
Valhalla: Battle for the afterlife...

Killswitch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


With the weight of his newfound rank, General Gregory knew he needed to gather a force from the castle to face the impending threat posed by Fenrir and his ten formidable generals. Addressing the king, he requested permission to assemble a contingent of a hundred individuals, carefully chosen from the thousands who sought shelter within the castle walls.Among the population of 9780 within the stronghold, Gregory sought to recruit 70 able-bodied men, 21 courageous women, 7 resilient children, and two messengers. His plan aimed to leverage the unique strengths of each group, ensuring a diverse, adaptable force against the enemy. However, rallying such a significant number of people was no easy task. Fear and uncertainty had permeated the castle, and many were hesitant to venture beyond the perceived safety of its confines. Gregory faced the immense challenge of inspiring bravery and conviction in the hearts of those who felt consumed by apprehension. To overcome this hurdle, he employed a two-fold approach. Firstly, the General held meetings within the castle's central courtyard, addressing the inhabitants with impassioned speeches that appealed to their honor and duty. He shared anecdotes of courage, emphasizing the importance of banding together in this time of crisis and the potential triumph they could achieve.Secondly, Gregory personally approached individuals, conversing with them one-on-one, taking the time to understand their fears and concerns. His compassionate nature reassured them, fostering trust and rejuvenating their resolve. He found strength in unity, knowing that convincing even a handful of people to rise above their fears would inspire countless others to follow suit. However, despite Gregory's unwavering determination, gathering a hundred individuals from the vast population was a challenging endeavor. Some remained rooted in fear, too shaken to venture outside, while others hesitated due to family obligations or their own perceived limitations. Yet, through relentless persuasion and compassion, the General managed to recruit those who saw the greater purpose and were willing to lay their lives on the line for their kingdom. On the day of departure, the chosen warriors gathered at the castle's main gate, their armor gleaming and expressions a mix of trepidation and dedication. They possessed a shared understanding that their actions would determine the fate of those left behind within the castle walls. With bated breath, Gregory led his small army, guiding them through the gate and into the unknown, their footsteps resounding with determination. As they stepped into the open expanse beyond the city, the once familiar world transformed into a realm fraught with uncertainty.Behind them, the mighty castle stood tall, a symbol of refuge that they willingly left behind to face the horrors that awaited. The sun bathed their faces, casting long shadows as they walked, their hearts throbbing with a mix of apprehension and courage. General Gregory and his hundred warriors embarked on a treacherous journey, their every step bringing them closer to the ultimate confrontation with Fenrir and his ten formidable generals. The road ahead was filled with trials and sacrifices, but they held firm, fueled by their collective purpose and steadfast belief in their ability to shift the tides of fate.The newly promoted general, wasted no time in utilizing his strategic mind to prepare for the upcoming battle against the ten wolf generals. With his group of seventy men and thirty women and children, he divided them into seven smaller teams, each responsible for creating deadly traps. In the first team, they diligently crafted bamboo slings with sharpened ends, perfect for ensnaring and incapacitating the enemy. These traps were hidden amidst thick foliage, camouflaged to mimic peaceful surroundings. The second team focused on digging deep pits, expertly lined with sharp spears at the bottom. Cunningly disguised with leaves and branches, these traps proved lethal for any wolf generals that dared to fall into them. The third team decided to innovate further, employing tripwires connected to hidden explosives strategically placed throughout the forest. In their watchful eyes, these traps were positioned to create a chain reaction, inflicting chaos and destruction upon the advancing enemy. The fourth team partnered with the local foragers, gathering venomous plants and poisonous substances. They skillfully crafted poisoned darts, arrows, and spears, enhancing the deadliness of their traps. These traps were thoughtfully ensconced in bushes and trees, ensuring surprise and incapacitation of their foes. The fifth team constructed intricate net traps, capable of ensnaring multiple targets simultaneously. These nets were stretched across narrow paths and camouflaged to deceive even the most vigilant enemy. The sixth team devised a plan to manipulate the environment itself. Using their knowledge of the surroundings, they redirected streams and created makeshift swamps to hinder the wolf generals' movements. This made navigation treacherous and forced the enemies into vulnerable positions, susceptible to the other traps laid before them.Lastly, the seventh team remained at the camp, fortifying the makeshift defense lines and coordinating communication between groups. With their contributions, the subsequent traps could be placed strategically, taking full advantage of the terrain and ensuring safety for the remaining fighters. For five long days and nights, the teams worked tirelessly, constructing an intricate web of death throughout the forest. Each trap was designed with precision, creativity, and a desire for victory. With this meticulous preparation, Gregory's forces were ready to face the formidable ten wolf generals and turn the tide of the impending battle. As Gregory's forces prepared to face the ten wolf generals, they became aware of a valley beyond the forest. Recognizing the tactical advantage this natural terrain offered, they decided to extend their trap-laying efforts into the valley itself. After all it was the only way into the forest.One of the teams, led by skilled engineers, employed their knowledge of the landscape to create pitfalls hidden beneath the thick grass that covered the valley floor. These pitfalls were lined with sharp stakes jutting out, carefully concealed to catch any unsuspecting foe. To further ensure effectiveness, the team scattered leaves and branches over the pits, disguising them among the natural vegetation. Another team focused on creating intricate tripwire traps that spanned the width of the valley. These tripwires were connected to strategically placed tree trunks that were carved into deadly wooden spikes. The team strategically positioned these traps at narrowing points of the valley, where they anticipated the wolf generals would be more vulnerable and prone to deception. A third group worked on constructing false paths within the valley, leading the enemy into dead ends and traps. They painstakingly cleared existing paths, luring the wolf generals into a labyrinth of intertwining tracks. These paths eventually led to concealed pitfalls or jump traps, where Gregory's forces would eventually swiftly neutralize the wolf generals caught within.