
Results of Training!!!! (pt.2)

Although these two are incomparably much stronger than they were 3 months ago, the one with the biggest improvements is Marcellus! He would start his two hours repeating the technique while doing some shadow boxing.

This was extremely tiring for him as even the breathing pattern was supposed to drop you, make your body too exhausted to move! He lost control of the breathing pattern during this time as well, bursting his blood vessels, filling his lungs with blood, breaking a few ribs, he even died one time!!!

He did get used to it though, after about two weeks. The next two hours of his training would be for swimming, sprinting, and fighting! The breathing pattern that he had to keep up made his body perform at 110% with or without his consent.

Even when his body screamed at his mind, while his mind begged him to stop, he just couldn't stop. Until he did, but by then Marcellus was floating on the edge of consciousness.

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