
chapter one


A year or so has gone by and much to Winnmires dismay new vampire killings start showing up closer and closer to Goldendale. It doesn't take long for him to discover through Dna that these new fiens are also of the Greymoore clan but through a twist of a new chain of lifes building blocks these are all human.

The only good thing from this new development is they die. But that may be the only good thing.

The doctor, Rick, and Sara , Have a lot of questions to find the answers to . Why are they coming to the area now? What kind of telepathic skills do these hybrids have? How strong are they? Is this just one freak of nature or are there others?

Chapter one b.3

Sara Alaman chased her toddler Jason through the living room . The childs face beamed as he ran from his mother. " Moma can't ketch!" he yelled almost screaming running laughing from room to room. Finally worn down by the never ending energy of her son Sara grabbed him and picked him up blowing on his belly making the familiar fart sound and causing her son to go into near hysterics.

" Anyone home?" She heard Winnmire yell through the kitchen door ,joy filled her at the sound of his voice and Jason struggled to get down and run to the doctor.

" Papa!" even though she , Rick , and the good doctor had all tried to get Jason to call him doctor or David Jason would not have it to him Winnmire was papa.

Sara hugged the doctor and kissed him on the cheek , seeing the Haggard bedraggled appearance felt concern .The doctor had a deep comittment to his patients and since he had returned to the office his clientele had grown by leaps and bounds.." Been working too hard again David, Lines all over your face . How much sleep you had in the last few days?"

" Enough worry wart, enough... His voice gruff but Sara saw the smile underneath the rough exterior.....Where is your husband Rick?"

"Should be in soon, out milking cows and feeding the chickens and pigs." Sara smiled back.

" So, you two are still on your honeymoon , How long since the wedding?"

"Couple of months now David. Yes still almost as if we just met." Sara replied almost blushing.

" Thats good news Sara."

Sara though she caught just a bit of tension from the doctor, " Whats wrong David?"

" Something has come up, lets wait for Rick and I'll tell you both." Winnmire sighed and sat down at the table.

Sara glanced out the door and saw Rick as he came out from the barn and headed toward the house. He was much more handsome she thought since the drugs Winnemire had concocted had made him human again with no trace of the vampire virus left.

Rick had remained in his late twenties a couple years older than her, his hair was a little darker a strong chin and jawline more pronounced and just watching his familiar gait as he came walking slowly across the barnyard made Sara smile. She was happier now than she had ever been. That realization made her feel somehow humble.

His once brown eyes could that now only be called gold in color smiled into Her hazel ones as he bent and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Doctor, What brings you out on a work day?"

Smiling back at Rick for a moment the doctor paused noticing all the changes in the other man , before Rick had had a constant tension about him an intense quality that had made him seem to be stand-offish .That was gone, also a haunted look once upon the younger mans face was gone. Now he just looked content which made it even harder for Winnmire to bring up his new found blood work. Taken from a victim in oregon just under fifty miles from here that showed beyond any doubt there had been a vampire killing.

" Vampire killing over in oregon couple days ago Rick....Winnmire watched the shock cross both their faces....There is a twist something I thought was impossible, This vampire was human."

"From somewhere else ? Migrate here ?' Ricks face had turned into an unreadable mask.

"No , His venom trace we got the Dna from showed he was part of the Greymoore clan. Just a human version."

" Was it an aberrant, one time deal or is there others?"

" I don't know Rick... Winnmire paused...We always knew there were many different types of the vamps but held the idea all of them would die with the machine. We never considered a human varient. So we are in an area where anything is possible. Right now we can only hope this vamp was a screw-up of nature and the only one. Time will tell."

" Now is not a good time for this kind of news David....Rick looked deep into the eyes of his friend and saw Winnmire had the same thoughts...Most of my telephathic powers were lost with the virus and strength plus speed. So we need to find out about this new species as soon as we can."

Winnmire nodded.

The three of them visited and discussed the new turn of events enjoying each others company for over an hour until the doctors beeper went off and he had to leave to go to the hospital.

Sheriff Harold Johnson stood looking at Rick and Winnmire as they looked over the two mangled bodies on the ground. The bodies looked as if a grizzly had gone into a killer mood and destroyed them . Ribs hung out and leg bones in grotesques bloody nightmare sculpture type in the crumpled up way they lay on the ground. Two males.

They were close to the river under a group of shade trees in mineral springs, klickitat county , normally a quiet camping, fishing spot. Now the scene of some really terrible gruesome murders.

"Sure this wasn't a grizzly attack Harold?" Winnmire asked the sherriff

" Positive doc, nothing like a grizzly. None of the body parts were eaten on and this looks more like a rage killing and no claw marks. Follow me." He walked off down a narrow path as they fell in behind the sheriff.

A short walk later the three of them came upon another body , this one intact, the only mark was on the rather large deceased mans neck a badly bruised area with the two fang marks of a vampire.

"This vamp was not just feeding , he meant to kill." Rick said quietly

" Looking at the size of that contusion around the bite marks. I think your right Rick." Winnmire agreed.

Johnson nodded and handed the doctor a manilla envelope.

Taking it and opening the folder Winnmire took out three enlarged pictures of a man and two women with the same marks and contusions as this man on the ground.

The doctor whistled . "so this fien we are after has been busy?"

"No...the sheriff said a troubled look crossing his weather beaten gruff face...Only two of these people could have been bitten by the same fien, This man and the last women in those photo's had to be different creatures that killed them."

" So we have three different vamps loose?" Rick asked

" Yep , that we know of." Johnson replied.

" What do you make of this David ?" Rick asked the doctor who seemed lost in thought.

" I'll have to do some Dna test to be sure but if this one and the others all prove to be human vampires there is only one possibilty that comes to mind...The doctor paused thinking....It could mean that the machine vamps had kept these human vamps out of the spotlight all this time being much faster and stronger, and what we have here are living zombie vampiric creatures pre-disposed to killing. Coming back to life and claiming the territory emptied by the machine vamps.."

That night at home Rick sat next to sara as the two began to practice the trait. The first time in months that Rick had even thought about the mental powers he once had. Now he no longer knew if he even had the basics left of those mental abilities that had came so handily and easily in the last battles with the machine vamps.

Sara had only scrapped the boundries of the trait as she had not needed it in her part of the past vampire battles so she now was reading all the old manuscripts and eastern books searching for understanding on how to use the powers there. Tonight she was trying to link her mental awareness to Ricks in the surreal world of telephatic signal and realities.

She was smelling oders and at times a tone or frequency came floating in a dream like consciousness almost within her grasp but just out of her minds reach.

The phone rang breaking her trance when she answered it was pleased to hear Winnmires voice on the other end.

"How is the mental exercises going Sara?" He asked

"Well...Some progress David , I think." Sara laughed

" Hang in there dear you will get it in no time. Tell Rick the samples gave to me by sheriff Johnson proved to be human vampires ...all of them Sara."

" So we have a rising of human ,vampiric, zombie, killers David. Are we looking at a possible zombie apocalypse ? Or just a few aberrant Dna creatures created by a fluke in nature?"

" I wish I knew Sara, tell Rick for me and kiss Jason as well." Then he hung up

Sara told Rick what the doctor said and sat down next to him more determined than ever to learn the trait, to be able to utilize it in what looked like a new battle if not a war that was coming.

Rick was surprised to find how much of the trait he could still access and use. Now to teach it to Sara .

He felt mixed emotions. On the on hand worry and concern and on the other hand adrenaline ran through his viens the thrill of the fight coursed across the spectrum of his emotions. At least these would be easier to kill.

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