With the prophesied time quickly unfolding itself which is followed by wars and mutants. Can Frost, the last of the Vagrants go against fate and rewrite his destiny through his own hands. ***** This is a original work which has taken inspiration from 'The Witcher' and 'Berserk'. The cover does not belong to us, if the artist wants it removed contact any one of us through the below discord usernames. Written and edited by duckman#0755 gooseboy the 0624th#7168 (Discord username^^^)
Frost woke up after a deep slumber that lasted for a couple of years.
He opened his mouth and yawned while stretching his jaws.
"Aaaaaaaa" yawned Frost loudly and started talking to himself, "Shit how many years has it been since I slept? Fuck wish I had never woken up and slept for an eternity".
His surroundings were chilling as the cold winds could be felt across the room as Frost had left an window hanging in his room open and outside the room, the snow were falling heavily covering the entire scenary with the colour of white.
Frost got up and stretched his arms for sometime before gazing outside from his
room which was located in the Vagrant's fortress.
It was a heavily fortified fortress lying on the top of a mountain that far surpassed 8000 metres in height. Frost could still see the rusted training equipments in the open space inside the fortress.
Frost, while gazing outside his room towards the further mountains, noticed something walking across the fortress towards the higher mountains which caught his interest.
He narrowed his red eyes trying to figure out what sort of creature was walking across the mountains in groups.
After adjusting his gaze, he figured it was some yetis which were moving upwards with their cubs.
As the drizzling winds changed direction, the vision cleared a bit and Frost focused on his deep red eyes more which resulted in him to observe the yetis a bit more clearly.
They were covered in pure white fur from head to toe, their feet were so big that they could leave some deep tracks behind them where ever they walked. They were also carrying their cubs by making them sit on their heads.
The yeti that was leading the rest of the group seemed to have noticed Frost's presence and immediately turned towards him, facing his direction.
Both Frost and The Yeti which looked like the leader of the group made eye contact. Frost gazed into its deep black eyes which looked like an abyss that could swallow everything. Their eyes were locked at each other for a few seconds until the Yeti started walking away and turning his head.
Frost donned himself with his gear which contained a black armour which covered his upper body with an added protection of an chainmail under it. He wore his tight black pants made of a sturdy material and took all the tools which were stored in a box near the clothes.
After getting himself geared up, he went towards the centre of his room where he kept his broad sword which gave Frost an nostalgic feeling. He slowly touched the hilt of his sword and raised it with both of his hands.
He walked through the old fortress remembering the time when it was filled with his brothers. Now as the only remaining Vagrant left, Frost continued killing monsters for a few centuries while meeting countless individuals and tribes, he could not help himself but be nostalgic about the past jocose times.
With the prophesied time quickly approaching, Frost prepares himself mentally and leaves the Fortress with a heavy heart in search of his partner Elwood, the black horse.
Frost knew that he had only slept for a few years and that his partner was waiting down the mountains so he descends down the mountain with the snow falling heavily everywhere.
After moving downwards with his heavy gear, he enters a forest while being covered in snow and breathing heavily before shouting in hoarse voice, "Elwooooooood".
After his hoarse shout echoed throughout the forest, the collected snow in the nearby trees fell and after a few minutes, Elwood came from one of the bushes running majestically towards Frost and when she closed the distance between them. It proudly raised its front legs and neighed.
"Haha, good girl, come my partner", said Frost as he approached her and started stroking Elwood's lower neck.
Frost adjusted the supporting gear on Elwood's back and tucked all the bags which contained tools on the supporting strap present on Elwood's back. After all the adjustments, he jumped on Elwood's back.
"Hahahaha, come on girl lets go to kill the shit of some goddamn monsters", said Frost to Elwood in his usual hoarse voice.
After traveling for a couple of kilometres, He entered the deeper parts of the forest and while exploring the forest, his deep red eyes shone throughout the area examining his surroundings.
He could hear sounds of crickets throughout the area, while walking with his faithful companion Elwood a pridefull black horse which shoned brightly with the moonlight reflecting on it's beautiful dark skin.
"Shit, Elwood the number of monsters have increased during the time I was sleeping, it looks like the prophesied time is really approaching quickly".
"neigh...neigh..." responded Elwood in its voice to Frost's normal balderdash.
Frost climbed down from Elwood and removed the sword from the sheath slowly and examined his surroundings as he could feel the demon's miasma although in a very low quantity and quality.
The stronger the demon's miasma on the monster the the greater its attributes.
Frost could smell multiple low quality miasma's which resulted in him raising his guard.
No matter how weak a monster is, it was one of his master's teachings to never underestimate them.
Frost noticing footsteps approaching his direction slowly which was indicted by the sound of multiple stepping's on dried leaves.
Frost immeadiatly picked a small bottle which was in the size of his thumb, from his pocket. The bottle permeated a dry smell of blood without even completely opening it.
The bottle was filled with ashen dust he moved it closer to his broad nose and slowly opened it.
After opening it Frost purposefully inhaled it without wasting even a speck of it.
After a few seconds, his red eyes started to darken its colour and veins started popping in the surroundings of his deep red crimson eyes.
Although he started breathing heavily while inhaling, he adjusted himself and looked through a part of the forest with determined eyes.
Th sound, "Eeeee...Eeeee...Ee" started to be heard and Frost looked more determined after hearing this.
"Eh, It's the shitty ghouls. This should be fun", said Frost with an amused expression on his face.
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