
Void Titan of the Nether

In the endless world where nothing is impossible, power decides it all. From your standing in the society to your friends and family, it describes everything in this world. Without having power, your wealth and such have no meaning as all of this along with your life will be stolen from you. Power was the stakes you had when facing people, without it, you lose all rights as a living being. Power was the basis of everything. As continuous bonking of the horns sounded, no emotions surfaced in the face of Nord. Nothing seemed to interest him as his eyes had become dull with no hint of life in it. Even now, he didn't even look at the large truck that was going to crash the car he was sitting it. Rather he only looked at the outside scenery with no interest or whatsoever in his eyes. Everything had lost color, they had lost their brilliance before him. From the sound of his mother screaming at him asking him to respect her to the bird that had turned into meat pulp dangling from the tree, he felt no emotions whatsoever. It was as if everything had been silenced, nothing bothered him anymore. Woman, wealth, power nothing was of his interest. He viewed them as emotions and desires which felt pointless to him. As Nord watched the car he was in crash and the front view change rapidly. The impact of the sudden break came as he felt his body not fastened with seat belts flying forward. Within no time at all, his vision blackened out. With no last words, the emotion on Nord's face remained the same, emotionless. After an unknown amount of time, he saw light again.

Venerable_Titan · Fantasi
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4 Chs

The Young Child

In the modern times of earth, within a happy family, a child was born.

With twinkling eyes and a bright smile, the child radiated a joyful aura that made people relieved around him.

With eyes that seemed to want to search the whole world and know all things, the child slowly grew up to become a kind soul that got shy around other people. With some talent in the field of mathematics, he carried his family's hope and joy all by himself.

Within the family of three, his parents loved him dearly as they protected him from all kinds of dangers of the world.

However all of this took a turn when the young Nord found a weird black stone while going on a holiday trip. Weird fluctuation coming out from it, it attracted the young Nord's curiosity completely.

'It's just a stone, no need to tell my parents' with this thought in mind, he didn't tell his family about the stone and kept the fact that he found the stone within himself. Any other young child would've done this as this matter was just a minor thing that happened all the time and there was no need to alert their parents because of this.

But this stone was also the thing that completely changed Nord's life and planted a seed deep within him.

After getting it, he had lost interest in it resulting in the stone being left in some corner of a drawer in his room. As time passed, the memory of him obtaining this black stone disappeared as his personality also changed bit by bit.

The change in his personality worried the loving parents of him but Nord wouldn't tell anything about him and his feelings, so the parents had nothing they could do other than watch from the sidelines as their son went through a hard time in his life.

The child knew nothing about himself and his sudden change that worried his parents, he just thought that this change was inevitable as time passed and the change that happened to him made him become a better version of himself.

A better version that could make him achieve higher accomplishments in life.

And this version of him kept the rule of 'benefit first, feelings second' but becoming a different person overnight wasn't possible, big changes needed time.

First he still dearly loved the people around him and had sworn to never hurt his family. However, this thought gradually changed as time passed as his morals had degraded to a new level which made him not care about other's feelings.

The sole thing he pursued was his own personal benefit.

Growing from a kind young man to an emotionless person, it took the time of exactly 2 years where two major events became the cataclysm for him to completely turn into a different person.

He had built a solid base of pursuing benefit not his own feelings, as he knew that they would become his doom one day.

Since he had slowly grown to become cold and emotionless, he and his other relatives also grew distant as they distanced themselves away from him, treating him as an outsider. But Nord didn't care about any of this, to become successful, the pointless chatting and feelings of them contributed none.

His mother had passed away when he was 11 but was soon replaced by another by his father. As for the new step-mother of him, he cared none about her, and didn't listen to her words as she made no money meaning she wouldn't be of help to him in any way.

They had continuous small frictions between them that had annoyed both parties in many ways.

And today, his father had told his step-mother to take him to his home which she wouldn't have accepted in any way if not for the promise that his father made to buy her everything she wanted.

His father had changed from the hardworking and loving father he was to a greedy and lustful person he is now.

Riding a sports car, his step-mother yelled at him asking him to respect her while occasionally cursing, the speed of the car went higher and higher. He didn't pay any attention to her as he looked through the windows, looking at the peaceful night sky that had signs of a pending rain.

But this scene was disrupted with the loud bonking from a car's horns continuously ringing out.

Slowly turning his head around to look at the large truck coming to them with blinding yellow lights, there was no emotion clear within his face. Life had lost its meaning to him and he was prepared to die at any time.

The next moment he had noticed, his vision was already blurring out as darkness overwhelmed his surroundings before all of it turned black.

At the moment of his death, the black stone within the drawers within his room slowly started disintegrating until it had vanished into nothingness.

After everything turned black, after a moment or after an eternity he didn't know how much time had passed did a blinding light overwhelm his vision.

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