
Wastelanders: War of Iritheum

Under the rule of their God-King, the People of the Wastelands live an underprivileged life on the outskirts of a mysterious dark sphere known simply as the Black Ball. Theodore Gray, a sharp-witted teen, finds himself in the crossfire of a war-brewing between the God-King and an elusive rebel group that has emerged to challenge his rule. After a life-changing event and the discovery of an unfamiliar system, Theo and his friends must choose between their current life of oppression or one that could lead to the liberation of their people.

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20 Chs

Battle of a Hundred Men (5)

Outside the crumbling Iron Fortress, a colossal dust cloud engulfed the surroundings, an aftermath of the relentless bombardment of massive boulders. As the dust settled, a grim and harrowing scene unfolded before their eyes. Lifeless bodies lay dismembered and flattened, crushed beneath the weight of the merciless stones. The harsh reality became painfully clear to those who arrived later as they witnessed many of Benny's men meet their untimely demise.

Amidst the chaos, Theo and his companions miraculously emerged unscathed by the relentless onslaught, owing their survival to Isabella's quick thinking. With remarkable ingenuity, she conjured an army of towering roots from the earth, intertwining them to form a protective dome that absorbed the brunt of the impact, shielding as many people as she could from harm.

Surveying the scene, Isabella absorbed the grim tableau of death and destruction surrounding her. Fury welled up inside her, and anger surged through her veins, fueled with a burning intensity matched only by her determination. Ignoring the apprehension in her heart, she directed her anger toward the approaching Devils in front of them.

"Nature Manipulation... Rooting Confinement!" Isabella's hands collided with a resounding clap, setting her abilities into motion. Rising from the ground like ancient sentinels, colossal roots, thick as tree trunks, surged forward like a relentless tide, engulfing the Devils in a formidable wooden prison. 

The massive roots formed an impenetrable ball-like structure, trapping the Devils within. With another resolute clap, Isabella intensified her hold on the imprisoned Devils, causing the wooden prison to constrict around them. Ensnared inside an ever-tightening grip, the Devil's prospects of escape diminished with each passing moment.

Now squarely facing the fortunate few who had evaded the clutches of her attack, Isabella conjured her signature weapon—a rope javelin fashioned from water. Sidestepping the elemental assaults launched by the Devils, she found herself struck by a powerful gust of wind, propelling her into the air. Yet, with finesse, she manipulated the roots beneath her, utilizing them as support to regain her balance mid-flight.

Springing forth from the colossal tree trunk-sized roots, Isabella drew her sword and swiftly closed the distance between herself and the Devils. The water-formed rope-javelin flowed from her hand, wrapping tightly around her blade. With a ferocious swing, she cleaved through a Devil from head to toe, leaving no room for mercy. 

Exhaustion weighed upon her as Isabella stood amidst the fallen adversaries, only to witness an unsettling sight. An eerie phenomenon unfolded before her eyes as the Devils she had slain inexplicably began to rise to their feet as if the hold of death had eluded them.

"What in the world...?" Isabella mused aloud, her voice echoing through the battlefield. She was bewildered by the surreal resurrection of her fallen foes, who now stood eye-to-eye with her.

A thunderous clamor erupted from within the wooden prison, shattering the once-ominous silence with sounds of relentless pounding. In an awe-inspiring display of power, a colossal wave of elemental attacks exploded, obliterating the imprisoning structure. Isabella skillfully evaded the onslaught, but the overwhelming numerical advantage of the Devils soon overpowered her.

Meanwhile, Theo and the rest of the group watched helplessly from a distance, their hearts sinking at the sight of Isabella's positioning in the fight. 

"There are too many! She can't take them all!" Curtis exclaimed, his words laden with worry and frustration as he observed the lopsided clash between Isabella and the pitiless horde of Devils.

"Benny!" Isabella's voice echoed through the battlefield, carrying a sense of hurry that instantly resonated with Benny. He pivoted to Marco yet couldn't help but notice in his peripheral vision the piercing sight of additional Devils entering the fray, their sinister presence intensifying the dire state of the situation.

"Get moving! We'll provide cover!" Benny barked out his instructions, laced with a mixture of authority. Marco, along with Aeda, Aida, and Clarissa, nodded in acknowledgment of Benny's orders. Securing Mimi safely within her arms, Clarissa quickly sprinted away from the battlefield, catching up to the group of women and children with Marco.

Curtis redirected his gaze towards Arthur and Bryce, his eyes conveying a silent command. "You two go with them. Make sure everyone gets to safety," he urged, his voice filled with unease.

"But what about you?" Bryce inquired, his tone revealing a hint of worry.

"Bella is fighting for all of us right now. We have to protect her," Curtis reminded them as he glanced at the remainder of Benny's workers holding their shields. But his words only fell on stubborn ears.

"That's exactly why we're staying here," Bryce declared firmly, a fire burning within his eyes.

"We can protect her too, you know," Arthur added, mirroring Bryce's unyielding resolve.

Curtis realized the futility of arguing with these two and succumbing to their will. Clutching his shield tightly, he watched as Marco and the others disappeared into the distance. Despite his best efforts to maintain a facade of composure, fear trembled in Curtis's hands, displaying his inner turmoil. 

Benny placed a reassuring hand on Curtis's shoulder, attempting to alleviate his frayed nerves. "Let's lend her our support," he encouraged, his voice infused with motivation, rallying the remaining recruits and his faithful men.

Isabella was besieged on all sides, assailed by relentless attacks from the Devils. Swiftly evading their strikes, she retaliated with calculated precision. However, weariness crept into her movements, causing her to falter. The weight of exhaustion had taken its toll, sapping her speed and reflexes. Unknown to her, a wave of scorching flames surged toward her from behind, poised to engulf her in its scalding embrace. Time seemed to have stood still as Isabella prepared to face the attack, yet before she could react, two shields emerged, intercepting the impending impact.

Benny and Curtis lowered their battle shields, acknowledging Isabella with a simple nod. Returning the nod, Isabella resumed her assault. In a seamless display of teamwork and coordination, the group took turns, rotating as they deflected the physical and elemental attacks directed at Isabella. Their movements were like a choreographed dance of protection.

Amidst the fray, more of Benny's men fell victim to the Devils, but unfortunately, the fallen Devils began to stir, rising once again, resurrecting as formidable adversaries once more.

"Seems like the only way to take them down for good is by aiming for the head, don't you think?" Benny inquired, his gaze fixed on the remaining Devils before them.

"Yeah, that seems to be the case. But honestly, Benny, I'm not sure how long I can keep this up," Isabella admitted, maintaining her composure while taking deep breaths.

"Bella, I won't leave you here," Benny replied, preparing his shield to defend against any incoming attacks.

"Too many of your people have lost their lives tonight, Benny. The ones who manage to escape will need you more than ever," Isabella urged, glancing over at Benny's men.

"And they'll need you more than ever," Benny reminded her, gesturing towards the exhausted, terrified, yet tenacious young recruits.

Quickly, Isabella's attention fell on a pair of lurking Devils behind the recruits. Without hesitation, she dashed toward them. "Watch out!"

Panic surged through Isabella as she attempted to form a whip made of water, but her dwindling supply of Dyna hindered its length, preventing her from reaching the boys in time. As the Devils lunged towards their targets, Theo and the others hastily raised their shields for protection. Yet, to their surprise, the Devils vanished in a swirling blaze.

Emerging from the inferno, the Devils fell to the ground, reduced to charred remnants. Isabella could only watch in awe as a few Devils, not caught in the blast, leaped towards her. The Devil's met their demise with a figure flickering past Isabella, swiftly cutting them down.

"You shouldn't daydream during battle, Bella," Tana stated, effortlessly striding through the sea of blazes without a single burn mark.

"Tana...? What are you doing here?" Isabella questioned, a sense of relief washing over her as Tana finished off the remaining Devils with her flames.

"Fire seems to be their weakness. Is this all of them?" Tana asked while David inspected the area littered with charred Devil corpses.

"No... I've been keeping count since we left the main hall. I only counted twenty," David reported to Isbaella and Tana, prompting Theo to turn and face him.

"Dawn..." Theo whispered to David, his voice barely audible, and David nodded in silent acknowledgment. 

The two hurried back towards the crumbling fortress, their footsteps echoing across the silent battlefield. Their hearts pounded loudly against their chest as their minds focused on the imminent danger that awaited them inside the Iron Fortress.

"Hey! You two! Hold on!" Benny called out desperately, pleading for their attention. Yet, their ears remained deaf to his cry, their focus fixed on the vital task ahead, and they pressed on, charging resolutely into the depths of the building in search of Dawn.

In the distance, beyond the confines of Benny's Iron Fortress, Nozomu and Pop stood rebellious, their gazes locked onto the approaching horde of Devils. With valiant glistening in their eyes, they prepared to face the oncoming onslaught head-on. The Devils rushed forward, but Nozomu and Pop's united wind attacks struck them with tremendous force, sending the horde hurtling backward. With each gust of wind fired, Pop's strength waned. It was clear he was on the precipice of exhaustion.

Sedgwick, Branch, and a few soldiers stood at a distance, silent as they observed the stalemate before them on the battlefield between Nozomu, Pop, and the Devils. 

"Branch, I have them cornered! Do you see!? Do you see!?" Sedgwick exclaimed as his excitement ran wild, his grip on Branch's shoulder tightened, his voice flushed with triumph and madness.

"Indeed, you do, sir," Branch responded nonchalantly as he delicately wiped Sedgwick's hand from his shoulder as though he were removing a stain.

"All those ignorant swine will have no choice but to acknowledge me once I eliminate this Wasteland filth and reclaim the Iritheum Core!" Sedgwick yelled, and Branch cleared his throat discreetly before replying, "Indeed, they will, sir."

Sedgwick's impatience grew as he turned to the group of Devils. "I don't have all night! Hurry up and annihilate them!" Sedgwick gestured towards the final wave of Devils at his disposal, his eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of superiority.

The remaining Devils sprinted forward, their malevolent energy driving them toward Nozomu and Pop. The two rebels lifted their swords, poised to confront the incoming wave. But before they could clash, a colossal force descended from the heavens, crashing into the ground with a thunderous impact.

The dust settled, revealing a crater that emerged as a testament to the collision created by the tremendous force. Many of the Devils caught in the impact lay crushed, dismembered, or immobilized, while a familiar figure stepped out from the newly formed cavity—Evaughn.

"Evaughn!?" Pop exclaimed, his voice filled with astonishment and a sense of relief.

"It appears I arrived just in time," Evaughn stated calmly with confidence as he approached Nozomu and Pop, his gaze sweeping over the scene with calculated intent.

"But how?" Pop began to ask, his curiosity ignited, but only to be swiftly interrupted by Nozomu.

"If you still have enough energy to ask questions, then it means you can still fight," Nozomu interjected, his tone firm and persistent. In response, Pop tightened his grip on his sword, the desire to win rekindling within him as it coursed through his veins. "Yes, sir!"

"Evaughn, Let me bring you up to speed," Nozomu said as he observed the remaining Devils on the battlefield. "These creatures possess an incredible regenerative ability. As long as their heads remain intact, they can recover from attacks. It's as if they feel no pain or fear. Their attack patterns are erratic and unpredictable. So far, we've discovered that fire is the only thing they seem weak to."

"Understood," Evaughn replied, a single-minded glint in his eyes. As he observed the relentless horde of Devils approaching, he cracked his knuckles and flexed his neck to loosen up, preparing himself for the imminent battle. With a sudden burst of strength, Evaughn unleashed a thunderous punch that struck the ground with tremendous force, propelling several Devils into the air like ragdolls.

Harnessing the extraordinary power of Dyna, Evaughn propelled himself high into the air upon a towering stone column as several Devils clung to its surface. Evaughn's fist glowed with an intense, grimy red hue while molten rock coalesced around it. With a swift motion, he cocked his arm back, causing the magma to continue its merge around his fist.

"Behold the might of my Volcanic Manipulation... Magma Hammer Core!" Evaughn announced with a swift and forceful downward swing of his fiery fist. In a mesmerizing display of power, the molten fist descended upon the airborne Devils who remained on the column. The scorching heat and raw power pulverized the Devils against the column, resulting in an explosion that resembled a volcanic eruption, consuming the stone column in a fiery spectacle, leaving Nozomu and Pop amazed as they watched from below.

"Pop, you stay here and assist Evaughn," Nozomu commanded, his tone leaving no room for debate. Without further explanation, Nozomu flew into the night sky with incredible speed.

"Where are you going!?" Pop yelled, questioning Nozomu's decision to leave the battlefield as he stood puzzled. However, Nozomu had already disappeared into the night sky as Pop's voice echoed throughout the air, his words trailing behind into the darkness.