
Just trying to survive

I could hear two people coming my way and even though I know I can take one down, two people? I can't help but be scared out of my mind.

"Ek heyrða eitthvað hér inni" (I swear I heard something in here.)

"Já, þú heyrðir Ulfs drepa einn af þessum snotrum mönnum."(Yes, you heard Ulf killing one of those bald men.)

I heard them talking just outside the door in what I'm guessing is old Norse, but I understood them clear as day.

'It's good to at least know I have all the abilities I asked for

I had closed the door after I killed the first man, so I still had the element of surprise.

When the door was opened by one of the men he stepped inside he looked around and just when he saw his dead comrade. I didn't wait, I swung the axe straight for his head, and at the last second when the axe made contact he jerked backward, so I grazed his eye.



His friend barged into the room and when he saw me holding the bloodied axe and his friend on the ground screaming he didn't even hesitate, he swung the sword in his hand straight for me, and like slow motion, I saw the sword heading for my head.

I had no time to think. The sword was coming straight at me, and I had to act fast. I dodged to the side and swung my axe, catching the sword in the middle and knocking it out of the man's hand. He stumbled back, and I took advantage of the opening, driving the blunt end of my axe into his chest. He crumpled to the ground, gasping for air.


I looked to see the first guy getting up but before he could I swung the axe straight to his head and his head caved in. I didn't have time to think about what I did I looked at the other guy only to see him dead too. With closer inspection, I could see his chest had caved in from my earlier attack.

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I had just killed three men, and I knew there was no going back. But I couldn't worry about that now. I had to keep moving if I wanted to survive.

As I slipped out of the building all I saw was chaos, monks running here and there and Vikings killing without mercy. I looked to where the gate was and without even a glance around I ran straight for it.




I kept running when a man came out of nowhere and swung an axe at me, I don't know if was pure instinct but I dive Roald straight for a shield on the ground.

I took the shield in one hand and my axe in the other and when I looked at the man, my heart started to race even more. Long brown hair and a beard that makes him look more like a bear than a man.


I knew I was absolutely F**d if I didn't concentrate so without any hesitation I waited for him to attack first.

Rollo let out a fierce roar and charged at me, his axe raised high. I braced myself, holding the shield up in front of me as he swung down with all his might. The impact shook my entire body, but the shield held, deflecting the blow. I swung my axe at him, but he dodged to the side and swung again, this time aiming for my legs. I jumped back, narrowly avoiding the strike. He was a bit surprised that I dodged from the look on his face but he didn't stop.

Rollo was fast and powerful, but I knew I couldn't let him get the better of me. We circled each other, both of us waiting for the other to make a move. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and sweat was pouring down my face. This was it. My life was on the line, and I had to give it my all. Suddenly, Rollo charged at me again, swinging his axe in a wide arc. I dodged to the side and swung my axe, but he blocked it with his own.

I may have the super soldier serum but he still had a bigger body than me so he used it to his advantage, he flung my body like a rag and I hit the ground.


He let out a loud war cry and charged at me as he swung his axe.

I took a handful of dirt in my hands and quickly dodged the axe and threw the dirt in his eyes, and without waiting around I ran for the gates only to stop because I realized I was completely surrounded by Vikings, at the side, I could see some of the monks were being detained.


"kom heim og ber, Bleithir maðr"(come back and fight, coward boy)

I looked behind me to see Rollo ready to fight and I knew I had absolutely no choice in the matter. I looked around and I could see if it weren't for the fact that I was fighting Rollo the others surrounding me would have killed me.

"Well shit"


POV Ragnar.

I and some of the men found a room full of treasures, I could not believe my eyes. I looked around and I understood that the room was meant for prayer, considering they're god hung from the wall.

"Why would they leave such treasures unprotected" Said Ødger and he continued.

"Is there some spell or some magic protecting this place" I looked at him and from the corner of my eye I see njal picking up a candle stick made out of gold.

"It appears not," he said

I picked up a chalice made out of gold and gems and answered the obvious.

"Perhaps they think they're god protects it," I said

They looked at each other and started laughing when I heard a creak. I looked to see that both Ødger and Njal heard it as well, I looked at where the noise came from and I saw an alter, I slowly crept toward it when I saw a shadow behind it. With a quick motion, I grabbed the person behind the altar and threw him to the ground.

"Drepið eigi mig"(Don't kill me) he said.

I was surprised.

"You speak our language," I asked.

He kept looking at me not answering so I gave him a reason to answer. I drew my dagger out and held it to his throat and asked again.

"How do you speak our language"

"I've traveled," he said

"We are told to travel to take the word of god" he continued

"Please don't kill me"

I kept looking at him and I saw him holding something in his hand, I retracted the dagger from his throat and asked.

"What is that you have in your hand" He seemed a bit taken by the question.

"A book the gospel of ST Jon," he said.

I took the book from his hands and started looking through the pages for anything hidden when I couldn't find anything I looked at him.

"Of all the treasures in this place you chose to save this," I said dangling the book

"Yes," He said like it was obvious.

"Why," I asked

He looked at me and the book.

"Because without the word of god, there is only darkness"

When he said that, my heart skipped a beat.

I picked him up from the ground and when I was going to ask more about his god, Torstein barged into the room.

"Ragnar! come quick"

I looked at him and then at the monk. I pointed at the monk and said

"He's worth more alive, don't kill him"

And so I walked past Torstein and went outside, only to see a ring formed around someone and a commotion. I walked towards the commotion, and when I got to the crowd some of the men made whey for me when I got to the front what I saw absolutely baffled me. A boy no older than Björn was fighting Rollo and their skill was equal.

"They've been at it for 10 minutes now," said someone next to me, it was Floki.

"Ragnar the boy's eyes are the same color as Odin's eye" I looked at Floki and then at the boy that was fighting like a veteran warrior. He was wielding the axe like it was an extension of his body, and suddenly the seer's words echoed in my head.

'You will find an Important person on your journey that will alter your future


I looked to see, that the boy had disarmed Rollo and was about to swing the axe and kill him, when I realize that my brother might die I took my axe and threw it straight at the boy's head and like I wanted, only the blunt end hit his head. He stagered a bit then he fell down, out cold.

I walked towards the boy and picked him up, I looked at Rollo that was knealing on the ground defeated.

"We will be taking this boy with us!" I announced

And after that, some of the men looted the entire place, and then we went back to our ship.

After we went on the ship I looked around and saw the monk that I spoke to earlier I walked towards him and pointed at the child I brought with us.

"You want to survive, keep the child alive," I said to him.

And he looked at me and the now sleeping child, then nodded.



guys sorry for my late update I've been busy these days, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Tell me anything I can fix and maybe give me some future ideas for this story.

Thanks for the support,

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