
VIXEN: Curse for a King

Leo, a demon hunter with eyes like embers, stood beside his wolf, Vixen, in the king's death chamber. No demon's mark marked the king's throat, just a killer's brutal efficiency. The castle, once joyous, reeked of betrayal. Navigating whispers and veiled threats, Leo, a truth-seeker with Vixen's keen senses at his side. A deadly demon Curse or Human Atoricity, no one knows. but one thing is sure, Lies flow like water in this castle. ............................................... this is my first novel on here, so any suggestions, tips, advices are welcomed.

Alan_seb · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Curse for a King: 5

The moon faded by evening, the night was dark. "Third moon before Blood moon.." the gray wolf sighed. It was moments like this when he wished Leo was here, so he could boast his wisdom. It wasn't the first time Leo left him to enjoy a night in a brothel. It bothered him a little, but he knew what lust is for a man. 'Bloody bastard was here to hunt down a curse, not enjoy the warmth of a maid and now some whore elf' the wolf muttered. He roamed around the castle hall, scaring many kids and adults alike. Vixen soon enough visited Lisa to get rewarded by a few pats. He was addicted to her soft hands on his fur, but only if she could understand him talk. Well no human does but Leo. A deep past they shared so not many could guess who is the real pet.

Vixen was surprised from the silence, too surprised. Leo walked with his shoulders titled to the ground, it appeared he was tired and bothered at the same time. It had been hours he had left with his horse away from the palace, that too without his wolf. A million thoughts and feelings cluttered his brain. It all felt like an Illusion, He was confident yet so scared. Vixen saw regret and stir of confusion amidst the soft scars on his stone face. His steel sword clanked as he moved across the dim light corridor, Lisa's smell still on his hair, that soft raspberry fragrance was enough to make any man mad in love, but Leo was well aware of the difference between love and illusions. His feet made little to no sound as he walked into the king's chamber.

Lisa startled, almost falling to the ground as her eyes caught the wolf tamer between the shadows. "You..scared me Leo.." she let out a small smile while she slowly placed the kettle in her arms back in place. "Sorry for that, I hope you aren't hurt" He walked closer to her. She was still wearing last night's robe, and a beam of moonlight fell on her worried face. "King's kettle I presume?" Leo said as he picked the royal heavy kettle, white granite he guessed.

"Oh yes, I always served him in this. He loved the art on it"

"And I also presume he loved poison served in it too?" Leo whispered, his voice soft and cunning.

"Poison..what do you mean Leo.."

"Novella tea when served in huge amounts is enough to poison monsters while Esmon was a mere human" Leo slides his fingers across the kettle, his eyes staring deep into Lisa's soul.

"Are you saying that I poisoned the king..why would I ever do that!!" She yelled, stepping back.

"Being a king's bastard must have been hard Lisa..or are you going to speak against your own mother?" Leo unwrapped, torn and almost burned paper from his back. "Gilya, a prostitute from Highmor was found pregnant after serving a night in king's duty, a bastard was soon born, not much is known about the child other than that the king had taken her and the bastard under his care, most probably as a maid.." He stopped reading and looked back in Lisa's eyes.

Pure Anger cried in her soul, her fists cracked as she rushed forward to the wolf tamer and punched with a hard blow. Leo barely dodged as he got pushed back. He barely had made back any balance when Lisa pulled out the knife from the king's armory and whipped it across his face. Vixen was quick to react as well, the wolf leapt across the room as his teeth pierced into the maid's skin, pushing her well back into the balcony. She swayed the knife again in a quick blow, this time for the wolf. It cut through his fur but he managed to give a final push as the lady went down the balcony grails.

A shriek followed by a loud thud. Leo closed his eyes shut, blood dripping from his face and hands.