
Wars and Rivalries

37 people were put into the other world to compete for the ultimate reward: the ascension to godhood and ownership to the world they were put into. Shiro Hiragashi was just an ordinary high school student who was out in the exact same situation. What would he do with the talent he was given by the goddess? Will he compete for the reward? Or will he live an ordinary life? Many twists and turns are ahead of his adventurer. No one really knows what would happen, no one could predict the future, and no one is certain who would win the prizes at the end. For now, Shiro and the other competitors just need to find out for themselves.

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

The Start of an Adventure

Inside a small house that was made of wood and bricks, a rather young-looking boy gathers the supply for his adventure that will come soon. Taking a bunch of stuff on the table that was put in the corner of the room, he fills his bag with contents. Then, for the last preparation, he took the sword that was on the side of the wall and put it on the sheath that was already set on his waist. Looking ready for the day, he smiles and leaves the room.

[ Yosh! ] He shouted as he stretches his upper body, his face revealed under the gentle sunlight of the sun that has also just woken up from its slumber. The boy's name was Shiro Hiragashi. He was a normal high schooler just a year ago, but now, he's an adventurer ready for his journey to the outside world.

To Shiro, this world was unfamiliar, however, after spending the past year figuring out the ways to live here, he was able to fit perfectly with the people who originally live in it; particularly, with the people living in the village he was now staying at. Looking around, he could see all the houses that are peacefully placed in the village. There, he could see a few people who are either watering their plants or tending with the farms. It is still early so they're the only ones who he could really see for now. If an hour or two would past, he would see the kids he always teaches play outside, but he wouldn't wait for them as he needs to hurry to his appointment. So, without much thought, he walks away from his house towards his destination: the village Elder.

Along the way, he greets the people he sees. Because he was not local to the village, he was treated differently from the others - treated not in a negative way, but positively. Since the first day of his visit, he has always been welcomed with open arms. He couldn't be more thankful to them, that was why he did his best to cooperate in improving the whole village since he has arrived; helping them with their major issue in the scarcity of food and quality of health.

After a few minutes of walking, he had arrived at the village elder's house. The house was nothing special, like Shiro's own home, it was only constructed with a few numbers of bricks, tended with wood and other materials. The only difference it has with the other houses in the village was the sign that was hanging on top of its doors, a sign that says "Village Chief".

Entering the house, Shiro was immediately greeted by a young woman, someone who was probably only a year or two younger than him. Like the other villagers, she wears normal clothes, but for a commoner, she has a very desirable face, combined with long, almost glistening black hair. She was the granddaughter of the village elder, Anna. As far as Shiro knows, she was there since the beginning, helping him adjust to whatever it is he was having problems with, providing him with everything, even the cooking for him occasionally.

[ Shiro-sama! You're here! My grandpa was waiting for you! ] Enthusiastically, she greeted, to which Shiro greeted back casually. Their exchange was so normalized, it was as if they were childhood friends visiting each other's houses.

[ Good morning, Anna... Umm... about ojii-san, I didn't make him wait long, did I? ]

[ N-No! He actually just woke up too! He went to the meeting room just now, so you're probably not late... ]

[ Is that so? If I am, I'll get scolded again... ] Scratching his head, Shiro murmurs. Anna sees the obvious look of nervousness on his face, so she panicked for the second time.

[ My grandpa is not like that...! I'm always telling you: he actually likes you, Shiro-sama, so please don't be discouraged! ]

[ Well, if you say so... ] Replying so, Shiro fixes his composure for the first time since he arrived.

[ Anyway... I'll go meet him now. ] He said, but just as he was about to step his way in on the other room, Anna still has a few words to say.

[ U-Umm... I'm just about to prepare breakfast, I'll come later so you can help yourself, Shiro-sama. ]

[ I won't really take long... But if you say so, maybe I'll wait for a bit longer. ]

[ Umu! ] She nodded as Shiro finally went on his way.

Entering another sizeable room, Shiro met with a circular table with a few seats, a few unlit candle lights, and a large window that allows the light outside to enter. And there, seating on the far opposite side of the room was an elderly man whose face was partly covered under his elongated beard. Though he has the face and appearance of an old man, around him was the atmosphere of a stern man. Just by looking at his person, one could tell that he was the elder, which he is.

[ Welcome, Shiro... ] With his crackled, deep voice, he calls. He has his fingers crossed against each other as he leans over, so it was easy to read that he was not in a particularly good mood. Shiro thought that he should approach him wisely; one wrong move and he might trigger something on him. Luckily, he has already planned what to say to convince him of -.

[ I see... So you've already prepared your stuff, huh? Just as you said, you will finally leave the village. ] In his normal tone, he spoke.

[ Yes, I already talked to you about this before, but I decided that I will finally go back on my journey starting tomorrow. ] With much seriousness, Shiro sat and he replied. He knows how the elder would react, but he was determined so he did not falter to say his words. Anticipating, he waited for the elder to reply...

[ Mmm... I respect your decision, but... Just why did you just suddenly wanted to leave the village? ]

[ That's... That's something I cannot really say... ] Bowing his head, Shiro apologizes. He has his respect for the elder, so he couldn't really make his way to disappoint him. He was the person who had given him shelter in this village. He has taught him many things and even if he acts forcefully sometimes, he still owes him a lot.

With his answer, he was sure the elder would get angry at him again as he always does, but to his surprise, contrary to what he was expecting, all he got was the sincere approval he was hoping to get.

[ Really...? If that is so... It might be a little depressing to see, but I hope you good luck. ]

[ Eh? ] To the sincere answer, Shiro could only get surprised.

[ Jii-san... Aren't you going to get angry or something? ]

[ Why would I? You're not bound in this village by any means... You can always do as you wish... ] Slowing down his words, he continues...

[ You know... You have helped this village many times already... You have saved us from famine and you even taught us how to make medicine for the sick... You have taught us all kinds of things... I do not know what would happen to this village if you didn't arrive. That... I cannot exchange what you did for the village with your freedom. I cannot keep the person who saved us on a leash. ]

[ Ojii-san... ] Surprised with the sincerity of the old man, Shiro wasn't able to find the words to reply.

[ Still, if you were to leave, make sure you will visit this village again. You're one of our people now and will always be, Shiro. ] With those words, he finally ends his turn. Shiro was still struggling to reply, but soon, he was able to.

[ I never thought you were the tsundere type, Ojii-san. ]

[ What was that now? ]

[ Fufufu... Don't worry... I will still visit occasionally; it's not like I will be gone forever. ] With a laugh, Shiro said. Then, he stood up from his seat and made a bow to the elder for the last time.

[ Thank you for everything up until now, Jii-san. You said that I helped this village, but the fact is, everyone has also helped me a lot. I also want to thank them, but... I don't want to cause any commotion. ]

[ I-Is that so? Well... You don't need to thank everyone, really... I'm just glad we could help. ] A little embarrassed, the elder replies, although, soon, he was able to regain his composure to speak in his normal tone again.

[ Then, I guess this is goodbye, Shiro. ]

[ Yes. Again, thank you very much. ]

[ Fufu... You're just always like this... That's why I had fun teasing you... You can leave now... but remember, make sure you will visit again sometime. ]

[ Yes! ]

With that one last nod, Shiro finally turns the other way and leaves the room, meeting Anna halfway as he was about to leave the entirety of the house. She was still the same as he had met her earlier, only now, she was carrying food on a small plate, which is probably meant for him and the elder to eat.

[ Oh? Are you already finished, Shiro-sama? ] Immediately as they met, she asked worriedly.

[ Yes, It's already my cue to leave. ]

[ Is that so? I baked this early in the morning, how about you take a bite before you leave? ] She offers, a bit embarrassed with the very food she baked, turning red as Shiro took some. Shiro is not dense enough to not know the reason behind her reaction, he actually knows why she was acting like this. Her feelings are not just obvious to anyone else in the village, but also to him. However... There are many reasons why he doesn't really respond to her feelings... That was why he treats her just like everybody else and won't go further.

[ Thank you; I'll take the offer. ] He gladly responds.

[ How is it? ]

[ It's good, Anna! You really improved your cooking, huh? Umm... Can I take some before I leave? ]

[ Ple-Please! ] Turning away shyly, she offers the food, which Shiro gladly store in a clean pouch.

[ Thank you very much. ] He gives his thanks as he took enough. Immediately after, he went and said his goodbyes, leaving Anna baffled as he leaves her alone in a hurry. All she could do was stare at his back as he leaves the house, waving as he went far.

[ Shiro-sama... ]


Anna enters the room where her grandfather is soon after he met with Shiro. She was a little disappointed that Shiro immediately left as soon as she was finally able to have the chance to spend some time with him, but she was still glad that he was able to take a bite of the food she baked for him, which he also complimented with a smile on his face. She couldn't be happier that she was able to get the compliment of the person she likes. She's hoping that soon, she would notice her feelings and they would finally get married.

Just the thought is enough to make her smile, laughing to herself unconsciously.

Entering the room, she saw the figure of her grandfather, sitting at the opposite side of the room. His head was looking down so she can't really see his face, but she didn't mind as she's sure he's just pondering about what he and Shiro have talked about, which she's also sure was to help their village improve.

[ I made you breakfast, Jii-san! ] Strolling on the side of her grandfather, she turns a look at him. Then, just as she was able to get close to him...


( ... )

[ Umm... Is there something wrong? ] She was sure he heard him inhale the air hard. It was as if... he was crying...

[ Hey... ] She pester him, but she wasn't able to get any response, except more sniffing and heavy breaths from his grandfather. Soon, she panicked, thinking he was having a problem... She was about to leave the room to get help, but to her surprise, her grandfather finally spoke.

[ Shiro... I treated him like a son... and now... ] Hearing Shiro's name, Anna immediately turns back, the look of worry was written all over her face.

[ He... He finally left us... ]

[ Huh...? ] Hearing those words, she couldn't help but lose grip on the plate she was holding.