
Reincarnation time

I decided to throw my old chapters in the trash where they belong and begin to write this fanfic anew. Originally I wanted to begin and write more chapters for my other fanfic but I had this idea and only thought about it so yea. Also, he will only be in the Naruto world for this chapter next chapter is the start of Mha.

Have fun with the chapter.


As I woke up he was in a dark void. It felt like I was possessing a body but I could not see or move out of it. I felt that over time I got more and more freedom in my movement but I couldn't see outside the void or body.

*** Time skip***

I browsed the memories of the body I am in and I was possessing the body of a strange woman who got sealed in the moon. She waited for her son to free her from this seal so she can absorb all the chakra she brought into this world.

I think I am in the world of Naruto but would also mean I am in hell so I hope I am wrong. That is simply because I could not move out of the body and this means I would be sealed again for an unknown time or even forever.

This is not how I imaged my new life.

***Time skip***

It is confirmed I am in the world of Naruto. Why do I know that? Well because K could now see outside the body and the last thing I saw before I got transferred into a dark room was two guys sealing Kaguya and me into the fucking moon.

The only good thing was that I could squeeze out one percent of my body and put it into Sasuke. I knew with time it would get sentient and with even more time I could build a connection to it.

***Time skip***

I finally could copy DNA in myself. As soon as I could I transferred the Ōtsutsuki and the Rinne Sharingan.

But I also discovered that all chakra in Kaguya was gone and she couldn't use her ability anymore and I couldn't copy her chakra coils because they seemed to have vanished.

That means we have cool-looking eyes with Sharingan powers and a 360° View.

My other me outside is still too weak to contact me.

***Time skip***

I finally could go out of Kaguya's body and do things on my own. At first, I always got out when Kaguya was sleeping.

I don't dislike Kaguya but she is dangerous, even without her chakra. I mean at the moment she can't kill me because she has no fire or loud sound but as soon she gets out she has to insta kill practically.

And every seal weakens over time.


As I slowly crawl out of Kaguya after she has gone to sleep I look around in this seemingly endless void and practiced making myself a body.

I practiced for a long time... I think... time is really hard to measure if you only have darkness around you. Suddenly I heard a female voice behind me. "Ho, and who are you little goo thing?"

I turned my head to the voice even though I didn't need to because of my 360° view I saw Kaguya standing above me looking at me with interest.

I instantly formed my head which had long visible teeth and comma-shaped red eyes with black rings in it and on those rings were little black tomoes.

"My name is Venom if you refer to me as male and Lilith when you refer to me as female," I said with my slower, lower-pitched, and throaty voice.

"I think I will call you Lilith as I would find it disturbing to think that a male was inside my body," she said amused at my panicked look after knowing that she knows that I was in her body.

"Don't worry Lilith I will not harm you. You are the only thing who can amuse me in the next Billion year's after all," she said with a sweet-looking smile on her face. "Billion years? Why so long won't we simply die after some time?" I asked in a hopeless voice.

"No, we weren't sealed by the exact same technic I was sealed before with. This seal has taken all the chakra from me and will absorb all chakra existing over the years and that chakra will keep us alive. And at the same time fulfill my goal of taking all the chakra from this world," answered Kaguya.

"Wait so that means after a Billion Years the seal will naturally weaken and we can escape?"

"Yes, and then we can do what we want. I always wanted to go and travel the world and discover all the beautiful things existing out there," she said with a childish look on her face. "Wait, don't you want to rule over the world?" I asked.

"No, why would you think that?" she replied confused." "Well because of the whole I am going to steal everyone's chakra and I'm gonna be the mightiest being in the Word thing."

"Well, that was my old me which was corrupted by the chakra fruit. You can consider this a second personality that was killed because my chakra is gone and now my old personality which is like 18 is back." She explains.

***Time skip***

Much happened and the Billion years are now almost up. The first thing would be that I could form my own body without a host. I had a female body because I copied Kaguya's DNA and made a clone Body out of darkness looking like her but younger and with two eyes instead of three. Now we looked like twins but she had three eyes and I had only two.

[Image here]

The next thing is that happened was me getting a connection to my other-self.

The third thing is me getting Quirks. That's right apparently My Hero Academia is playing in the World of Naruto but In a very distant future.

I got the Quirks Darkness control, which lets me control darkness and shadows.

Immortality, which lets me be Immortal but I can still die of old age, and every time I die I get resistance against the cause of death. So when I die because I was punched by Kaguya and all my inner organs got destroyed and all my bones broke and Kaguya punched with the same strength again I would only get one-hundredth of the damage.

I also got the stockpiling Quirk of One For All even before the All For One could gift it to his brother. Of course, I only copied it so that there could exist One For All. The Quirk lets you stockpile strength till you are at your body limit and then concentrate all of it on one point like your fist.

Also, I and Kaguya are now married. After being together for like 50 Years we decided to get into a relationship and another 50 Years later we married.

As a wedding gift, I got her the Quirk light manipulation, which lets her control light and Immortality.

We don't have any kids because, well duh we are both females. After being called Lilith for nearly 100 years I was used to it and didn't want to change it back to Venom.

Kaguya and I had lots of fun I mean yea we got bored but we could always train or have sex or play games which we formed out of darkness or light or we could fight to the death but after 100 million years it was no fun anymore because we both couldn't kill each other because of the side effect of immortality. But we made a game where we had to find new ways how to kill each other which was fun... at least, for the most part, trust me you don't want to wake up and find jelly-like light in your lungs and slowly suffocating.

We also had sex a lot of sex we did nearly everything from sweat soft sensual sex to a little violent to slave play and pet play. We were both at the receiving or giving end and it was lots of fun, just pain we never gave each other, sure we tug at each other hair sometimes but never something serious.

We also draw many things out of light we began to draw each other then we drew little sketches to short comics to short manga and at the end, we even drew straight 10 years without doing anything else no sleep which we didn't really need but still it was fun and you could skip a little time.

We wanted to learn how to cook but well we had nothing to cook with so we swore to each other to open a restaurant or a cafe.

Anyway now it was time to finally go out of this hell. I glanced over to the left side of the bed made out of light and darkness and saw Kaguya holding and pressing my left arm on between her big Boobs while smiling like a little child at Christmas.

I kissed her on her soft pink lips and says "Wake up Kaguya." and blow soft in her ear what makes her shudder and wake up. "Today is the day Lil we can finally go out of here and build our little cafe." She says excitedly. "Go and get something to wear or do I have to force you," I reply also excited to escape the void.

"Ok, let's form these kimono with our light and darkness from like one hundred thousand years ago, with the white flowers you remember?" She said as she already forms a kimono out of light with some gaps for me to fill them with darkness.

[Immage here]

Suddenly we both felt like something was dragging us at our angels through a thin pipe and the next moment we were outside and floating in the sky. The next second we began to fall. "Well looks like we will destroy some buildings first few seconds after we are out," Kaguya says and I can see a big smile, going from ear to ear, on her face.

The next moment our bodies crash into the ground, and as I look up I see a homeless-looking guy with yellow glasses and a scarf around his neck. But I ignore him and turn to Kaguya and say. "Looks like that was not high enough to kill us." With a snicker.

After that, we begin to laugh maniacally.


So the second chapter finished I hope you like it and it is better than the other shit I wrote. If you see grammar mistakes please write them in the comments so I can correct them. Bye