
War Lord's Apocalyptic System

Arthur, the most terrifying warlord in the world, has reincarnated into an apocalyptic world. His pursuit of power made him the richest and most powerful man on earth. But all that power and riches couldn't save Arthur from dying of a terrible disease. When Arthur thought he was going to hell for sure, he met the god. God gave him two choices: to pay for all the sins he committed in the eternal pit of deep hell or reborn into a world destroyed by magic and overran by all kinds of monsters and rebuild it. Should he choose to accept to be reborn, God agreed to give him only one thing except immortality. Obviously, our hero(villain) chose to be reborn and tricked the god by asking for a System that would help him reach immortality. Join Arthur’s journey of redeeming himself and rebuilding the world that is destroyed while uncovering the mysteries behind the apocalypse. What to expect from this book? 1. Competent MC who is not a beta 2. Harem done right - a harem not done right can be frustrating to read, but when it is done right, it can be so refreshing 3. Kingdom building - Who doesn't like kingdom building? 4. Action - Both killing and action with our gorgeous sexy Female leads (yes, that action) 5. MILFs!!! What not to expect from this book? 1. Rushed Plots 2. Logic less Face slapping ( Of course we have face slapping but characters will have human level IQ) 3. Mild gore and less blood ( This book is r18 which contains extreme violence and explicit sex scenes)

don_offl · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Quest Completed

With urgency, Arthur quickly tore a piece of his robe and wrapped it tightly around his thigh to cover the wound. Grimacing from the pain, he stood up, determination etched on his face. He picked up his makeshift spear and the dagger from his waist, then cracked his neck. 

"I've had enough of this."

Fuelled by adrenaline and the urgent need to protect the camp, Arthur dashed forward. He leaped over the makeshift fence with surprising agility, his eyes fixed on the approaching scavengers.

As he landed on the other side, he gathered all his strength and hurled the spear with ferocity. It cut through the air, a deadly projectile aimed with precision. The spear found its target, impaling one of the scavengers riding a hyena. Blood splattered from the man's chest as he let out a strangled cry and fell off the hyena, the impact creating a cloud of dust on the ground.

Arthur's action halted the charge of the scavengers for a moment, as they registered the sudden and violent demise of one of their own. 

[Successfully killed a scavenger. The host has earned 100 Soul Points]

The sudden death of their comrade caught the scavengers off guard, causing them to halt their approach. At that moment, Arthur received a notification from the system.

"Did you see that?" one of the settlers in the elf's camp exclaimed in shock.

But before anyone could respond, Arthur grabbed a handful of soil and dashed again toward the scavenger group. He threw the soil at their faces, temporarily blinding them.

"What are you waiting for? Attack!" Arthur shouted before lunging into the fray.

The remaining ten scavengers, now rubbing their eyes and cursing, were disoriented.

"Fucking hell!"

"I can't see a damn thing!"

"Fucking lowlife bastard!"

Arthur paid them no heed. As a former warlord, he employed every dirty trick in the book to gain an advantage over his enemies.

Hearing Arthur's shout, the elf and the dwarf snapped out of their initial shock. The elf began knocking crude arrows onto his bow and fired them at the scavengers. Meanwhile, the dwarf raised his battle axe and joined the fray.

"I'll chop ye all down, ye stinkin' bastards!" The dwarf bellowing.

Meanwhile, Arthur ran forward, slid under a hyena, and slit its throat. Wasting no time, he picked up the sword dropped by the scavenger he had killed and swung it at the nearest scavenger. Although the sword was rusty and not sharp enough to sever the head cleanly, it was still sufficient to cut through the scavenger's neck and arteries.

"ARGH!" the scavenger shouted, clutching his blood-spraying throat.

"This lad's got some moves!" the dwarf exclaimed, swinging his battle axe and severing an arm of a scavenger.

Meanwhile, the elf skillfully knocked the leader off his hyena with a well-placed arrow shot to the shoulder.

[Successfully killed a scavenger. The host has earned 100 Soul Points]

As Arthur swung his rusty sword, the scavenger whose neck he had cut died.

"Kill them all!" the scavenger leader's shout snapped Arthur back into the fight. Then, the scavengers spurred their hyenas into a ferocious bite attack, with their riders swinging their weapons frantically.

"Throw more soil onto their faces!" Arthur shouted, kicking up more soil into their eyes.

If the scavengers were trained fighters, they might have been able to fight with their eyes closed. However, they were far from trained, so Arthur's tactic was highly effective. Seeing Arthur's tactic, the dwarf joined in, grabbing handfuls of soil and throwing them at the hyenas.

To Arthur's surprise, the settlers also joined in, grabbing soil and throwing it at the scavengers. But to win, they needed a skilled fighter to utilize this distraction effectively. Arthur, despite his scrawny body, excelled at killing.

"Take this, ya filthy fuck!" Arthur shouted, stabbing a scavenger in the neck with his dagger.

[Successfully killed a scavenger. The host has earned 100 Soul Points]

As he collected Soul Points, Arthur retrieved the spear he had thrown earlier and attempted to plunge it into the leader's chest. But the leader managed to grab the spear in a split second and pulled Arthur towards him. A single punch from the burly leader sent Arthur plowing through the ground, his scrawny body unable to withstand the force.

The scavengers, rallying from their initial disorientation, fought back with renewed ferocity, using their hyenas as weapons. The elf and the dwarf, fully engaged in the battle, shouted out commands and encouragements.

"Keep 'em at bay with arrows!" yelled the elf, releasing a steady stream of arrows from his bow, each one finding its mark among the scavengers.

"Stand yer ground, lads and lasses! We'll not let these curs take us down!" bellowed the dwarf, his axe swinging in wide arcs, cutting through the scavengers with brutal efficiency.

Arthur, momentarily stunned by the leader's punch, was helped back to his feet by the dwarf. 

"No time for rest, lad. Back into the fray!" the dwarf urged.

Arthur, shaking off the impact, quickly assessed his surroundings. He noticed a pile of rubble nearby and formulated a plan. Moving swiftly, he picked up a large rock and hurled it at an approaching scavenger, momentarily stunning him. Arthur then lunged forward, using the momentum to drive his dagger into the scavenger's chest.

[Successfully killed a scavenger. The host has earned 100 Soul Points]

Using the environment to his advantage, Arthur led a scavenger toward a broken wall. As the scavenger swung his weapon, Arthur dodged and pushed him into the jagged remains of the wall, impaling him.

Nearby, a hyena lunged at Arthur. He sidestepped at the last moment, causing the creature to crash into a pile of debris. Seizing the opportunity, Arthur grabbed a sharp piece of metal from the ground and drove it into the hyena's neck.

The battle raged on, with Arthur using every dirty trick and environmental advantage he could. He pushed scavengers into sharp debris, tripped them over rubble, and used their momentary disorientation to land fatal blows.

One by one, the scavengers fell to Arthur's strategic and ruthless tactics, their numbers dwindling rapidly. The camp's defenders, inspired by Arthur's ferocity and ingenuity, fought with renewed vigor, pushing back the scavenger assault.

Finally, only the scavenger leader remained, surrounded by the bodies of his fallen comrades and the injured hyenas. Arthur, panting and covered in dirt and blood, prepared himself for the final confrontation.

"You worthless shits!" The scavenger leader roared in anger, surveying the carnage around him. His comrades lay dead, and his fury was palpable.

"I'll have vengeance for this! You've not seen the last of me!" he bellowed, attempting to flee the scene.

But the elf, Arthur, and the dwarf weren't about to let him escape so easily. Working in unison, the elf shot an arrow, clipping the hyena's leg and slowing it down. The dwarf threw a heavy rock, hitting the leader and unbalancing him. Seizing the moment, Arthur charged and tackled the leader, knocking him off the hyena.

Seeing its pack dead and its master in peril, the hyena quickly assessed the situation and turned tail, scampering away with a whimper.

"Coward! Fight, you worthless beast!" The scavenger leader shouted in anger and frustration at the retreating hyena. 

"In the end, wolves may die together, but hyenas will always run," Arthur couldn't help but snicker at the sight with a sardonic edge to his voice.

Wiping the blood off his mouth, Arthur, with the cut on his thigh still fresh, limped toward the fallen leader. The scavenger, now dismounted and alone, looked up at his approaching conqueror, his expression a mix of defiance and fear.

Arthur stood over the leader with eyes locked onto the scavenger leader, ready to confront the man who had brought so much chaos to this small settlement.

As the scavenger leader lay defeated, he began to speak, his voice tinged with desperation. "Let me go, I—"

But before he could finish his plea, Arthur, without hesitation, plunged the spear into the leader's throat, swiftly ending his life. A system notification chimed in his head, confirming the kill.

[Successfully killed the scavenger leader. The host has earned 100 Soul Points]

The elf, witnessing the act, instinctively tried to raise his hands to stop Arthur, but the dwarf held him back. "Let it be, lad. It had to be done," the dwarf said, his voice firm, underscoring the harsh reality of their situation.

Just then, a quest completion notification rang in Arthur's head, the sound echoing like a bell in the stillness that followed the battle.

[Ding! Quest completed successfully!]

Quest: Save the camp without any lives lost

Rewards: Minor Healing Recipe and 1000 Soul Points

Arthur stood there for a moment, taking in the notification. Despite the grimness of what had transpired, a sense of accomplishment filled him. He had not only survived but had also protected the camp and its inhabitants. The reward of the Minor Healing Recipe and the additional Soul Points would be invaluable for his continued survival and endeavors in this unforgiving world.

"What do we do with him?" The dwarf asked the elf, looking at Arthur.