
Scroll 3: The Magic Knights Exam And The Black Bulls

   Asta and Yuno had been training themselves for the past six months, the exam was the next week. Asta had been having strange dreams for the past six months, he kept seeing a man floating telling him that it was almost time to awake the power within. Asta and Yuno had dinner they then headed for their room to get some rest before their journey the next day. Asta couldn't sleep, he was  restless. He went up to the roof to clear his thoughts. "What's wrong with me? I can't sleep, I can't rest. The exams is in 4 days, we are leaving in the morning." Asta said trying to make himself fall asleep. He closed his eyes a bit, he then started seeing the same man again, the man was standing on lava holding the sword Asta had found, with four flames flying around him. He turned to Asta, "Now it is time for you rise, My Successor." The man said. The man was Vatou in his human form. "Successor? Who me? Who are you?" Asta asked looking at the man, "I am Vatou, dragon god of Chaos. You are my successor, you have my power in you." Vatou said pointing at Asta. The words He said left Asta shocked. "Power? What power?" Asta said stuttering a bit. "They are soon to awaken the powers of the Great Dragon god, there is more with you. Along the line you will know more now it's time for you to wake up." Vatou said turning back about to leave. "Wait-" Asta said trying  to hold the man's hand, he then woke up on the bed, it turned out that he had been there the whole time but there was still a feeling on his hand, "Strange, what did he mean by Dragon god?" Asta said in his train of thoughts, his thoughts were caught when Yuno started to wake up from sleep, "Asta, we better get prepared it's a long journey to the royal capital." Yuno said getting down from the bed. Asta got up and followed him, they took their baths and ate breakfast. The duo were saying their goodbyes before heading for the royal capital, "Now you boys make sure you write to us." Sister Lily said pinching Asta's cheek, "Ow Ow we will take of them for us Sister." Asta said smiling, "Don't worry I will." Sister Lily said letting go of Asta. Asta and Yuno started waving to their family as they started heading  out of the village. Father Orsi was cleaning the tears on his eyes, "Asta, Yuno you two are the hope of Hage please take care." Father Orsi said in his thoughts.

It took our heros two days before they got to the royal capital, there was merchants and many different people roaming around, "Hmm we should bring everyone here one day." Asta said munching down a purple snake he had bought, Yuno nodded in response. They headed to the proctor to present their grimiore, "Next." The Proctor said, Yuno showed him his grimiore, "What a four leaf?" The Proctor said in shock, there were murmurs across the line, "Name?" The  Proctor asked looking at Yuno, "Yuno, from Hage." Yuno said, gaining extra murmurs, "You are candidate #164, next person." The Proctor said signalling the next candidate to come up. The next candidate came up and showed his grimiore, "I'm Asta from Hage and this is my grimiore." Asta said. The crowd were in shock to see yet another four leaf this had two different backs. "Yo--u are can---di--date #165." The Proctor said. Asta and Yuno entered the coliseum, there birds flying around the coliseum. They were anti magic birds they landed on those with less mana, none of them went close to Asta and Yuno. The Nobles there started whispering how they stole the grimiores from someone and used a magic item to boost their mana and magic. Asta was starting to get pissed off. The gong sounded, all the anti magic birds flew off, "Look it's the magic knights captains." A random noble said, "Ahh captain Vangance, Captain Fuegoleon, Captain Nozel they are amazing." A random candidate said, "Hugh look it's the captain of the black bulls, Yami Sukehiro." One of the candidates said with disgust in his voice, "The Black Bulls are the worst squad ever, they are filled with peasants and goons. They are the absolute worst." Another candidate said gaining the interest of a certain ash blond.

"World Tree Magic: Magic tree, Descend!" Captain Vangance said as a tree came from the sky. The tree brought out brooms and gave to the candidates, "As magic knights, you will use brooms as a means of transportation. So we will test your magic control. Now if you can't fly with the broom there is no need to continue. NOW BEGIN." Captain Vangance said. Some of the candidates  were struggling to control the broom, there were two candidate flying high. "Amazing those two are high above." One of the candidates said pointing at the duo, "I didn't think you could keep up Shrimpsta." Yuno said looking at Asta teasing the Ash blond, "Ha I can fly circles around you, You handsome jerk." Asta said returning the tease. Something caught Asta's eye, Captain Nozel was scolding a certain silver haired girl, " The Nobles in this kingdom are the same they are cold to their own siblings." Asta said in his mind. After three more tests, Asta and Yuno were still stars of the exam. Captain Fuegoleon stood up and came front, " NOW candidates will face off in twos. As magic knights you will enemies so we want to see your battle abilities be sure to use your best spells there are recovery mages here to heal the wounded." Captain Fuegoleon said, this caught the candidates by surprise. The started to pair off, the fights were fierce, it got to Yuno's turn A candidate walked up to him and offered him the duel. "Don't push yourself, I will be kind enough to pay for fare home. Lighting Magic: Rising of the Thunder God salim." The Candidate said sending an assault of lighting towards Yuno. "It's  nice attack but it's futile, Wind Magic: Towering Tornado." Yuno said destroying the storm that his opponent sent, knocking him out. "Candidate 164 is winner." The referee said, "Not bad, You handsome jerk." Asta said in his mind, his thoughts were interrupted when a candidate walked up to him. "Will you be my opponent?" The Candidate asked Asta, "Sure, thanks." Asta said the both of them walked up to the stage. "Look I'm not here to fight with a peasant like you, I'm here to show you your place in the pecking order. YOU PEASANTS SHOULD ALL DIE. Fire Magic: Devouring Flames." The Candidate said as he sent flames towards Asta who made no attempt to block it. The flames covered Asta, the candidates were shocked, "Foolish peasants he didn't block the attack." Nozel said with disgust in his voice, "He looked like a good candidate for the knights." Fuegoleon said in disappointment, "You should pay much attention, before concluding." Yami said puffing smoke. This made the other captains look at him, "You said that you wanted to show me my place as a peasant, you call us all trash. Well you're  the one who should know where to stand." A voice said from the fire. All the captains except Yami were surprised, Yuno smirked, "Don't make the mistake of underestimating Asta." Yuno said looking at burning fire. Asta's opponent was scared shitless, "Impossible, how did you survive that attack." Asta's opponent asked still terrified. Asta started coming out of the fire, his body unharmed only his clothes were a little bit burnt, "You all should know that not all peasants are weak, I am not joining the magic knights to get recognition or fame. I AM JOINING TO CHANGE THE CLOVER KINGDOM. Blue flame Magic: Barrage of a thousand fists." Asta said. His opponent started receiving invisible blows, the blows were lethal, to the people's surprise he was left unconscious. All the captains except Yami were both shocked and surprised. Asta turned around he looked the captains in the eye and declared, "I WILL BE THE WIZARD KING."

  The exams finished, Captain Charlotte stood up and walked close to the orb used to make announcements, "Candidates who have participated so far, will now be chosen by squads. You have the right to choose from any squad so far that more than one raises their hand. Now let's begin." Captapain Charlotte said then heading back to her sit. The choosing of candidates began. It finally got to Yuno's turn, "Candidate 164 come forward." The Proctor said, Yuno went forth when he got to stage, he waited for the captains to raise their hand. To everyone's shock all the captains raised their hand. "All the captains raised their hand. Who will he pick?" One of the candidates said, Yuno looked at the captains and took a deep breath and then said, "Can I join the Golden Dawn?" Yuno asked looking at Vangance, Vangance nodded in response. "Yuno congrats on getting in, well you can handle the royals." Asta said in his mind. "Candidate 165, come forward." The Proctor said signalling Asta to come front. "Here goes nothing." Asta said walking up pto the stage. When he got there, all the captains raised their hands, the other candidates were shocked and they were murmuring among themselves how mere peasants got all the captains to raise their hands. Asta took a deep breath and said "May I join the black bulls?" Asta said, the words "wasted potential" "foolish peasant" were going round the coliseum. Captain Fuegoleon stood and asked, "I believe we all raised our hands why choose the black bulls?" Fuegoleon asked the ash blond. "Well captain I hate some nobles and the way they raise themselves, so I think a squad of peasants and ruffians suits me the most. And I heard that they are the worst of the worst, I will make my duty to turn it to the best." Asta said, Fuegoleon nodded and sat down once more. The picking of new members was finally complete, Asta and Yuno were  sharing their farewells before heading to their different squads. "Well Yuno you're with the dawn and I'm with the bulls. Let's see who gets to the goal first." Asta said bringing out his hand for their for signature fist bump. "Hmm I will definitely beat you Asta." Yuno said as he fist bumped his rival and then parted ways. Asta met up with Yami, Finral and Gordon. "Kid I heard you wanna be the wizard king, you sure you wanna join my squad." Yami said puffing his smoke. "Yes sir I will happy to join your squad." Asta said bowing his head. Yami puffed his smoke, "*this kid has potential his mana is immense and his ki is something else.*"  Yami said in his mind. "Yo wheels take us home." Yami said signalling Finral to make a way home which Finral did. When they got to the Black Bulls Base, Asta opened the door to his surprise a ball of flame from nowhere hit him but he didn't flinch. The people inside were noisy and rowdy, "Captain is back." One of the boys with a Mohawk said "Captain come drink with me." "Captain come have some nums la." "Captain wanna fight with me." The members of the squad were squalling around Yami. "Pipe down you Bastards!!!." Yami yelled breaking the wall beside him. All of them settled down, and Finral introduced them to Asta one by one, "Now tell them your name." Finral said scratching the back of his head. Asta nodded and stepped front, "I'm Asta from Hage." Asta said, "Hage isn't that a village in the boonies?" Magna said with an unpleasant voice. "Yes it is, got a problem?" Asta said getting pissed off. Magna didn't reply, "Mmmh a young man, you are welcome to the Black Bulls." Vanessa said walking up to Asta, all the other black bulls except Yami and Magna were all welcoming Asta. "Now wait a minute. He hasn't passed the initiation." Magna said, Everyone nodded, Asta was lost he didn't know what initiation they were talking about, they all walked outside. Magna told Asta to defend himself with his best spell or it will be his doom. "Ready Newbie?" Magna said opening his grimiore, Asta nodded showing that he was ready. Asta took a stance, "Ok here goes, Fire Magic: exploding deathball." Magna said as he threw a ball of flames at Asta. To everyone's shock Asta didn't dodge, the fireball hit him but he was unharmed. All the black bulls except Yami, Finral and Gordon were surprised. "Woah, what did you do Rasta? That was amazing." Magna said as he went closer to check on Asta. "I'm immune to fire, in other words no matter the amount heat pressure or power it can't burn me." Asta said, "I figured as much, so what's your magic kid?" Yami asked, "Well I can use blue flames and I can also move things around without touching them I can also create explosions by concentrating my powers in both of my hands." Asta said. "Well that's all we need to know, with time we all will learn more about your magic, Vanessa give him his robe." Yami said, Vanessa gave Asta a black bulls robe and head band. "Welcome to the Black Bulls!" All the bulls said in unison. "Now let's head inside it's getting late." Yami said as they all marched inside. In the balcony above a certain silver haired girl was watching them, "So you are on my team. I hope you are not like them." She said looking at the sky full of stars. Asta sensed her, "don't worry I will make sure no one hurts you again." Asta said in his mind.


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