
Wanderer system

An adventuric story where world has system status and various continents and amazing hack and slash character development..

Nevyr_Maralad · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Graduation Ceremony

As I've heard about Julios Ceasar the ancient ancestor of the current king he was able to defeat an A rank Daipod beast when they were brink of an destruction suddenly he came back from adeventuring at the right timing and defeated the beast for many hours and finally he was appointed as the king and many his descendants as the successor.

As returning to the current time..

I got up preparing to train my new class ability in order to help alot of people soon, as usual I greeted my grandparents before leaving.

After arriving at school we train for our class ability at professional building and I was eager to improve.

I continued this for three years.

3 years later..

As I became 11 years old and for the next 3 days will be my graduation ceremony, being graduated has alot benefits and you will be recommended and able to get a job easier.


Yahkel Mashu

Healer Class

Rank E





Abilities:Poison Resistance(Max),Mental Fortitude(6),Healing(5)

As I got up from my bed with my new defined body and better looks.

I was later know prodigy by my family as I told them only that I was able to get E rank at early age and they expected me to become hero of Reddal city.

I grew confidently and matured a bit considering im just 11 years old.

As today was free time I looked at the peaceful city before walking away.

I went to the Milkaswild jungle a neighboring continent in the east side of the jungle.

I was rumored to say merchants or no people would take that route or path, it was said to be one of the dangerous path because it is home of the monster and beast.

The Milkaswild monster was roaming around the neighboring countries so the Reddal and Nerdalom country decided put a wall around Milkaswild jungle so they used that continent to train and fight monsters therein.

After knowing that, I could see a giant wall estimated to be 30 foot tall and the gatekeeper saw me and didn't care, so het le passed through.

After arriving at the Milkaswild, I could feel the air is dense and moreover the place is extreme cold just for entrance.


Weapon: E rank iron sword

89 gold coins

1x Fire rune

1x Water rune

1x Compass

1x Silver cooker

1x Silver knife

1x Silver spoon

I got all what I need for survival.

As I venture through the jungle a striped humanoid creature it can be seen as I peek behind the banana tree.

They said all the monster and beast inside the Milkaswild were F to D rank, D rank can only be found middle place(7 km east away from here).

l don't think going there would be a good idea, as I shown myself behind the creature it turned to me and looking at it has sharp claws big fangs and strong body.

'This must be E class creature' I thought.

I slowly backed away but the creature lunge itself preparing to strike me and I pulled my sword immediately blocking the attack and I leaped backward.

As the creature doesn't hesitate and move forward I pierced the creature only 3 inches tip of my sword the skin was too tough for me to pierce.

Then he launches an attack to my body as it scratches my chest, I could see both of us bleeds and I had the advantage and healed myself and continued to fight nonstop.

As hour later, I kept healing and finally defeated the beast, died from the bleeding.

My healing drained my energy so I took the night rest laying at the tree with large bed leaf.

While eating the cook meat from the creature it doesn't taste bad.

As morning comes by, I went and hunt different type of beasts gained improvement until tommorrow I went back home.

After I arrived my grandparents were worried about me and soon I rested at my bedroom.

I still continued my healing training at my bedroom as like I coated healing at my body it might become passive and doesn't drain energy when it becomes max level.

As the night comes, I rested after eating a dinner and continue to meditate to increase my mental fortitude.

Later I go to sleep and woke up knowingly today is the graduation ceremony to become officially Reddal graduated student.

Moreover my grandparents will come with me.

As we ride a carriage heading to our school then after arriving at the gate.

We saw people dragging fireworks and roses for this graduation year.

The tournament stage was where the graduation will be held.

As were heading towards the stadium, I saw the chosen students sitting inside the stadium while awaiting for their ceremony.

Me and my grandparents also sits at the audience chair.

After few hours, "Ladies and Gentlemen the graduation ceremony will begin shortly, now students! come up on the stage!" has been announced.

We only saw few people on the stadium due to the fact its just a graduation that no one are interested other than fighting.

As we form a line, "Fairro Leodis come infront" as the principal and Reddal's mayor was standing infront as Fairro walks towards them and shake their hands as he was given a graduation scroll.

After sometime, "Yahkel Mashu come" as later I was announced.

I then immediately did shake hands with principal and mayor then given by the graduation scroll as my grandparents weren happy.

"This graduation scroll is used to apply a noble job" my grandpa explained.

As we got inside on the carriage we then saq the sky turns red and we didn't mind because we thought it was jist norma occurence.

After the sunsets we arrived at home and my grandparents made a great feast as my relatives congratulated me.

Suddenly someone headlocked me, "I knew you could do it again boy! You never ceases to me amaze me!" while my uncle Rogell praised me.

All of us were happy and celebrated as my Rogel and few uncle drunken.

After an hour, I went to the training hall I saw Kaila training so hard.

"You're really tense today, what's the problem?" I told her.

"Even though im year older to you how did you got strong so fast, I was just F rank when I met you and still the same" as she collapsed to the ground.

"Honey it's all about hardwork and dedication, I only saw you trained once a week and it doesn't give you effort" I explained it to her.

Kaila got blushed after being called honey as she left the training hall.

I didn't know why she left suddenly I might thought I told her some harsh words.

But I didn't focus on that as I continued my training vigorously putting every inch of my body into effort.

As I went to sleep I have thought some threat might arrived soon..