
Even After All These Years

Paul's POV

40 years..it really has been that long since..you have gone away from us all..from me..I am just so lost and alone with these feelings so confused..I don't know why i still feel this way. I always assumed that grief would go away yet for me it seems to only be growing and getting worse maybe? I can barely tell anymore but i do know my heart is still crying for him that my mind is haunted by him.

This morning i heard someone call my name but I live alone so it was a bit scary. I also noticed a lot of my things were out of places i left them. It was very scary it didn't look like anyone broke into my flat so I got no idea what was going on. I felt someone was following me and i saw like a mist out of the corner of my eyes so i don't know if i am going mad or maybe i am being haunted by a ghost. I decided to get out of my flat for some fresh air, New York in early January is a bit cold but i am used to it since i was born and raised in Liverpool which in my opinion was colder in comparison.

"Mac..ca..can..you..hear..me?" i heard a familiar voice in my mind it was different from the one i heard in my flat. It belonged to him..my John..my Lenin but it wasn't possible he is dead yet i can hear him softly speaking "Look out!" I stopped before i was about to take a step out of the busy street. I held my hand near my chest i was too old to be getting excited i am happy to have a good heart still otherwise i would have had a heart attack right then. I saw what looked like a mist ball float into my view and then gently land on my hand it was cold as ice but stayed there "You..hear me..? You know..who i am..Macca? or have ye forgotten me..?" it asked me softly I ignored and waited for the light to turn as it did i walked and the ball floated next to me. "Please..Macca..talk to me..tell me you can see..me..or hear me..please?" it was getting stronger louder sounding more and more like my John i saw the ball was shape shifting into a more humanoid looking shape. It was getting more and more in the shape of my Lenin's body..

By the time i got to the shop i was going to, he had fully formed into how John looked last time i saw him in an outfit out of 1980s his hair long auburn in color his eyes under his glasses looked right at me seemed to be a bit red from crying I suppose he really had gotten himself upset in trying to reach out to me.

"Please princess I am right here..can you see me..or hear me..yet?" John asked floating in the air he was hovering a few feet off the floor next to me and i was doing the best i could to not react I didn't wanna be sent off to a loony farm but i could hear his voice was cracking under all the sadness and pain his heart was pouring outwards. 'I don't even know if his heart is even still working like that..didn't know ghosts or dead people still had feelings like that..i should answer him..he seems really sad at the fact he isn't being answered.' I saw him hovering around me and then i saw him float out of the shop through a wall. I was left alone for a few moments I was getting a little worried about where he might have gone off to.

I got out of the shop to see he was just waiting there for me, he followed me back to my flat. "You got a lot from that shop. I am surprised you can hold all that it looks heavy." he chuckled and tried to keep talking to me. "Please..i wish i knew you could hear me or see me..they said you be able to but maybe they lied to me..You know for shits and giggles.." I could hear the hurt in his voice. I was finally home when i saw him moving my items around from the bags. He was helping me put away my shopping i smiled softly.

"Thank you Lenin..sorry..i wanted to say hullo to you but there were too many people." I chuckled at the song name drop i didn't mean for it to happen but it's something that happens.

"Macca! You can hear me! and you are looking at me too! You must be able to see me." John perked up like a flower that hadn't seen the sun in years

"Yeah i am sorry about that i just didn't wanna be sent away you know?" I told him

"It's alright my love! I am just so happy to be with you again and to be able to speak with you. You're welcome as well for the me helping ye." He said smiling like a child at me which made me happy.

"I love ye you big kid you!" I said in a loving tone

"I love you as well my Macca." He said cupping my face in his hands i never knew he could interact with living people like me i never read anywhere about it before but he was doing it. He kissed me the chill of his hand and lips made my hair stand on end but i didn't care I had my lover back.

"My sweet John love why don't we take this to my bed room." I said softly i had been craving him for 40 years I wanted him so badly right now

"I get what you are putting down and I am all in for it!" John said his smile turning a bit wicked as his mind matched up with what I was suggesting to him. We got to my bed room and i got undressed i laid down on my bed as John was already naked i suppose this was one of the perks of him being a ghost he could reform himself to look however he wanted. He got up onto my bed and laid down on me gently his whole body felt like an ice cube but i didn't care i was getting harder at the fact he was here with me again and that he was just as hard as me.

He started by fluffing me with a blowjob and i was in pure bliss as i huffed and puffed pleasure with my breathing outwards he then gently kissed up my torso which makes me feel so pure. He puts is dick in my ass which i let out a surprised sounding noise out of my mouth. He works it like a pro in me as he and I make out with kissing and i hold him close as he gets closer and closer to coming in me. I loved his touches on my flesh my whole body had been calling out to him for these last 40 years. I was wanting him so badly starving for him really and i got him back. I wouldn't be letting him go ever again.

He had come in me and we switched places as it was my turn in him I gently worked myself with him wanting to take in the perfect beauty of every last inch of him I just loved him that much. I made out with him passion bursting out of him with each touch and kiss. I finally came as well and it felt so good like i had held it back for so long and had built up love for him. We laid next to each other like the old days smiling and chatting like back then too. I didn't want to fall asleep cause i was fearful of when i woke up again he would be gone nothing more than a sweet wet dream..But my sleep caught up to me and he was caressing me all the while

"Don't worry Paul, i won't ever leave your side ever again. I will be here my princess forever and ever. I love ye." He gently told me between his kisses on my flesh and brushing my hair.