take rest, your wounds are still fresh." 

"Just do as I say."

Feng Jianyu ignored his brother's warning.

"Alright," Feng Junjie took out the laptop from the cupboard and left the room to do the assigned task.

edit- vamsik336

dream_ashcreators' thoughts