
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · Komik
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71 Chs

Chapter 19: Kingdom Commander vs Empire Commander


-3 days later-

I was in my office, my back resting in my comfy chair, as I was thinking who the rebel of the Empire could be.

'I can't believe someone is thinking of rebelling, and even teaming up with the Kingdom.' I thought with a sigh, but I guess it was also pretty normal.

In the first place, Empire and Kingdom was a single nation, later because of inner conflicts they were divided into two faction, forming a Kingdom and Empire.

So, It wasn't really shocking, that someone want to once again reunit the two divided faction, but was that really the case?

While, I was lost in my thoughts, a light knock came out of my door.

"Come in."

"Sir, The code messenger has arrived, and he has already left to lead the troops of Kingdom." Froza said, with her usual cold face, while I looked at her.

"Okay, Go summon Raiger and Rezoro, I want you, Raiger and Rezoro to follow me ...other will guard and protect the border between Stone Town and Katze Plains.

"As your command." she said, quickly running over the training room, where they usually are.


Soon, Raiger, Rezoro and Froza were infront of me.

"I want all of you to bring 300 men each from your Battalion... organise it as quickly as you can." I said, while all of them gave a quick nod while calling out there best soldiers, they could think off.


-1 hour later-

[Wolven Glade]

As, I was waiting with 100 soldiers in bandit disguise, 800 soldiers with 3 of my Battalion Commander were hiding in the Glade, ready to encircle the enemies under the command of mine.

Soon, the wait was over ...I could hear the metal armor moving and the heavy foot steps getting louder and louder.

"Knight Rogar! We have arrived! Have you found the cave of the Treasure!" a knight voice resonated, while I with my 100 in-disguise bandits arrived infront of them, when I whistled loudly.

"Hahaha!! Encircle them all!"

"Get you foot moving!! Encircle!"

" ....Encircle."

Two idiotic and a cold voice resounded the area, as a 800 numbered soldiers all encircled a group of 50.

Though, the surrounded group were only 50 ...they weren't panicked or scared looking at a 900 strong men encircling them, and why could they be scared.

The soldiers encircling them were all normal soldiers who are destined to be a cannon fooder some day, while in the other hand.

They were all elites of Kingdom, they were trained to guard the Kingdom, they weren't raised to be a cannon fooder, they were raised to survive and fight for Kingdom!

"So, You Empire people have already caught our first division huh? May I know who is the leader of your army?" asked the one in the lead of 50 people, he was a robust man with bulky build, his height reaching 6'6 foot tall, a huge pelt scabbard hanging onto his waist, while he had brown hair, and a beary beard.

He wore a full-plate sliver armor, while a ragged rob to cover his armor.

"I am the one." I replied, to whom he ignored and continued.

"May, I know the leader of your army?"

"Hey, Didn't I say it, it is me." I said, with a little authority.

"Listen Kid, I don't have time to joke, I want to know who the leader is." he demanded, as if he wasn't the one encircled, but we were the one.

"Hey! Didn't you listen! He is our Commander! Are you insulting us, by ignoring him!"

"Sir! We should just kill them! How dare they ignore our Commander and Hero!"

"Hey! They even have gut to demand us! Who do they think they are! It is our Motherland!"

"Kill them! Kill!"




Many of the soldiers shouted, as I could feel there rage, afterall I wasn't just a no name Commander, I was also known as the Hero of West.

"Wh..What? Is he really the leader of your ranks?" exclaimed the Kingdom Commander in shock, while he began to examine me from my toe to head.

"I am the Commander of this army! I am Legion Commander, Alard von Auguste! State it! why do you call me!" I said with a dominating tone, as I leaked my mana of 3rd-tier and mixed with my chakra.

"Thi..This, I request for a duel with you! If I win, Let us leave peacefully!" suddenly the leader demanded, as all 900 of my soldiers were left speechless, when all of them began laughing aloud.

"Hahah! Are they serious? It is clearly visible, we have the advantage, Why could we let them leave."

"Yeah, Are all the Kingdom soldiers mentally retarded?"

"Hey! Why could we just let you leave, We have you in our clutches." all of the soldiers laughed, while the Kingdom elites were fuming with rage.

But, still keeping there cool ..the Kingdom Commander once again spoke.

"I am Lufer candir loté Boullope! Earl of Re-Estize Kingdom! Commander of Marquis Boullope! don't tell me your Commander is so coward, that he is using his number to bully us!" Earl Lufer mocked me, as even though they were the elites of Kingdom and could be able to fight head on with my army of 900, in there guess only.

They could still need to suffer a huge casualties, for Kingdom loosing few hundred soldiers was okay then lossing an single elite knight they had nurtured.

"Bastard! Commander let me battle this arrogant punk!" exclaimed Raiger, as vein appeared in his forehead, ready to jump at anytime.

"No need Raiger, If he want a duel ...he must be ready for it." I said, as I saw it as a good chance to make my name popular in Kingdom too, and also increase my reputation in Empire.

"I am okay with your proposal, but what can I get if I won?" I said, as I could feel his arrogance raising up.

"Heheh, If you win ..I will give you the map, I am sure you have already gotten the information from that idiot."

"Heh, So then, let us began." he said, as he took his heavy sword out of his scabbard.

While, I also moved in the middle of the encirclement, unsheathing my sword. Many eyes pried my Wyvern sword, which was high-class item, which was pretty high-graded one for human nation.

Wyvern Sword, was the sword I received after completing my quest of gaining 30+ strength.

The sword was very eye catching, as this sword was made by the skin of a Wyvern, so the aura it released was very mysterious in the eye of this humans.

Wyvern Sword ≈

"Woah! That's a awesome sword! I will be taking that after defeating you." exclaimed out Lufer, greed visible in his eye, as I was now really getting annoyed with his bullshits.

"Shut up, Learn your place and know who is at the mercy here." I said, using ‹Shukuchi Kai› my body immediately appearing infront of him.

"‹Heavy Blow›" I swinged my sword, as my sword was double heavier then before, while Lufer could barely deflect my attack.

"So you are a martial artist, By chance I too am one! ‹Focus Battle Aura›!" roared Lufer, as his heavy sword began to shine brightly, a heavy pressure shrouding the area.

"‹Ability Boost! Greater Ability Boost! Sense Weakness: Slashing Strike›!" he used ‹Abilitu Boost› and ‹Greater Ability Boost› to raise his overall strength of his body, while ‹Sense Weakness› to catch my weaknesses, as he charged toward me with a deadly attack.

"‹Magic Sheild›!"

"‹Twin Magic! Maximize Magic: Fire Ball›!" I chanted quickly, using ‹Magic Shield› to defend me from the attack, as I summoned two fire ball in the air.

[Magic Attack +500 (temporarily)!]

"What he is a Caster too!" exclaimed Lufer in complete shock and surpris, as his attack penetrated my shield, while his skin began to burn under my ≤Fire Ball›, I had summoned.

"‹ Fortress›! " he quickly tried to absorb my attack with ‹Fortress› but because of my ‹Fire Ball› being more powerful then normal, he couldn't completely absorb my attack, making him fly away in air with the blast my attack.

"Commander!" suddenly exclaimed other member of Kingdom in complete shock, as they saw there Commander send flying with my attack.

"Hey, Hey .. Don't tell me it is all you have to offer, I was expecting more, I didn't even use half of my power." I said, as it was true ... I didn't even use any Nin-jutsu or Sharingan, still it was the best he could do.

"I thought you had strength to back your arrogance, but who could have thought it was a just a fart." I said, using ‹Shukuchi Kai› to arrive near Lufer, while I kicked him in his chest.

"Kughh!" Lufer coughed blood, his upper body forcefully stood up, while I kicked his forehead, his head banging against the ground with a huge sound of his skull crushing.


"Commander!!!" exclaimed all of the elites of Kingdom, while I ignored them, checking the body of Lufer.

In search of the map, when a huge shout came behind me.

"Die you damn bastard!" a knight of Kingdom shouted, while he jumped toward me with a sword in his hand, while I was ready to kill him.

A huge fist smacked his face, his whole head burst open, blood blasted open in the air, even his skull turned into dust.

"Damn them! Finally I could kill one of them!" Raiger harrumphed, his body covered by the blood of the knight he just killed.

"Found it! " I then exclaimed, while I took out a map from the pocket of his ragged robe.

"So this is the map, huh~" I muttered, as I placed it in my pocket ...while I stood up from my position.

"Raiger, I can smell 49 disgusting dogs near me in sliver armor, quickly get rid of them." I ordered him, as I could hear the shout of all 900 soldiers.

