
Villainess's Love: A Boon Or A Curse

Destiny plays the biggest role in one’s life! It could take you to heaven from hell or throw you down from heaven to hell, and when it comes to Love, It plays the biggest role in one’s life. If destiny is in your favor, then love will become a boon but… If it’s against you, the same love in the form of a boon would become the biggest curse in the form of a wound in one’s heart. The same thing happened to Neel Singh Rathore! He belongs to one of the richest families in the world and had everything he needed but he still felt empty in his heart until one day he saw a girl in the rain, trying to hold onto her umbrella! The moment he saw her, He lost his most precious thing to her: His heart! It was love at first sight and now all he wanted was to be with her and spend all his life with her till the last breath he had in his body. He loved her, she loved him back! “Saranya! If there is no you, there is no meaning of my existence in this universe!” “I know! It’s the same for me! I might become a walking dead without you!” Everything was going well but who would have thought that she would trample on his dignity to the point where he couldn’t understand if he should be with her like a loyal dog or save his dignity? But in the end, all he wanted was to be with her! Either she hates him or loves him, he would never leave her! Because he knew that, she could never leave him! If he was in pain then she must be in double the pain he was feeling at that moment! He decided to wait for her to come back and one day, she did come back with a little baby girl claiming to be her father and making him happy to the point where they fought against the cruel destiny, being one together once again and fighting with all the hurdles that might come between them! - - - - - - - - - “No! Don’t look at me! My body is full of scars, which might make you feel disgusted and you might end up hating me!” Saranya said while trying to hide her back which was full of wounded scars. “What are you saying?” Neel said as he kissed her back lightly, “You have nothing which I would hate! Even the ugliest scar is the most beautiful treasure for me!” He said and made her look at his face and wiped her tears away with his lips and then started kissing her softly, making her heart go all soft and full of fuzzy and warm feelings! ------ Disclaimer:- The story travels from present to past, so please don’t be confused! You will eventually understand!

ARU · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs



"Sir, Tell me? Why am I here? Why do I have to be here?"

She was confused!

"I am not sure but It might be the promise that your mother made when you were in her womb!"

The priest said with a smile on his face.

"Wh… What was that?"

"I can't tell those things! But… all you need to know is that, She was a hardcore prayer of Goddess and, during her 9 months of pregnancy, she was here and make you this divine! This is the reason that you are mentally and physically strong!"

The priest said and continued, "I am not saying that you have special powers, but you have the ability to use the power you have in you!"


"It means, Like every person has their inner powers and hidden talents, but they couldn't recognise them in their entire life!"

He said and started walking, His steps were way too silent for her to follow but as if she was a piece of iron and waas attracted towards the magnet, she walked in his direction behind and heard whatever he had to say!

"But some people, unknowingly, would be able to use the inner abilities they have! Just live you! You are able to fight even with your closed eyes and your sixth sense is better than others and you utilize it in different conditions! You have a lot better mindset and are strong mentally, otherwise not everyone can survive having injected and being in an asylum!"

The priest said in his low, soft and sweet voice, which was way too calming that she just wanted to drown in it but his words, it was giving her shock after shock.

It seems he knew everything in this world even if he was living in such a place where you can barely see people coming here!

"Well, leave it! Since you are finally here, I will ask my disciples to clean up the room that your mother used years ago, when you were about to be born!"

Hearing this, she couldn't tell if it was yet again a shock for her in this series, or was she way too happy that she was speechless!

In her 23-24 years of live, after her parents died, she had never heard anything about them and now, she had a chance to live in the same room in which she lived when she was not even in the world.

"She told her to keep that room vacant for you!"

He said and turned towards her, "But I was really hoping to see you with your husband! After all, who didn't want to see you both together finally!"

"Sir! Can you tell me more about me and him? I… I can tell what you are saying but… I need to be sure about it!"

"Child! There are some things and questions which you need to find yourself, I am not the one who should tell you and, If you ever come with your husband, I will tell you!"

He said and walked away, leaving her in a dilemma.

'What is this? I can never make him come here with me! And… the hate I have in my heart… It can't be easily satiated!'

* * * * * * * 

It's been six months since she was living there!

In these six months, she was fully trained in her martial arts and living at such a cold place, which was below zero degrees, people there were still wearing just cotton saffron clothes which were covering their legs and their chest, one side of their shoulders were still exposed.

If  Saranya could see and have known about this when she first came here, she would have died of cold for them.

But now, after the harsh training and the control she took over her body, she barely felt as cold as she used to feel when she came here!

During this time, She was taught how to control the desires one has and how not to hate anyone in this world.

"People might think that they hate something but this might be the anger boiling within them! The anger might be in the form of resentment, where you feel betrayed and wronged and with time, you might be able to forget but when you hate someone, not only it would ruin your past but the present and the upcoming future! So, one shouldn't resent anyone let alone hate!"

The Head Priest was preaching his disciples, in which Saranya was one of them.


She stood up and asked, "What if, one is wronged to the point where they had nothing left and other than hate, they can't do anything and if there is hate or even a tiniest bit of resentment, it would lead to the revenge! In that condition, what should a person do?"

Hearing her question, The head priest smiled and said, "Nature is the one to decide and choose its own person to punish them! Just close your eyes and ask, If you are the one who is chosen then go for it! But remember, If you punish someone, you are doing the same thing which was done to you once! So, do not choose the same path as them! Try to think better and smarter!"

He said and stood up to leave.

Saranya stood there thinking, "If I wouldn't have asked, Other than killing them, I didn't have any plan in my mind!'

That night, she kept on thinking how to take revenge, and the Head priest was right, If she barely kills them, it would really be the minimal punishment for them!

It was her time to think of a better way for her revenge.

The better the smarter!

She closed her eyes and started thinking: 'I only had that light in my life which made me follow my life to London and now, I have lost it! How am I going to live without it? It's suffocating! But being here makes me feel calm and collected!'