
Vampire: Heart's desire of a Werewolf

AArya07 · perkotaan
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15 Chs

Jealous Jack

Monday morning came, Jack was very happy. Today he would meet Elena but " Oh! Why does Drake always spin around her all time everywhere like satellite. I really don't want to see him especially with her. "he thought. 

It was a kind of jealous that took place in Jack's heart for Drake. 

Today Jack got ready in a little different style. He wore his favourite combination, white shirt and black pants, put a matching tie, a brand- new belt, a fresh pair of socks. 

Of course he was not going for a date with her but he already rode on the bus to impress her and this was his very first step. 

Rosy entered his room. She looked at him from head to toe surprisingly. 

" Oh! I am really sorry, I think I entered a wrong room." she jested and turned about to leave the room. 

" Are you making fun of me? " he said. 

" No, no. It's true because as far as I know my brother he never groomed himself like this for the college. I think someone's else soul has transferred into your body or may be you lost your memories who doesn't know how he used to be. " She said and bursted into laugh. 

" Yeah. You're right because i'm born handsome. There is no need to grooming myself. " He raised his collar and said proudly. 

She said "of course you are handsome but today you are on another level. I think you are planning to get someone's attention. Is it so? " and looked at him hoping for a reply. 

Jack nodded and blushed. 

Rosy said, " Who's is that unlucky girl? and bursted out laughing. 

Jack stared at her angrily. 

"Just kidding. You're really looking great today. Good luck. " she said and smiled. 

" Anyways mom is calling you for breakfast for a long time but you were not coming. So, I came to have a look. "Rosy said and left the room. 

Jack looked himself in the mirror one more time to make sure how he was looking and smiled. 

He came out of his room, had breakfast and left for the college. 

Jack reached college. He didn't enter the class rather waited outside for Elena to come. He wanted to impress her. 

He saw her coming from front, putting headphone in her ears, talking to someone. A car coming from her back , blowing horn loudly but she was unaware and talking on the phone. Jack saw that and ran fast towards her. He reached there and pushed her on the opposite side. She was nearly to be crushed by the car. 

 She got frightened and gasping a lot out of fear. He came to her and asked " Are you alright? " 

Elena replied " Yeah! I am fine. Thank you for saving me. " 

She got minor injured. So, Jack asked her to go hospital closed to the college. 

Both of them went to the hospital. After medication, Elena thanked him again. He was happy that Drake was not there otherwise, he wouldn't be able to talk to her. 

She said " Can i ask you one favour? " 

Jack said " Yes. Why not? Tell me. " 

" Actually, I missed so many lectures. So, i want you to help me in covering all those topics. " Elena said sweetly. 

Jack was prepared to impress her but it was him only, who was getting impressed by her more and more and felling in love so hard. 

He wanted to ask about Drake, her relationship with him. But he thought it would be awkward to ask now. 

They exchanged their contact number and left the hospital together for the class. 

Rohan was shocked when they entered the classroom together. He came to Jack, gave an awful look to him. 

Jack laughed at him and said " Don't presume anything. She met an accident and took her to hospital. So we entered the classroom together. " 

A professor entered the classroom. He said " There is an announcement for you. Our management has planned a tour for you tomorrow. So those who are interested. Kindly, register your name in the office after the class. " 

Everyone got excited. Jack was also very happy and excited for the tour. 

Rohan and Jack went office to register their name and returned home immediately as they had to prepare for the tour. 

Jack reached home. After taking some rest, he started packing for the tour. He took a walking shoes, a pant that zip off into shorts, a small first aid kit, small flashlight, a reusable water bottle and some snacks. 

He put an alarm and slept little earlier as he had to wake up early in the morning.