
Villain Evolution System[Harem]

[WARNING: mature content. please skip if below 18] What would you do if you have a system that can summon minions ranging from—super mecha’s, sexy vampires, Cunning Demoness, naughty angels, War gods, Monster girls, and curvy goddesses to do your bidding??? The present Earth has turned upside down because of the high values placed on the superheroes who were treated like gods among men. Ruby Rose's mother was brutally murdered by a superhero who wanted to force himself on her. And his six-year-old sister, who tried to fight the big superhero, was also killed and chopped into several pieces. Ever since then, Ruby has lost the love he once had for the superheroes that have become role models for everyone. He trained for years, and after getting stronger, he decided to hunt down all the heroes one by one. However anytime he fought against them, he was brutally defeated, and he'd always run away. Then, they eventually did it. They finally captured him and threw him half-dead into a gloomy cave, but at the brink of death, his eyes snapped open when he saw a glowing purple crystal in the dark. [»You have unlocked the villain evolution system»] [«You have a new quest»]   "Quest?" [«Eradicate all the heroes from this world»] [«failure: eternal torture with your d*ck sliced off»] Ruby's smile broadened to his ears. He was about to go on a hunt. ---- If you feel something's are not explain yet, its because it would be explained later as the story continues. this novel would be posted daily. 100 power stones for >> 2 extra chapters. 200 power stones for >> 3 extra chapters. this novel would contain mature scenes so read with caution or skip if you're below 18. [MC might behave a little kind, but he is not. As the novel continue, you would see his cruel side as the novel continues.]

Mylittledragon · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs


50 power stones for 2 Extra chapters.

100 power stones for 3 Extra chapters

200 power stones for 4 Extra chapters

Let's start voting!


'This fucker! Trying to woo my girls, huh?' Ruby thought as he stared at Muna and Natasha's tables from his system screen.

With the help of some features, which Ruby never cared to know, the system was also able to transmit everything Bernard was saying.

And so far, Ruby wasn't liking his advances one bit. The latter has been trying to take them to bed with his sweet tongue which might have worked for others, but Ruby trusted the girls.

The 100 percent loyalty was proof of that!

'Tsk! If only I can just eliminate him right here and then. Wrong, I'll make him suffer a bit before killing him.' Ruby smirked as a cold plan begin to form in his head.

'I'll make sure his death is creative and would be a wonderful sight.'

Coming to Las Vegas, Ruby just wanted to kill his target and fly back to New York since he had things to sort there as well, but he had changed his mind.

'It seems like I'll spend some time here just to play with this sucker a bit.'

Little did Ruby know that his smirk was visible, and for some reason, it had started making the Arab man, who showed him the gun earlier, quiver as cold sweat broke out of his body.

'Why I'm I feeling like this? What's this dark energy I'm feeling?' The man thought. He was now having second thoughts.

'If this guy can make me sweat, then I don't think this a good thing. I'll have to call back all those guys.'

The man signs as he pulls out a phone from his white, pristine robe. Then, he smirk as he remembered something:

'No need for me to worry. The others will still probably deal with him.'

With these thoughts, the man walked to another side of the arena and made his calls.

At the table—

Natasha was now gritting her teeth and the veins on her head threatened to pop out any moment.

'Did this fucker just ask me out?'

Natasha felt like she was hearing things. She was succubi, you know? But she wasn't just any succubus, to begin with. Her status was much higher than anyone here. She only saw one person equal to her here…but this guy, a lowly mortal, asked her probably with the intention of fucking her.

Controlling herself, Natasha thought:

'I've to do this for darling sake. Uggh! I hate this! I just want to rip his brains out already and feed it to my dogs.'

Oblivious to all these thoughts, Bernard still stared at the girls with a predator gaze. His thoughts were simply…

'Look at these sexy bitches. They thought I'll just let them go without banging them.'

"Ladies, what do you say?" Bernard continued.

"Umm, actually we can't go with you, at least, not now." Natasha showed yet another smile that seemed to melt Bernard's heart even more.

Muna just watched the two. She didn't like to talk much, to begin with, so she just watched. But even she had anger brimming in her heart slowly as she listened to the conversation.

"Oh, I can wait! What do you girls want to have?" Bernard made a click with his hands and waited scurried to him with a tablet in his grasp.

"Sir, what would you like to have?" The waiter said in a respective tone.

"What willya ladies like?" He glanced at Muna and Natasha.

Natasha's tiny nostrils flared a bit "What about your heart in a pl-"

"She means we will be having Whisky," Muna said, cutting Natasha off.

"Control yourself, at least for Hon," Muna whispered in Natasha's ears, making it difficult for Bernard to hear.

"OH," Bernard muttered to himself as he stared at the waiter. "You heard them. Get the whiskey. The most expensive one."

Since this was the boss himself, the waiter didn't ask any questions and bolted away to grab the wine.

"In case you guys didn't notice, I'm actually the owner of this place and a member of the meta?"

Looking at Bernard's smug expression, Natasha and Muna felt like puking out their entire bowl.

'This guy. How many times will he tell us this??' Both Natasha and Muna thought at once.

He didn't get the response he was looking for so, Barnard repeated it but like before, they just said…

"Oh, that's nice!"

'Why are these girls this casual or are they some rich kids?'

It'd be understandable if they were a rich kid because if it were any other girls in Las Vegas, they'd be in bed with him now!

"Why is the waiter taking this long? this is unusual." Muna expressed her thoughts. It wasn't like the waiter took long, but she didn't want to spend even a second with this show-off.

Sometime later, they saw the waiter approach them with a tray full of glass. As the man strode closer to them, another man, who appeared to be 6ft stood up and bumped into the man with the tray.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you coming." Ruby apologize promptly.

But as the man stared at him, telling him that he was okay, Ruby slid two pills into the glasses and strode to a bar counter as if nothing happened.

"This guy is really taking it too far!" Ruby said aloud as he ordered a drink while at the same time, his gaze was on the table through the system.

"Yeah is your drinks!" The waiter sat both glasses on the table, offering them to the two curvy girls.

While watching this, Bernard had a wide smile that showed all his teeth.

Without wasting any time, Both Muna and Natasha took the glasses and gobbled them down.

While they gulped the whiskey, Bernard's smile seemed to have widened even more. His body was tingling with excitement as his dragon roared uncontrollably in his mother region.

"drink up bitches! I mean girls, the whiskey is delicious after all." Bernard grinned even more.

'Something is fishy. Why is he grinning like this? Did he do something to drink?' Muna thought as she took a glance at Natasha, and saw that the latter was also okay as well, then she turned her gaze behind her, smiling at Ruby.
