
Vifes Army

Necromancer in a world where evil and good have a blurry line. Corruption of the church must be stopped. Vife swears to create a new party of true good.

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18 Chs

Chapter 9: Confrontation in the Halls of Faith

Frustration had been gnawing at Vife Bater during his long wait for the Pope, and the desire for answers continued to burn within him. The grandeur of the "Holy Pride" church had provided little solace, and he decided it was time to seek counsel from the powerful priest who had told him the Pope was away.

With determined steps, he approached the priest who had been polite and friendly earlier. Now, the priest's face was marked by surprise and disbelief as Vife revealed his true nature as a necromancer.

"Why do church people look down on me for being a necromancer?" Vife inquired, his voice tinged with earnest curiosity. "I seek balance and reform. I only wish to understand."

The priest's shock quickly turned into disdain. "Necromancer," he spat out, "daring to do God's work in dark ways. You tamper with life and death, meddling in matters beyond your ken."

Vife, however, was quick to respond, his voice steady with conviction. "I do not tamper with souls. My minions are but empty vessels, animated by the forces of nature. I do not play with the spirits of the departed."

The confrontation was palpable as the two men, standing in the resplendent halls of the church, locked eyes in a battle of wills. The priest's threats hung heavy in the air, and Vife's determination to seek understanding was unwavering.

As they prepared for the impending confrontation, it was clear that neither would back down. The sacred surroundings, adorned with symbols of faith and reverence, became the unlikely backdrop for a battle of principles. The echoes of their exchange reverberated through the grand chamber, foreshadowing the looming clash of ideals, but for now, they remained in a tense stand-off.

As tension reached its zenith in the sacred halls of the "Holy Pride" church, the inevitable clash of ideals could no longer be avoided. Vife, his heart heavy with anger and determination, launched himself at the powerful priest from the front, his eyes ablaze with the desire to protect his beliefs.

But the priest, a mage of considerable power, was not without his own formidable defenses. With a swift incantation, he summoned a spell of force that rippled through the air. It struck Vife and his spectral wolf with a mighty blow, sending them both hurtling backward.

Vife, knocked off his feet and dazed by the spell, retreated from the confrontation. His anger had been met with the harsh reality of the priest's strength, and the conflict had left him not only physically bruised but also emotionally torn.

Tears welled in Vife's eyes, a mixture of frustration and anger. He felt a deep sense of disappointment in the rejection he had faced from the very institution he had sought for guidance. The forest, with its timeless wisdom and silent embrace, became his refuge as he retreated, the echoes of the confrontation still ringing in his ears.

In the dappled shadows of the woods, Vife contemplated his path, his anger slowly transforming into a resolute determination. The clash with the priest had not provided answers, but it had reaffirmed his conviction that the quest for reform and balance was a journey that could not be undertaken without facing resistance and challenges.

With his spectral wolf by his side, he ventured deeper into the ancient forest, his heart set on the path ahead. The tears of anger had given way to a steely resolve, and Vife knew that the complexities of his mission would continue to test his mettle in a world torn between light and shadow.