
18. Darkblade

"Good morning, everybody! I hope everyone love their accommodations and had themselves a nice rest!" Angel said as soon as everybody entered the theater room. Everybody nodded and murmured in agreement.

"Are you kidding? This is the most decent sleep I've ever had since Hawk Moth came onto the scene," Marinette said half-joking and half-serious causing laughter among everybody else.

"Don't I know it?" Adrien said as the other superhero in the room.

"We're starting today with the episode Darkblade. If you guys want breakfast, there's some breakfast food at the buffet," Angel said, pointing to the buffet and most people went to grab as much food as they can.

"Darkblade? Who was that?" Kagami asked curiously as soon as she sat down in her recliner.

"It was our fencing instructor, Mr. D'Argencourt. So, you'll see a bit of fencing in this one," Adrien answered and Kagami's face beamed a bit.

"Anyway, let's get this started!" Angel said and everybody was seated when the episode started playing.

Scene: Marinette as Ladybug enters her room through the trapdoor.

Nadja: (giving a news report on Marinette's computer.) Ladybug and Cat Noir have saved Paris yet again. (Marinette/Ladybug grunts)

Marinette: And yet again, Marinette hopes she'll finally have enough time to complete her magic box.

Tikki: What's the magic box for, Marinette?

"Yeah, what is the magic box for?" Kagami asked curiously.

"You'll find out, Kagami. But, let's just say Chloe and Sabrina shouldn't have messed with it," Marinette said giggling along with the others as their faces turn to Chloe and Sabrina, both who looked sheepish.

"You sure convinced me. I'm not touching that thing ever again!" Sabrina said as she held her hand, remembering that day. "You'll see," she said to the people who weren't there at the time.

Marinette: To lock up my diary, and all my secrets.

Tikki: Every little secret? You're telling me that you write everything down in that thing?

Marinette: Uh... yeah, something wrong? (Marinette repeatedly closes and opens her box to test if it works)

Tikki: Well, for one, what if someone finds out you're Ladybug? And two, what if someone finds out you're Ladybug?!

"I'm with Tikki on this one, m'lady. Not exactly the safest option," Adrien said, worried of the possibility.

"Well, unless there's a magical diary that can appear and disappear whenever I want, a regular diary along with a magic box is the best way I can express my feelings and secrets. Suppressing yourself isn't exactly good for you either," Marinette said, defending herself and after a moment, everyone nodded as they can't argue with that.

Marinette: Not gonna happen. Try it, Tikki. (Tikki flies in the box and tries to lift the diary, but gets locked in)

Tikki: (Muffled) Hey!

"That wasn't exactly comfortable for me, you know!" Tikki said, laughing along with the audience.

"Girl, can you make me one of those boxes for my diary? This seriously looks awesome!" Alya said, excited about Marinette's diary box. Pretty soon, all the girls including Chloe and Sabrina started asking for one and Marinette began to think of designs for each in her head. The only girl that didn't ask for one was Lila.

"You don't want one, Lila?" Marinette asked curiously.

"Oh, no thanks, Marinette! I've got a great hiding place for my own diary in my room," Lila lied in her fake sweet voice, then gave Marinette a glare. As if I'd want something made by you! Lila's look said to Marinette who just shrugged it off with a frown.

Marinette: And... it works! (Marinette unlocks the box to free Tikki)

Nadja: (From computer.) Yesterday, Mr. Bourgeois was re-elected as mayor of Paris for the fourth consecutive term. Here we see Mr. Bourgeois with his daughter.

"Do you always have to act like a show-off, Chloe?" Alya asked.

"When my Daddy has power over the city? Of course I do!" Chloe said, defending herself and the audience groaned in response. "But I'll try not to do it so often!" Chloe then quickly added in response to the groans.

Marinette: Ugh! Look at Chloé, acting as if she were the mayor of Paris! Oh! Which reminds me, Class Representative Elections are tomorrow!

Tikki: What's so bad about that?

Marinette: Chloé is running for class rep. The one person who cares the least about the students, and the most about herself.

Tikki: Well then, maybe you should run!

Marinette: I totally would, but, don't you think I got enough to do with my duties as Ladybug and all my school work?

"You've been doing very well so far, girl!" Alya noted about her best friend's life balance and everyone murmured in agreement except for Lila who just frowned silently.

"Agreed, m'lady. And that was coming from the boy who has to balance being a superhero while doing photoshoots, fencing, Chinese, piano, etc.," Adrien pointed out and Marinette nodded in understanding and agreement.

Tikki: Yes, but, if you truly believe in something, you have to try and make it work. It's better to fail trying than not having tried at all!

"Those are some wise words, Tikki," Sabine said, grateful for the kwami who's always there for her daughter.

"Well, I am millions of years old," Tikki joked, making everybody else laugh in agreement.

"Then how come Plagg isn't as helpful? Isn't he millions of years old too?" Adrien jokingly asked and everybody else laughed harder while Plagg looked away.

"I honestly can't speak for Plagg," Tikki said, giggling as Plagg continued to look away and gobble on more Camembert cheese.

Marinette: Maybe...

Tikki: Don't underestimate yourself, Marinette!

Nadja: (From computer.) Armand D'Argencourt, one of Bourgeois's opponents, and fencing instructors of Françoise Dupont High School, was pummeled in the polls. In fact, D'Argencourt acquired the least number of votes in Paris History. (Marinette looks at the clock in the computer, and gasps.)

Marinette: I'm going to be late for school! Again! See, this is what I'm talking about! (closes computer)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Ms. Bustier is talking about the election.

Miss Bustier: Chloé is running for the class representative position and Sabrina will be her deputy. Do we have any other candidates? (Kim raises his hand but Chloé and Sabrina glare at him.)

Chloé and Sabrina: Hm!

Miss Bustier: Yes, Kim?

Kim: Um, er... nothing. (Marinette enters the classroom.)

"What's going on there?" Luka asked curiously.

"Long story short: Chloe's been blackmailing people to vote for her and not run against her," Marinette answered as she and everybody else frowned at Chloe.

"Sorry," Chloe said quietly and sheepishly.

Marinette: Hi! I'm sorry! I-uh, I-uh, the bus, (Marinette starts coughing), dry throat!

"I'm sorry. What's the fake excuse, Marinette? That wasn't clear," Miss Bustier asked with a chuckle and some others followed suit.

"I…honestly have no idea," Marinette answered sheepishly while blushing in embarrassment.

Alya: Chloé's running again! She's been class rep since when? Kindergarten?

"Chloe's been class representative for that long?" Kagami asked, genuinely surprised.

"Chloe was pretty intimidating to all of us. In fact, Marinette and Alya are the first ones to actually stand up to her," Mylene answered.

Marinette: Oh! Why don't you run as candidate? You'd make an awesome representative!

Alya: No can do. My blog is a full-time job!

Miss Bustier: Alright, I'll give all of you till the end of lunch to decide if you like to be a candidate.

Scene: Court. Chloé talks to the other students about the election.

Marinette: (to Kim) So what did Chloé say to you this time? She offered to go on a date with you?

"No offense to Kim but I wouldn't do that for anything! I have much more dignity than that!" Chloe pointed out.

"None taken," Kim deadpanned with a glare towards her.

Kim: No, she threatened to tell everyone I'm afraid of spiders.

"That's embarrassing?" Adrien asked about Kim's fear for spiders.

"I agree with Adrien, Kim. Spiders are one of the most common fears in the world. Nothing to be ashamed of," Max pointed out and everybody else nodded in agreement.

Rose: She told me that if I ran for the election, I'd get kicked out of scrapbooking club, and you know how much I love all those stickers, colorful scraps of papers, and gluing!

"See?" Marinette pointed out to Luka about Chloe's way of getting votes and he nodded in understanding.

Alix: I couldn't care less about being a candidate, and what's your excuse?

Marinette: Well, uh, um, I'm... really busy! (thinks about being Ladybug and saving Paris)

Alya: With what? Oversleeping?

"If only we knew, girl. Then we wouldn't pressure you as much," Alya said and the other teens in the class nodded in agreement.

Marinette: Well, no! But, uh, well, I guess I would run if no one else did.

Scene: Classroom. Miss Bustier talks about the election.

Miss Bustier: So, any new candidates who would like to run against Chloé and Sabrina? (Marinette looks around, looking at Kim and Rose, the latter of whom squeaks) Given that Chloé and Sabrina are the only candidates, there's no point in voting. So, Chloé and Sabrina... (Chloé and Sabrina sigh in satisfaction)

Marinette: (raises her hand) I'll run!

Of course she would! She always has to be the hero! Lila thought bitterly in her head.

Miss Bustier: Wonderful! You'll need to develop your campaign and have a speech ready by tomorrow. We'll have the vote then.

Scene: Court. The students are talking about Marinette running for class rep.

Alya: So, let's hear the scoop on your campaign! How are you gonna represent?

Marinette: Represent? Uh, I have no idea. I still can't believe I raised my hand...

Rose: Way to go, Marinette! You spoke from the heart, it was truly authentic! (she giggles)

Marinette: Huh? Oh, uh... Thanks.

Rose: When you win, can we get more comfortable chairs? They are so hard, I can barely concentrate in class. (she gasps in delight) Maybe pink ones!

Nino: And it'd be primo if we could listen to our beats while we study in the library.

Juleka: Uh, you know... um, I don't-, you know.

Marinette: Um... (Chuckles) Sure, Juleka.

"What did you say, Jules?" Luka asked his sister and everybody turned to look at her, curious as well.

"I…don't know," Juleka answered just as shy and quietly at the time.

Alya: (sees Adrien) Adrien! Marinette can count on your vote, right?

Adrien: Sure. Depending on her speech...

"You weren't gonna vote for me, Adrikins?" Chloe asked sadly.

"I said I'd vote for Marinette depending on her campaign and speech, Chloe. Same deal with you. I'm being fair and impartial," Adrien said and everybody nodded in understanding.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way, kitty," Marinette said, admiring her boyfriend's impartiality.

Marinette: Better get cracking on that campaign.

Chloé: I've watched how my daddy wins every election, and I'm going to follow in his footsteps. I know just how to win!

Sabrina: By having the best campaign?

Chloé: Ha! Whatever! The secret to winning in politics is ruining your opponent's reputation!

"Sadly, that is usually how politics works. Not that I think it's correct!" Kagami pointed out and the others stayed silent since they can't argue with that.

Scene: Dupain-Cheng House. Marinette is in her room, thinking about her campaign.

Marinette: Softer chairs, music in the library, whatever Juleka said... I'm writing down everyone's issues! Now I just have to get all this in my election speech.

Tikki: I'm proud of you, I'm sure you're gonna win! You'll make an awesome class rep!

Marinette: They're all relying on me to defeat Chloé. Even Adrien, do you realize that? (Marinette's phone vibrates. It's Alya calling)

"I shouldn't have said that! Sorry, Chloe and Adrien," Marinette said wincing and the two friends nodded in forgiveness.

Alya: (From phone.) Marinette, battle's on.

Marinette: Why? What's going on?

Alya: Chloé's invited the whole class to her campaign launch party at City Hall and she's got Jagged Stone coming, too!

"At least one good thing came out of your campaign, Chloe. I mean it's not right to buy votes, but we all got to see Jagged Stone at least," Marinette pointed out and everybody else murmured in agreement while Chloe gave her a genuine smile.

Marinette: Seriously? Jagged Stone, my favorite star?! I love him! Oh, and so does everyone else.

Alya: Precisely! She's trying to buy student votes with autographs!

Marinette: Not if I have anything to say about it! Meet you there! (Marinette leaves the house, but forgets her diary. Sabrina, undercover, is about to enter the bakery to look for something to embarrass Marinette.)

Sabrina: I'm going in, Chloé. (enters the bakery)

Sabine: Hello!

Sabrina: Hi there! Marinette borrowed my math book for our Geometry homework, but I need it back.

Sabine: Marinette's not here, uh, I've got customers to attend to, but go on up and grab it from her room if you don't mind.

Sabrina: I'd be glad to, thanks!

"Mom, next time something like this happens, call me beforehand and ask for permission," Marinette said, frowning at her mother.

"You're right, sweetie. Lesson learned," Sabine said, frowning over at both Sabrina and Chloe.

"Sorry," Sabrina said sheepishly.

Scene: College. Adrien is in fencing class. Nadja Chamack, hidden, sees them. Mr. D'Argencourt defeats Adrien with a special attack.

Adrien: Wow, Mr. D'Argencourt, never seen you on fire like this! That was some attack!

"I think I can take him," Kagami said, chuckling.

"I'd love to see that," Adrien said, chuckling with her and some others.

Armand: It ought be. This particular maneuver hither was developed by my ancestor Darkblade.

Adrien: Darkblade?

Armand: In the days of yore, Darkblade conquered Paris and ruled over it with an iron fist. Until he was overthrown vence by a wealthy Frenchman who used his dirty gold to buy the loyalties of the common people. To think that not so long ago, my ancestor's flag was waving above Paris...

Nadja: Is that what you ran in the election, Mr. D'Argencourt? To seek revenge on your ancestors behalf?

Armand: Part le fer! Who dost we have hither?

Nadja: Nadja Chamack. Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Do you have anything to say about your quote un-quote landslide defeat?

Fred: Hey, you! Excuse me! How did you get in the school?

"I can't believe she snuck into the school like that!" Mylene said, frowning at Nadja on-screen along with everybody else.

Nadja: I think it's time to get back to the studio! (runs away)

Fred: Get back here!

Armand: Here endeth the lesson.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: (His window opens) A loser and an utter failure in an election. But the perfect candidate to lobby my own campaign. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my evil little akuma, and take control of this defeated fighter!

Scene: Outside the school. Mr. D'Argencourt is leaving, but Nadja Chamack finds him.

Nadja: Mr. D'Argencourt, it has been said, and I quote, that you're "stuck in the dark ages like a stubborn old rusted battle-axe". What do you have to say to that?

Armand: Poisonous wretch! Dares't thou approach with such venomous questions. Be gone, now, pestilent pain in the neck! (bumps into a poster with Mr. Bourgeois in it. He slices it to pieces. The akuma comes and enters his saber)

"He sure talks like he is in the Dark Ages," Angel pointed out and everybody else murmured in agreement.

Hawk Moth: Darkblade... In return for the powers I'm giving you, you'll capture Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous for me.

Armand: When the flag bearing the emblem of mine ancestors lies once again upon the roof of City Hall, then to thee I shall indeed be indebted! (turns into Darkblade)

Nadja: (suddenly nervous) Anything y-you'd like to say about your t-transformation into a-

"Why didn't she just run?! She reminds me of you, Alya!" Marinette said in disbelief and everybody else chuckled in agreement.

"That's part of being a great journalist!" Alya said, defending both herself and Nadja making everybody facepalm in exasperation.

Darkblade: Darkblade! The lord of Paris! (uses his sword to turn Nadja and the cameraman into knights) Thou shalt become my knights! Soon my army shalt be immense and unstoppable! (cuts the billboard in half with his sword) We shall take City Hall by storm and reclaim the throne from Bourgeois the usurper! (Adrien and Plagg are watching what happens; Plagg drifts idly over Adrien's shoulder)

Plagg: Whoa, that's some medieval madness!

Adrien: (enters the school) Time to transform!

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir)

Darkblade: (approaches the Gorilla) Zounds! What a great beast to join our conquest! (turns him into a knight. Civilians chant "Part le fer!" as Darkblade expands his army) Let us to battle, knights! Part le fer!

Cat Noir: The people had their say and they chose Bourgeois over you, D'Argencourt!

Darkblade: Thy peoples matter not to me. D'Argencourt was defeated, not Darkblade! En garde!

Scene: Marinette's room. Sabrina is about to steal Marinette's diary.

Sabrina: (from Chloé's phone) Chloé, I made it in. So, what am I looking for?

Chloé: (from Sabrina's phone) Anything. As long as it's totally embarrassing.

Sabrina: (searching, she finds a hat Marinette made) Wait, I had one just like this! How about... a ball of yarn! Or a screwdriver?

"Sabrina, she has about a million photos of Adrien. Why didn't you use that?" Chloe asked her best friend in disbelief.

"Because you have the same amount of photos hidden in your room. I might accidentally slip that out," Sabrina said in defense and Chloe blushed as everybody else laughed at the both of them.

Chloé: Course not, dingbat! A disgusting photo of her or some really tacky piece of clothing! Dig around a bit!

"OK, a disgusting photo I get, but a tacky piece of clothing?" Marinette asked Chloe in disbelief.

"No comment!" Chloe quickly said as the audience still chuckled at the both of them.

Sabrina: (sees Marinette's diary) Ohh... how about her diary?

Chloé: Wow! You can actually accomplish something when you put my mind to it! (Sabrina is about to grab the diary from the box, but the diary's box closes down on her hand. She yelps and tries to get it off, dropping her phone) Sabrina? Sabrina?!

Everybody in the audience burst into raucous laughter at Sabrina's failed attempt at getting Marinette's diary.

"Maybe you should get a sign that says, "DON'T TAKE MY DIARY! I WARNED YOU" or something!" Alix noted in-between laughs.

Scene: City Hall. Marinette arrives and sees the campaign launch party is starting.

Mr. Bourgeois: I'm pleased to welcome you all to the official launch of Chloé's electoral campaign. And a special thank-you to world-famous pop-star Jagged Stone for endorsing her. (The other students are amazed)

Chloé: And, when you vote for me, you'll get free tickets to Jagged's next concert! (Alya gets an autographed CD, and Marinette sees her)

Marinette: Huh! You got an autograph?

Alya: Uh... Yeah, got you one too. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Marinette: Nope, I'm not falling for it. But, I'll consider forgiving you if you vote for me.

Alya: (chuckles and nods)

Scene: Lock Bridge. Cat Noir and Darkblade are still fighting.Darkblade performs the same feint-and-strike he did to Adrien before. His staff goes flying.

Cat Noir: Seriously? How did I not see that coming?

"Yes, Adrien. How did you not see that coming? I would," Kagami teasingly asked, proud of her fencing skills while Adrien blushed in embarrassment and everyone chuckled at Kagami's teasing.

Darkblade: Take him! (His knights go after Cat Noir, but he throws himself out of the bridge, hiding under it) Nary a minute to be wasted! City Hall awaits us!

Cat Noir: City Hall, huh? You go first. I'll catch up with you.

"Who are you talking to? I'm not near you!" Marinette said laughing along with everybody else.

"No comment," Adrien said as he blushed in embarrassment.

Scene: City Hall. Jagged Stone is still signing autographs. Sabrina arrives to where Chloé is.

Chloé: What took you so long? You'd better have gotten her diary.

Sabrina: I did! Sorta... (shows her the diary box)

Chloé: (she gasps and turns Sabrina away from their classmates) What is that?

Sabrina: When I grabbed the diary, this crazy box clipped down around my hand!

Chloé: And I'm supposed to believe you? Ughhh... Why do I bother?

"Yeah! The evidence was right in front of you!" Alya pointed out to Chloe in disbelief.

"No comment!" Chloe exclaimed in embarrassment.

Marinette: Do you realize that you're all being bribed? Concert tickets are awesome, but they aren't gonna solve classroom problems.

Nathaniel: So what's your campaign then, Marinette?

"Sorry about that, Marinette. We were pretty mesmerized by Jagged Stone," Nathaniel said sheepishly and everybody else in the class apologized as well.

"No worries. I would be too if I weren't running," Marinette said truthfully.

Marinette: Well, um, I'm, um, thinking that cushions would be more realistic than buying new chairs. (To Rose) Your cushion could be very pink. And I'll see about listening to music in the library. Through headphones, of course.

Chloé: (sarcastically) Remarkable. You actually sound like a class rep. Too bad you don't have a chance of winning. A word? (Chloe shoves her behind the pillar Sabrina is hiding behind)

Yeah, you do sound like a class rep! Lila sarcastically thought about Marinette.

Marinette: Oh! My diary! What were you doing-?

Chloé: If you don't pull out of the race, all your secrets will be revealed.

Marinette: Don't-uh, I mean, uh, what secrets?

Chloé: Ha! I guess we'll find out... as soon as I get my hands on a chainsaw! (Trumpets start playing)

"A chainsaw, Chloe?! That's very dangerous. Not only would it possibly damage Sabrina's hand that she would have to be hospitalized, but it would damage my diary, therefore ruining your plan against me!" Marinette pointed out and everybody else murmured in agreement.

"Ugh! You're right. Why am I so stupid?!" Chloe asked and everybody else shrugged while also trying to hold back their laughter.

Knight: O-ye, o-ye! Darkblade shalt speak now! Listen or be imprisoned!

Darkblade: Henceforth, my flag shalt fly over thy kingdom! Bourgeois, pathetic knave, come hither and do battle!

Mr. Bourgeois: What did he say?

Alya: Basically, he's gonna bust you up.

"Nice translation, Alya!" Luka said, laughing while Alya stood in a proud pose making everybody laugh.

Mr. Bourgeois: Ehh... Ask my secretary for an appointment! (He and the students shut the doors)

"What a wimp!" Alix said about Mayor Bourgeois with a cringey face.

Darkblade: Ha ha ha ha ha! Bow down to Darkblade, or feel the wrath of mine sword!

Knights: Part le fer! Part le fer! Dahhh! (Cat Noir jumps from ceiling to ceiling, and throws his staff at the knights)

Darkblade: Take him!

Cat Noir: Guys, do you only know heavy metal? (Cat Noir and the knights start fighting when Cat Noir gets dogpiled)

Marinette: Ouch! Cat Noir... Hurry!

Cat Noir: (breaks out from under the pile of knights with his staff) That was a nice warm-up!

Darkblade: Part le fer! (starts fighting Cat Noir. Scene cuts back to the inside of City Hall)

Jagged Stone: Wait, do I hear the sounds of crazed fans? I can totally get them under control. (He takes his guitar, goes outside and plays it while singing off-key, only to see Darkblade and Cat Noir fighting, and Cat Noir being chased by the knights.)

"What the heck is Jagged doing?!" Luka asked about his idol on-screen in disbelief as everybody facepalms in agreement.

Darkblade: Behold, a minstrel!

Jagged Stone: Guys, guys, I know you love me, but no reason to fight over it.

Darkblade: Are you the usurper's champion?

Jagged Stone: Say what? (Darkblade zaps him and turns him into a knight)

Chloé: Oh no!

Ivan: What are we gonna do?

Marinette: The doors, quickly!

Chloé: The doors, quickly!

Marinette: Quit, Chloé!

Chloé: Quit, Chloé! Oh...

"That's what you get for imitating me!" Marinette said laughing along with everybody else while Chloe blushed in embarrassment.

Darkblade: Kneel before thy flag of Darkblade! Bow down before mine eyes! (The students lock the doors)

Rose: Chloé, what should we do? What would a class rep do?!

Chloé: Well, if indeed you vote for me, I'll provide you with an answer. Tomorrow!

Rose: But we can't wait until tomorrow!

Chloé: Then you're out of luck. You'll have to ask someone else!

"Huh! Being a wimp must be genetic!" Alix said, noting about Chloe and her father from earlier.

"Shut up, Kubdel!" Chloe said, enough of the embarrassment towards her.

Marinette: Hmmm... (goes upstairs) Tikki, we need to talk.

Scene: City Hall Office. Marinette is talking with Tikki.

Tikki: What are you going to do?

Marinette: Cat Noir needs Ladybug, but the students need me, too!

Tikki: Trust your instincts. (Meanwhile, outside, the knights are trying to open the door. The students are scared, but Marinette arrives)

Marinette: Kim, Ivan, lock the doors! Make sure all the windows are closed too, quickly! (They go and lock the doors) Nino, Juleka, Rose, Mylène and Alya, you come with me!

Alya: Good job, girl! Now there's a future class representative in the making.

"Alya's right. You're a great class representative because everyone here listens and pays attention to you," Adrien pointed out and everybody murmured in agreement while Marinette gave a grateful smile, but then it faded.

"Except for certain things," Marinette said, pointing her head into Lila's direction and Adrien nodded once he finally understood. The two glared at Lila while she gave them both a hidden evil smirk.

"What do you mean, dudette?" Nino asked, not getting it along with everybody else.

"You'll see," Angel said for now as she also glared at Lila.

Chloé: Well, I was going to say the exact same thing. Sabrina, Ivan, Kim, go lock the doors! (Outside, the knights are still trying to open the door)

"Yeah, like we believe that, Chloe!" Alix snorted sarcastically.

Marinette: We have to barricade the entrance! (The students use things from the room to make a barricade)

Nino: I hope they haven't gone too medieval on Cat Noir!

Marinette: It's time to retreat! Sir, we gotta get out of here!

Mr. Bourgeois: This way! (leads the students to safety)

"Even Chloe's daddy is doing what you say!" Alya pointed out to her best friend, laughing.

Marinette: I'll catch up with you guys! I'll make sure all the windows are closed first! (opens her purse and Tikki appears) This should be safe now.

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Ha! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug)

Scene: Outside the City Hall. Cat Noir is being surrounded by knights, but Ladybug appears in time.

Cat Noir: Back off, you tin cans!

Ladybug: Cat Noir, over here! (uses her yo-yo to drag him inside, and he hits the wall, landing upside down with his legs folded) Sorry, Cat Noir. I was busy doing damage control inside.

Cat Noir: I was managing just fine by myself, you know. But it's always nice to see you.

Darkblade: Come, formation! (The knights come into formation, but Ladybug and Cat Noir stop them)

Cat Noir: Strike! (lifts Ladybug inside)

Darkblade: Cursèd, colorful acrobats! (turns two cars into catapults. The knights use the catapults to launch themselves into the City Hall)

Knight: Pull! (The knights pull the catapult, and launch it)

Cat Noir: Why are they going on the roof? (a knight ungracefully slams none-to-gently into the wall beside their window with an "oof!") Well, at least some of them.

Everyone in the theater laughed at the knight's failed attempt to get on the roof of City Hall.

Ladybug: The flag!

Darkblade: Tally ho! (The knights launch him to the roof with the catapult) Ha ha ha! Once these stripes are supplanted by mine coat of arms, I shalt reign supreme!

Ladybug: The akuma must be in his sword!

Cat Noir: How are we gonna get a hold of it?

Ladybug: By getting me close to him! (Ladybug ties Darkblade's arm with her yo-yo, and goes to where he is. Darkblade blocks Ladybug with his sword) Cat Noir, don't let him get his banner! (Cat Noir tries to knock down the human ladder of knights to stop the banner from going up, but is too late)

Darkblade: Villains! Thou impress me not. By the blade of darkness, I hereby declare all peoples of this kingdom are henceforth mine! (puts his flag on top, causing the sky to become black) Bow to King Darkblade! (A black void of energy appears and begins closing in on City Hall, causing civilians to become knights.) Hahahaha!

Ladybug: Huh?

Darkblade: Soon thou shalt join my army, you venomous insect!

Cat Noir: (knocks down the knights who are holding him) Not so fast! En garde!

Hawk Moth: It won't be long before Ladybug and Cat Noir show up to meet their doom! (laughs)

"Again with that line?! Get some new quotes, Hawk Moth!" Alix exclaimed to the villain on-screen.

Cat Noir: (Sees the civilians becoming knights) We're about to wind up as knights too! (The black energy reaches the students, who become knights)

Knights: Part le fer!

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (A toy Ladybug appears) Uh, okay... (uses her thinking vision which highlights part of the City Hall's roof, some edging, and Darkblade's underarm) Let's hope Darkblade's ticklish.

"That tiny thing?! Tickling?! That's your master plan?!" Lila asked in genuine disbelief.

"Well, it worked!" Marinette said proudly and everybody except for Adrien gave her unbelievable stares. "You'll see."

Cat Noir: (sees Darkblade pull the same feint he did before) Not this time. (While they are fighting, Ladybug winds up the toy, goes to where Darkblade is and throws the toy ladybug at him. He starts feeling ticklish and laughing. He throws his sword, and Cat Noir throws it to Ladybug, who breaks it, depleting the black sky and the dark energy. The akuma flies out of the sword)

"I can't believe it! You actually defeated Darkblade by tickling?! You are freaking awesome, girl!" Alya said excitedly and everybody cheered and applauded in agreement except for Lila who just growled silently.

Ladybug: No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. (opens her yo-yo) Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma with her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases the purified akuma.) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (throws the Lucky Charm into the air, its energy reverting everything back to normal. Darkblade turns back into Mr. D'Argencourt.)

Armand: Hmm? Huh?

Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Pound it!" Marinette and Adrien once again fist-bumped and kissed in victory.

Cat Noir: (looks to his ring) Uh, gotta take off, see ya!

Hawk Moth: Our duel is not over yet, my dear Ladybug. At the end of our battle, I will rule!

And I will rule alongside you! Lila vowed to Hawk Moth in her head.

Scene: City Hall. Ladybug enters through a window, and turns back into Marinette.

Tikki: Great job, Marinette. You proved that you can be Ladybug and a student leader at the same time.

Marinette: Wasn't easy, but I'm glad I tried. Cause if I hadn't, I never would've known I could do it. (The students are removing the posters and chairs from the door, and Chloé sees Marinette)

Chloé: So where were you? Safely hiding under a rock?

Marinette: Very funny, Chloé. I got transformed... into a knight.

Adrien: (sprinting downstairs) So did I! What a knight-mare!

"Dude, you're Adrien right now. Not Cat Noir!" Nino joked making everybody else laugh.

Marinette: Now that this is all over, I want my personal items back! (The other students gasp and surround Chloé)

Chloé: I really have no idea what you're talking about! I-

Sabrina: (shoves Chloé aside and holds out her hand with the diary box on it to Marinette) Oh, yes! Please take it off! (Marinette uses the key to open the diary box, freeing Sabrina's hand) Thank you!

"Way to sell your best friend out, Sabrina!" Chloe said to her best friend with a frown.

"I can't have that thing in my hand forever!" Sabrina said, defending herself.

Alya: Got an explanation, Chloé?

Chloé: I told you, I never took her diary! And I'm offended that you're accusing me.

Marinette: Then how did you even know my diary was in here? (The other students gasp)

"Ooooh!" The teens teased at the stand-off between the arch-rivals.

What a couple of dummies! I would've done that better! Lila thought about Chloe and Sabrina.

Chloé: Oh, well, uh... Sabrina told me. It was all her idea!

"Yeah, you're one to talk about selling best friends out, Chloe!" Marinette sarcastically pointed out to Chloe who just blushed in embarrassment.

Nino: So uncool!

Alya: At least now we know nobody voted for Chloé. You're gonna be our new representative!

Marinette: Uh... Not so fast, Alya.

Chloé: Ha ha ha! See? She's undependable! She's already throwing in the towel!

Marinette: No, I'm not! I just wanna be voted in fairly, not because you don't wanna vote for Chloé, but because you believe in me! I'm not gonna make promises that I can't keep, and I'm not gonna be able to get you everything that you want. But I am resourceful and I know how to prioritize. I'm a good listener and a great multi-tasker. Representing you all is something I truly believe in. And most importantly, I believe in myself. So... vote for Marinette, for class representative! (The other students cheer and applaud her)

Chloé: (Sees Sabrina applauding) What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? Ughh... What are you even good for?

"Great speech, sweetheart!" Tom said to his daughter as everybody cheered and applauded at Marinette's inspiring speech.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Marinette ends up being elected as class representative.

Miss Bustier: By majority vote, Marinette is the new class representative, and Alya will be her deputy.

Marinette: (to Alya) You'll be able to do your blog and be deputy. We can do anything if we put our minds to it!

Alya: I'm with you, girl!

"Well, that was certainly interesting. What's next?" Mr. Damocles asked.

"Next episode is The Mime," Angel answered.

"That was my dad, right?" Mylene asked with a sad look just like Sabrina had when her own father got akumatized and Angel nodded in confirmation. "I was wondering why. He never told me."

"Well, you'll find out," Angel said pointing to the screen as the episode started playing.