
Visions of a new era

In the 21st century, our world is marked by complex challenges and remarkable technological progress. Scientific advancements have revolutionized fields like medicine, energy, and transportation, while global issues such as climate change, inequality, and political instability continue to test our resilience. However, everything changed when an enigmatic portal materialized above the North Atlantic, unveiling a realm referred to as "The Special Region." This unprecedented discovery ignited the curiosity of nations worldwide, capturing the United Nations' keen interest. With fresh motivations, the UN embarked on a bold mission: to dispatch an exploratory team into this uncharted territory. Their objective? To unravel the mysteries of the Special Region and comprehend its potential repercussions on our world. This revelation stirred a potent mix of enthusiasm and apprehension, as humanity grappled with the profound implications of this newfound frontier and its implications for our shared future. As the crew delves deeper into the fantastical world, they encounter a wide array of creatures, from majestic dragons to mischievous goblins, and interact with humans, elves, and dwarves who call the special region home. Despite their lack of magic, the humans from Earth adapt to the new environment and establish relationships with the locals, learning about their customs and traditions while respecting their way of life.

sallysally69 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Awakening Skies

Yaned stood near a window overlooking the hangar bay of the Flying Dutchman. The sight that greeted her was a hive of activity—a dynamic scene filled with people wearing high-visibility vests, moving purposefully around the area. The metallic clang of tools and the distant hum of machinery were the backdrop to this orchestrated chaos.


As her eyes scanned the scene, Yaned's heart quickened with a mix of emotions. Many of the faces she saw were familiar—members of the crew she had interacted with, shared meals with, and even engaged in conversations with. There was a sense of unity among them, a shared purpose that brought them together in this uncharted realm.


In the midst of it all, a mashine called a helicopter stood outside the hangar bay, its imposing presence a testament to the capabilities of the crew. They say that this aircraft was a marvel of engineering, with its intricate design and powerful engines embodying the cutting-edge inventions that had brought them to this new world.


Yaned's thoughts swirled as she observed the crew members preparing for another mission. She couldn't help but marvel at the audacity of their endeavors. These were people from another world, exploring her homeland with a mix of excitement and curiosity. Her own perspective on the matter was complex—a blend of fascination, apprehension, and even a touch of protectiveness.


On the one hand, Yaned felt a deep appreciation for their dedication. These were individuals who had left their familiar lives behind to venture into the unknown, facing challenges and uncertainties at every turn. She admired their courage and their relentless pursuit of knowledge, recognizing that their presence in her world could lead to discoveries that had the potential to reshape history.


Yet, alongside her admiration, there lingered a sense of unease. The outsiders' arrival carried the weight of change—change that could disrupt the delicate balance of her homeland's ecosystem, culture, and way of life. The bustling activity in the hangar bay was a stark reminder that this special region was no longer a secluded sanctuary; it was now a stage for collaboration, exploration, and perhaps even conflict.


As she continued to watch, Yaned's gaze settled on the faces of those she had met. Dr. Sarah's familiar smile, Lieutenant McRegor's cunning determination, and even the stern countenance of Commander Decken—all of them were part of a larger tapestry woven with ambition and purpose. Yaned recognized that their intentions were driven by a thirst for knowledge and a genuine desire to understand and connect with this new world.


In the end, Yaned's perspective was a mosaic of conflicting emotions, much like the tapestry she observed before her. She saw the potential for mutual benefit—a chance for her people to learn from these newcomers, just as they could learn from her world's rich history and magical heritage. At the same time, she felt a deep responsibility to protect her homeland and its secrets, to ensure that the exploration didn't come at the cost of what made her world unique.


As the crew members continued their preparations, Yaned's gaze lingered on the helicopter—a symbol of their reach and ambition. She knew that their presence marked the beginning of a new chapter, one that held both promise and challenges. With a mixture of optimism and trepidation, she silently pledged to play her part in shaping this narrative, forging connections, and safeguarding the world she held dear.


Yaned stood near the window, her gaze fixed on the hangar bay below. The view offered a direct line of sight to the bustling activity that had captured her attention. A group of people clad in high-visibility vests had gathered in a neat line, their eyes fixed on the same sight that had captured Yaned's curiosity—the Sikorsky S-92 helicopter, with its powerful form striking a stark contrast against the metallic surroundings of the ship's hangar.


Yaned had never met these people before, and their presence and purpose were shrouded in mystery. Yet there was something intriguing about the way they stood—their looks were concentrated and motivated. Yaned's instinct informed her that this was a significant event for the adventure they were all embarking upon.


As Yaned continued to watch, she noticed that some of the researchers were holding small devices in their hands, capturing the scene before them. These devices—smartphones, though Yaned had no concept of their purpose—were pointed at the helicopter, recording the moment as it unfolded. The researchers seemed engrossed in their task, capturing images and videos with a sense of purpose that intrigued Yaned.


Curiosity gnawed at her, causing her to move closer to the window. She leaned in slightly, her brow furrowed, trying to comprehend the gravity of what she was watching. What was it that had these individuals so fixated on the helicopter? What was it about this machine that drew them in?


The whispers of chatter reached her ears, with the researchers sharing their insights and delight with one another. Yaned couldn't help but think about the relationship between these researchers and the machine outside. She hoped she could understand some of the phrases they were using so she might gain insight into their thoughts and feelings.


As Yaned continued to watch, a subtle tension seemed to grip the room, a tension that mirrored the excitement building outside. The researchers exchanged glances and shared nods, their expressions a mix of anticipation and wonder. Yaned felt as if she were on the cusp of something significant, even if she couldn't fully grasp its nature.


A sense of unity permeated the room, as if everyone present recognized the importance of the moment. These individuals, each with their own unique roles and expertise, were united in their anticipation of what was to come. Yaned's curiosity deepened, and she leaned in slightly, captivated by the scene unfolding below.


Then it happened: the helicopter was dragged to the helipad, its enormous body gliding with purpose. The researchers let out excited gasps, their hushed voices rising louder with each passing second. It was as though their collective breath had been unleashed in a chorus of appreciation.


As the helicopter settled onto the helipad, its rotors began to spin, creating a mesmerizing dance of motion and power. The cheers of the researchers, once confined to whispers, burst forth in an eruption of enthusiasm. Their voices filled the room, a symphony of excitement and anticipation that resonated with Yaned's own sense of wonder.


Yaned watched, her heart stirred by the genuine joy and awe that radiated from the researchers. Their cheers were a testament to the shared spirit of exploration that had brought them all together. In that moment, a bond was forged through a mutual pursuit of discovery.


It was a scene that transcended language and culture, a celebration of human ingenuity and determination. Yaned may not have understood the specifics of their work, but she could recognize the power of collective passion and the joy of witnessing something remarkable.

The hangar bay was a flurry of activity as the anticipation for the helicopter's departure reached its peak. People in high-visibility vests moved with purpose; their steps synchronized with the meticulous preparations taking place. Amidst the controlled chaos, a door opened, and a figure stepped out onto the hangar deck, exuding an air of confidence.


"We're good to go!" the person announced with a firm nod, their voice carrying over the din of activity.

The announcement acted as a catalyst, prompting a ripple of movement among those gathered. The researchers exchanged quick glances, their faces alight with a mixture of eagerness, and it was clear that this moment was the culmination of careful planning and anticipation—a moment they had all been waiting for.


As the line of researchers began to move, Commander Decken followed close behind Yaned, his presence a steady presence in the midst of the commotion. He observed the scene with his customary composure, his eyes taking in the meticulous preparations and the focused passion of the researchers.


Noticing Yaned covering her ears with her hands, Commander Decken's keen observation skills kicked in. He recognized her sensitivity to loud noises, an understanding that came from their previous interaction during Captain Cassandra's arrival. Without hesitation, he approached one of the people nearby who was equipped with an aviation headset, a device designed to protect against the deafening noise of aircraft.


With a polite gesture, Commander Decken signaled to the person, who willingly handed him an aviation headset. Holding it in his hands, he approached Yaned, his gaze steady and thoughtful. He extended the headset toward her, his intent clear.


"Yaned," he said, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance. "The loudness of a helicopter can be overwhelming, especially for sensitive ears. This will help protect your hearing."


Yaned looked at the aviation headset in his open hand, a mixture of surprise and gratitude crossing her features. She hadn't expected this gesture, and the fact that Commander Decken had anticipated her needs touched her in a way she couldn't quite express.


"Thank you," she replied, her voice tinged with sincerity. Taking the aviation headset from him, she studied it for a moment before carefully placing it over her ears. The snug fit offered a comforting sensation, and she could already sense the difference it would make.


As the headset enveloped her in a world of muted sounds, Yaned looked up at Commander Decken, a small smile playing at her lips.


"Much better," she said with a nod, her gratitude evident in her eyes.

Commander Decken's own expression remained composed, a subtle nod acknowledging her response. He had done his part to ensure her comfort, a gesture that revealed a side of him that Yaned was only just beginning to glimpse.


The clean interior of the Sikorsky S-92 helicopter welcomed Yaned with a sense of materialism that slightly contrasted with her world's traditional aesthetics. The seats were arranged with a precision that spoke of engineering perfection, with each detail tailored with a level of craftsmanship that rivaled the finest creations of her own kingdom. Yaned took a moment to appreciate the surroundings; the clean lines and contemporary design left an impression on her.


Finding her chosen seat near the clean window, Yaned settled in, her anticipation growing as the reality of the journey ahead sank in. The sound of the door closing echoed within the cabin, its sealed closure muffling the sounds of the outside world. The interior felt almost serene, a stark contrast to the bustling activity she had witnessed in the hangar bay.


Yaned noticed a subtle mitigation of the noise, with the insulated interior serving as a buffer against the loudness she had experienced during the helicopter's earlier arrival. It was a relief, allowing her to focus on the journey itself rather than being overwhelmed by its mechanics.


The helicopter began its ascent, and the sensation was both thrilling and surreal. Yaned's gaze was drawn to the window, her eyes were fixated on the world outside. The landscape below gradually transformed, the ship's surroundings taking on a new perspective from this vantage point. The ocean stretched out, its vastness a testament to the world's endless mysteries.


As the helicopter gained altitude, Yaned's attention was captured by another helicopter in the distance. It was more massive, its bulkier frame setting it apart from the one she was riding in. The sight piqued her curiosity, and she watched as the larger helicopter maintained a steady course alongside them.

Little did she know, the helicopter she was observing was the Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion from the sister ship. Its powerful presence and robust design marked it as a workhorse, capable of carrying heavy payloads and troops. To Yaned, it was an unfamiliar marvel, a machine unlike any she had encountered in her world.


As the two helicopters flew side by side for a brief moment, Yaned couldn't help but marvel at the diversity of machinery that now surrounded her. It was a testament to the unity of purpose that transcended worlds—an alliance of technology and exploration that had brought them all together. She watched as the bulkier helicopter continued its course. Yaned wondered what else these machines were capable of and what other wonders they held within their mechanical shells. As she looked out at the helicopters, she couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity, eager to discover more about the capabilities that lay hidden within these strangers and their machines. 


As the helicopter continued its journey, Yaned's gaze was drawn to the changing landscape below. The vast expanse of ocean gave way to the gradual emergence of land on the horizon. The coastline appeared like a distant painting, the details sharpening as the helicopter closed the gap. The shores of the special region were coming into view, and Yaned's heart quickened in anticipation.

Amid the soft hum of the helicopter's engines, Yaned's ears caught the hushed whispers that circulated among the researchers and personnel in their seats. She couldn't make out the exact words, but the undertone of excitement was palpable. It was a feeling that resonated with her own sense of wonder and curiosity.


Amidst the quiet conversations, Yaned overheard a voice from the front seats, speaking in a distinct German accent. "Ah, it looks very close to Muriwai Beach in New Zealand," the voice said, the words carrying a sense of familiarity and nostalgia.


The mention of Muriwai Beach and New Zealand brought a flash of recognition to Yaned. Though she had no direct knowledge of these places, the accents and references indicated that the people on board hailed from diverse corners of their world. The fact that they recognized the special region's landscape as reminiscent of their own destinations highlighted the shared experience of exploration and discovery.


Yaned's attention turned back to the window, her eyes fixed on the approaching shores. The comparison to a place called Muriwai Beach intrigued her, sparking her imagination as she envisioned the beauty of these distant lands. It was a reminder that even in this realm beyond her own, connections and parallels could be drawn between the familiar and the new.


Yaned cautiously watched as the larger helicopter descended onto an open space surrounded by dense woods while their own chopper circled the area. The engines screamed even louder, reverberating across the air as the machine touched down. The rotor wash churned up dust and debris, briefly obscuring Yaned's view.


As the dust began to settle, Yaned strained to catch glimpses of the scene below. Her gaze focused on the people disembarking from the bulkier helicopter, and her heart quickened at the sight. The individuals were dressed in thick clothing; their attire was bulky and practical. The colors of their clothing blended with the natural surroundings, making them almost appear like extensions of the terrain.


Intrigued, Yaned squinted to see more details. Each person had various items strapped to their backs, and as they moved, their purposeful actions suggested a familiarity with their surroundings. Her eyes widened as she observed the equipment they carried. Some of the items resembled tools, while others seemed more robust and functional. Yaned's lack of familiarity with such technology left her speculating about its purposes.


A sense of caution crept over her as she noticed that many of these individuals also carried what she could only interpret as weapons. The weapons were unlike anything she had encountered in her own world, and their appearance stirred a mixture of curiosity and apprehension within her. She couldn't help but wonder about the intentions behind these individuals' preparedness and the need for such armaments.


As the helicopter Yaned was in continued to circle, maintaining a safe distance from the scene, she watched as the people on the ground formed a perimeter. Their movements were disciplined, efficient, and coordinated. The quality with which they carried out their tasks indicated a level of expertise that intrigued Yaned while also raising questions.


The descent of the helicopter was gradual, the world below growing larger and clearer as they approached the ground. Yaned felt a mix of excitement and trepidation as the aircraft steadily descended, the wind rustling her hair as it flowed through the open windows. The ground grew closer, and with a soft thud, the helicopter touched down, its landing gear absorbing the impact.


As the engines wound down and the rotor blades slowed to a halt, Yaned unfastened her seatbelt, her senses adjusting to the change in surroundings. Her eyes widened as she noticed the people onboard taking out their devices and capturing the moment on film. Cameras and smartphones were held up, capturing images and videos of the landscape and the aircraft they had just disembarked from.

Yaned watched with fascination as the passengers, many of whom were researchers, documented their arrival in the special region. The act of filming seemed almost second nature to them, as if they were keen on preserving these moments for posterity. The various accents and languages she heard added to the sense of diversity in the group.


As the door of the helicopter opened, Yaned's senses were greeted by a rush of clean, fresh air—the same air that she had experienced during her moments on the ship's deck. She stepped outside, the ground beneath her feet firm and steady. The scene before her was breathtaking: an expanse of lush grass and vibrant foliage, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon.


She wasn't the only one taking in the scenery. She noticed the people who had been onboard the helicopter with her stepping out and stretching their limbs. Some let out audible gasps of awe as they looked around, their expressions a mixture of wonder and appreciation. It was as if they were taking in the sights and sounds of a world entirely new to them.


Yaned's attention was drawn to the people around her, many of whom were reaching for their phones and capturing the moment on camera. She observed them as they documented their surroundings, capturing images and videos that they would likely share with others. The act of recording seemed to be as much a part of their experience as the landscape itself.


Amid the clicking of cameras and the hushed conversations, Yaned's ears perked up as she overheard a conversation nearby. The voice had a hint of nostalgia, and the words seemed to carry a weight of fond memories. "This reminds me of the countryside back home, playing with schoolmates," the person said, their tone wistful.


The mention of "countryside" and "schoolmates" caught Yaned's attention once again. It wasn't the first time she had heard these terms, and each time they were spoken, her curiosity grew stronger. She pondered over the meanings, trying to piece together a mental image of what these unfamiliar concepts might entail.


"Schoolmates," Yaned mused to herself, the word resonating in her mind. She could only guess that it referred to companions or friends with whom one attended this mysterious "school. As for "the countryside," she imagined vast fields, open landscapes, and a sense of tranquility far removed from the bustling city life she had witnessed during her first stay at the capital.


Amidst the excitement and conversations of the newcomers, Yaned's gaze was drawn to a different kind of activity unfolding nearby. A group of people wearing high-visibility vests had gathered, and in their midst, a person stood out—a figure wearing an Akubra hat and the same high-visibility vest, seemingly orchestrating the scene. The atmosphere around them felt charged with purpose, as if they were engaged in something more deliberate than mere exploration.


Curiosity piqued, Yaned's eyes focused on the object that the person with the hat was holding—a device that resembled the painted talisman she had seen on the Flying Dutchman's screens. However, this object was larger and bulkier, its presence commanding attention. It seemed to have a glassy surface, and the person was gesticulating and talking to it as if engaging in a conversation.

As she observed from a distance, Yaned could sense the air of intentionality in their actions. There was something different about this group—they were working together with a shared goal. The person in the Akubra hat turned slightly, and Yaned caught a glimpse of their expression. It was sharp and strong, yet it held a hint of excitement.


Besides the person with the hat, a camera operator was capturing the scene with a larger camera, its lens pointed in the direction they were all facing. The camera itself was an enigma to Yaned—a foreign object that she had only seen a few times before. She had no understanding of its purpose or how it worked, but she sensed that it played a pivotal role in whatever was unfolding before her.

As the camera operator adjusted the camera's position, Yaned couldn't help but overhear snippets of their conversation. Words like "frame," "angle," and "action" were repeated, and the person in the Akubra Hat seemed to be providing instructions to ensure that everything was captured as intended.


Her attention was captured as the person with the camera directed their lens towards her. Curiosity mingled with a sense of unease as they approached, and she couldn't help but feel like an object of interest. The person with the Akubra hat began speaking to the camera, their voice carrying confidence that resonated through the air.


"Good day, everyone! My name is Bogart Xplorer from Davao City, and we're here in the special region, exploring the mysteries of this world and meeting its fascinating inhabitants and mysterious cultures. Join us on this thrilling adventure as we uncover the hidden gems and untold stories that lie within these enchanting lands. And look who we've come across—a real-life elf named Yaned!"

The name sounded strange and foreign to Yaned's ears, but she understood that it referred to her. The person with the Akubra hat turned their attention to her, a warm smile on their face.


"Yaned, is it? I'm Bogart. The person introduced themselves, their voice filled with charm and an insane charisma that instantly captivated Yaned. She couldn't help but be drawn in by Bogart's magnetic presence, feeling a strong connection to this mysterious stranger. Intrigued by the prospect of embarking on this thrilling adventure together, Yaned eagerly extended her hand and replied, "Nice to meet you, Bogart. I'm excited to uncover this enchanting world's hidden gems and untold stories with you."


"Mind if I ask you a few questions?" he asked.


Yaned hesitated, feeling a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. This was an opportunity to learn more about the newcomers and their world, but she also felt exposed, as if her every word might be scrutinized.


Bogart's off-the-wall charisma seemed to bridge the gap as he posed his questions in a friendly manner. "You've been observing the activities of these people from another world, haven't you? What have you gathered about them? Are there any similarities or differences between their ways and those of your people?"


Yaned glanced at the group of people she had been watching. They were engrossed in their tasks, whether it was carrying equipment or filming. With Bogart's charming encouragement, she found herself responding.


"They treated me like one of them," Yaned admitted, her voice filled with surprise and awe. "They didn't make me feel like an outsider, despite being from a completely different world. They were so welcoming and inclusive that I forgot I was the observer and felt like a true participant in their activities. Also, I've seen them carrying those strange devices," she began, gesturing towards the camera. "And they carry objects that I don't recognize. Some of them wear clothes that are different from anything I've seen, and they seem to be working together in a way that's organized."


Bogart nodded, his expression attentive as he absorbed her words. "And what about you? How do you feel about their presence in your world?"


Yaned considered the question, her thoughts racing. "It's both strange and exciting. They have things I've never seen before, and they seem interested in learning about this world. I'm curious about their devices and their culture, but I also wonder how their actions might affect our land."


Bogart smiled, seemingly pleased with her response. "Thank you, Yaned. You've given us valuable insight into this unique encounter. It's fascinating to see the curiosity and openness on both sides. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new chapter in the relationship between our worlds."


As Yaned observed the group of people and the camera captured her image, she felt a mixture of emotions. While she still struggled to fully comprehend the concept of a camera or a reporter, she recognized both sides' genuine interest in each other. The encounter left her with a sense of wonder and a desire to learn more about the people who had ventured into her world from distant realms.


As Yaned found herself surrounded by a barrage of questions from Bogart, her unease grew. The relentless stream of inquiries felt overwhelming, and she struggled to keep up with the rapid pace of the conversation. Each question seemed to be followed by another before she could even form a coherent response.


Amidst the flurry of questioning, Commander Decken's presence caught her attention. She noticed his stern expression and realized that he had observed her discomfort. Before she knew it, he stepped forward, his tone firm but measured.


"That's enough," Commander Decken stated, his gaze focused on Bogart and the camera. "We appreciate your interest, but this is becoming overwhelming for Yaned. Let her have some space."

Bogart's expression wavered for a moment, a hint of frustration mingling with surprise. However, he quickly masked it with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Commander Decken, we're here to capture the reality of this encounter. Our audience wants to know about the interactions between the inhabitants of this world and our own. It's a unique opportunity."


Commander Decken's response was steady and unwavering. "I understand that, but it's also important to respect the comfort and well-being of those involved. Yaned is new to this environment, and we should give her time to adjust."


Bogart's expression hardened, his charisma giving way to a more rigid demeanor. "Commander, our job is to report the truth and capture real moments. If we stop now, we'll lose the authenticity of this encounter."


Commander Decken's gaze held a hint of sympathy, but his resolve remained resolute. "I'm not suggesting that you abandon your reporting. Just give Yaned some space, and when she's more comfortable, you can continue."


Yaned watched the exchange, her earlier discomfort replaced with a sense of gratitude towards Commander Decken. His intervention had granted her the reprieve she desperately needed. She found herself appreciating his consideration of her feelings even as she struggled to fully understand the dynamics of the situation.


After a tense moment, Bogart finally relented, though his disappointment was evident. The camera was lowered, and the group of reporters began to disperse, their murmurs of discontent fading into the background.


As the crowd thinned, Commander Decken turned his attention to Yaned. "Are you alright?"


Yaned nodded, her relief evident. "Thank you. It was getting a bit overwhelming."


Commander Decken spoke reassuringly. "I understand. It can be quite overwhelming to face such intense scrutiny. Just remember, you're doing an incredible job." Yaned's tension eased as she realized she had someone in her corner, supporting her through this challenging experience.


As the two continued to talk, someone caught Commander Decken's attention. a man in bulky green clothing. The person was wearing a military uniform and had a stern expression on his face. Commander Decken excused himself from the conversation with Yaned and approached the man.


As Yaned's keen observation continued, she observed Commander Decken with a sense of intrigue and curiosity welling up within her. It was clear that the people in the bulky green clothing held a level of respect for him that hinted at a higher rank within their world. She watched in silence, her sensitive ears attuned to their conversation. Yaned's ears strained to catch the conversation between Commander Decken and the man in the green uniform. His voice carried an air of authority as he issued a command, requesting a report from the man.


"Status report," Commander Decken said, his tone steady and composed.


The man in green clothing returned the salute before providing his report, his voice tinged with concern. "Sir, we've spotted movement in the distance, approximately 500 meters from our current location." He gestured with his hand to indicate the direction. "Based on our observations, we suspect it might be a group of short, green humanoid creatures." As he spoke, he made a sweeping motion with his hand to emphasize the size of the group. "Their numbers appear to be small, and they're headed in this direction." He paused, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. "It must have heard the sound of our helicopters," the man continued, his voice filled with concern. "We believe that the noise may have alerted them to our presence."


Yaned listened intently as the man shared his observations with Commander Decken. A sense of urgency filled the air as they discussed the situation.


Yaned hesitated, torn between her desire to help and her shyness about approaching these modern people. Nonetheless, her curiosity and concern for the potential encounter compelled her to take a step forward. Keeping a respectful distance, she cleared her throat softly to catch Commander Decken's attention.


"Um, excuse me," Yaned began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn't know the modern word for "commander," so she used a term she was more familiar with. "Might I speak, sir?" she added, trying to convey her politeness and respect.


Commander Decken turned his attention to Yaned, noting her presence with a slight nod. "Of course," he replied, his tone firm but not unkind. He appreciated her proactive approach to the situation.

Yaned took a deep breath, gathering her courage.


"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about the creatures. In my world, there are two types of goblins. One is the savage goblin, known for their hostility and aggression. The other is the hobgoblin, which serves an economic role in many kingdoms. They are skilled merchants and traders." She paused, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "I wonder, sir, if you are dealing with merchant hobgoblins or the more savage kind. It could make a significant difference in how we approach this situation."


Yaned's opinion caught the attention of the man in the green suit, who appeared to be evaluating the option she had raised. Commander Decken gave her a contemplative look as he observed her, respecting the perspective she had to provide.


"Thank you for your insight," Commander Decken said, acknowledging her contribution. "It's a valuable perspective to consider." He turned his attention back to the man in green clothing, his mind processing the new information.


However, before we make any decisions, I think it would be beneficial to clarify the creatures that Yaned mentioned," Commander Decken suggested. "We should bring Yaned with us," Commander Decken proposed. "They may be able to provide further information and help us make an informed decision." The rest of the group nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of Yaned's expertise in clarifying the creatures that had been mentioned. 

As Yaned observed the unfolding situation and Commander Decken's willingness to consider her insights, her curiosity got the better of her. She wanted to see for herself if their descriptions of the creatures were accurate. Moreover, her fascination with these modern people in bulky green clothing, whom she suspected to be soldiers due to their movements, was growing. She decided to join them, keeping a respectful distance.


The group began to move toward the woods, their footsteps making little noise on the grassy ground. Yaned trailed behind, her keen elven senses attuned to every detail of the environment. As they approached the tree line, she noticed the other personnel, the civilians in high-visibility vests, engaging with one of the military individuals.


The man was carrying a massive bag that was almost as tall as a dwarf in her world, which was known for their love of drinking, mining, and carrying bags twice the size of their height. The sight of such a large bag intrigued Yaned, and she couldn't help but compare it to the dwarves of her world.

While she couldn't understand the conversation between the civilians and the military personnel, the body language and gestures conveyed a sense of cooperation and shared purpose.

In the dense woods, Yaned quietly observed the soldiers and one of the researchers as they moved cautiously through the underbrush. Her keen elven senses allowed her to blend seamlessly into the surroundings, a skill honed by years of living in the forested realms of Elindor.


As they continued their advance, a soldier at the front raised his hand, signaling for the group to slow down. His voice was barely a whisper, but Yaned's acute hearing caught his words: "We're here."

Peering through the foliage, Yaned focused her gaze on the scene unfolding before her. The men in bulky green clothing, military personnel by all appearances, had their tools at the ready. These tools, she knew, were more than just instruments; they were weapons. The soldiers pointed them toward a group of short, green-skinned humanoid creatures that were emerging from the bushes ahead.


Yaned remained hidden, her senses alert, and her heart beating steadily. The soldiers maintained a muted presence, their movements precise and disciplined. She couldn't feel their presence in the same way she could with creatures of the forest, but that didn't mean they couldn't be detected. Her sensitive nose picked up the scent of their uniforms, a blend of fabric and metal. It was a scent unfamiliar to her, yet impressive in its ability to keep them silent and low-profile, much like how her wood-elf kin moved through the forest.


As Yaned continued to observe, she confirmed her suspicions. The short, green-skinned creatures were indeed goblins. Their unpredictable nature was known across the special region, often causing trouble for adventurers and settlements. She had encountered goblins before, but never in such close proximity to modern people from another world.

In the midst of observing the tense standoff between the soldiers and the goblins, Yaned's thoughts drifted to a longing she had carried since their arrival in her world. Her mind whispered with regret as she wished for something she had lost during a previous encounter.


"If only I had my staff," she thought silently to herself. Her staff, a precious extension of her magical abilities, had been a constant companion on her journeys through Elindor. With it, she could command the elements, summon protective spells, and wield the forces of nature to her advantage.

With the tension in the air palpable, Yaned couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency and concern for the people around her. As she watched the soldiers and their weapons trained on the goblins, she felt compelled to share her insights with the group.


"Excuse me," she said, her voice now more confident. The soldiers turned to look at her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and surprise.


"These creatures," Yaned began, her gaze focused on the goblins, "I've encountered them in my world, and they can be quite dangerous. In my experience as an adventurer, I've faced goblins and other magical beasts. Their unpredictable behavior and raids can pose a significant threat to settlements and travelers."


She could sense a shift in the atmosphere as some of the military personnel considered her words while keeping their weapons at the ready. Yaned's desire to see the situation resolved was clear, but she also wanted to witness the soldiers in action, to understand how they dealt with such challenges in this world.


"If it's safe," she added cautiously, "I would like to see how you handle this. It might help me understand more about this world and how to protect myself and others in it."

As Yaned stood there, her heart pounding in her chest, she noticed a silent exchange between the soldier who had spoken and Commander Decken. The soldier's gaze met the commander's, and in that brief moment, understanding seemed to pass between them.


With a solemn nod from Commander Decken, the soldier turned back to the group of goblins, and without hesitation, the soldiers opened fire. The noise was deafening—a rapid barrage of gunfire that filled the air. For a moment, the cacophony disoriented Yaned. Her sensitive ears struggled to cope with the sudden and intense sound.


When she finally managed to open her eyes, she was met with a scene of swift and efficient action. The soldiers, their weapons expertly wielded, had eliminated the goblins in a matter of seconds. The once-threatening creatures now lay lifeless on the ground, their threat extinguished.


Yaned couldn't help but be impressed by the soldiers' precision and teamwork. She had witnessed firsthand the effectiveness of their response to a potential threat. Her thoughts raced, wondering what other secrets and capabilities these modern people held. As the dust settled and the echoes of gunfire faded, Yaned couldn't shake the feeling that there was much more to learn about this intriguing situation she had found herself in.


As Yaned watched again from a safe distance, her keen eyes assessing the scene, she couldn't help but notice something peculiar about the goblins' wounds. They were different from what she had seen in battles back in her world, where swords and magical spells left distinct marks.


These goblins bore wounds that were more precise, cleaner in a sense. The injuries didn't have the jagged edges and deep slashes that blades would inflict. Instead, it appeared as if something had punctured them with great force, leaving small, precise entry and exit wounds.


Her mind raced with theories, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar weapons these modern people used. She pondered whether their weapons fired some sort of projectile. But what kind of projectiles could deliver such precise, lethal blows?


As an elf with ancient wisdom and knowledge, she was accustomed to the elegance and fluidity of traditional elven weaponry. Their blades were renowned for their intricate designs and graceful movements. But these new weapons fascinated her, as they seemed to possess a different kind of power—a precise, almost magical force that caused minimal damage yet guaranteed a fatal outcome. She couldn't help but feel a certain sense of wonder and inquisitiveness towards these people and their arcane knowledge.