
9.51 Why Not Me?

All over the country, the zombies responded with a loud growl, creating a terrifying cacophony that seemed to emerge from the belly of Hell. It was as if they were injected by a powerful stimulant; their originally jerky and stiff movements became swift and agile. The turbid white eyes gleamed with a faint crimson color, emitting thick bloodlust and thirst for blood. 

They broke into houses, scaled the high buildings, overturned the cars strewn haphazardly on the road. The citizens hiding in the safety of their own houses, camping in the wilderness as well as those taking shelter in high places where zombies could not reach… all of them were unable to escape the bloody siege. Screams of fear and despair reverberated through the air. Fire exploded from numerous buildings. 

In a blink of an eye, the barely surviving country turned into a bloody purgatory and the clear blue sky was covered in a thick layer of gloom.

Inside the military basecamp.

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