

My name is Satsuki Ren the Satsuki Is a name I chose myself when I was old enough to leave the orphanage and become a proper adult.

Anyways the reason I said my name just now was because I wasn't going to have it for long or rather I might keep it but no one will ever use it again, the reason is that I'll be dead in about 3 seconds if not less.

Yep currently a truck is about to hit me, don't know if I'm going to get isekai'd or not but I at least hope that death is comfortable

With that as my last thought, everything went black before it turned white completely white completely contrasting the black that happened a few seconds ago.


I was greeted by a woman with white hair and golden eyes, I'm not going to dwell on how beautiful she is but yeah she's really beautiful.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

I asked her.

"Well actually it's more of how can you help me kinda situation"

"Uhh isn't that what I said"

"Forget about it, anyway I need something from you but before that, mind if I ask something"

"Yeah sure"

"Well, why did you jump in front of that truck?"

She asked not unexpectedly, why did I kill myself? Honestly, I don't have an answer to that because I don't know the specific reason other than my life was just empty and pointless After I left the orphanage.

I thought things would be better for me after that but I was wrong, Yeah I got a job and became a member of society but that felt stale, and that eventually led to me wanting more.

It felt Like something was missing that something missing turned into an empty void that can never be filled and then my life just felt unimportant, I never really felt like I was needed by anyone or anything.

I tried to fill that void but I couldn't be filled. I bought myself a puppy to take care of but it died a few months later guess I was a Terrible owner after my puppy died I got fired from my job for reasons I don't know after that I just felt like ending things. There's also anime I started watching it, it was fun for a while but my interest in it dwindled and then I stopped.

Maybe a chance at a new life is what I need, in a world I have no idea about to create new memories

"I don't know felt like it"

I answered her question.

"Well that doesn't matter You are just what I needed"

"Why is that"

"Well you see I have a girlfriend I've been with for about close to a billion years now--"

"A BILLION YEARS!! wait are you, God"

can't believe that just clicked in my head right this moment.

"Well yes now listen, you see about a couple of thousand years ago our sex life kinda got stale"

Wait I think I've heard about this, a couple that wants to bring a little excitement into the bedroom so they ask some of their friends for a threesome, as a virgin I found that to be weird Honestly.

Let's hear her say it and not make assumptions

Okay, what do you want from me?"

"I want an exchange"

"What kind of exchange?"

"It's like this, I'll give 1 wish if you are willing to give up being a man for eternity"

What did she say?

"Give up being a man?"

"Yes, I want to possess both male and female parts"

"Aren't you God though you can do anything."

I mean she could just turn herself into a male so why does she need me?

"*sigh* No I can't, you see even though I'm God, I'm not omnipotent and all that, the Universe is omnipotent and it created me to manage it, sort of like a caretaker though I can create other beings and I'm very powerful there's a limit to what I can change in the universe. the universe created me as a female I can't change that."

"OH I see"

"But I can make some minor modifications that's why I need you"

She explained, this is some mind-blowing stuff, for starters God is gay, wow never would have guessed that I bet Christians would be losing it right now.

"If I may ask who is your girlfriend"

"OH that's Lucifer"

Okay so everything I know about religion is wrong, Lucifer is God's girlfriend this is very different from what I have read in my life. Honestly, I wasn't very religious myself I always thought there was a creator of everything but I just never believed they were all Powerful. I mean what if when creating the universe they ran out of power after the universe was created, what if the universe was created by accident due to a random combination of things?

"Okay then you said I get one wish in exchange for my manhood explain that in detail"

"Well, you get 1 wish it can be anything you want to be sure to be as detailed as possible to avoid misunderstandings no omnipotence or nigh omnipotence, nothings with Omni in it, in exchange for that you have to give me your manhood. Like you will never be born a male again no matter how many times you reincarnate."

"I see"

I think I understand now, personally, I like girls and Believe I would continue to like them regardless of my gender but how Am I going to enjoy them without my D?

"OH by the way you can't wish to have a penis after the exchange is done, you also can't wish to have the soul of a female but the body of the male"

Damn any loophole I thought I could exploit is now gone.

"Okay which world am I gonna reincarnate to the same one I came from in another

"It will be random so I don't know"

"Okay, one last question why me?"

"Also random, I put all the existing males in a basket and pulled out you, it also helps that you were dying so it would be easier to take your soul out of your body."

"I see"

If I'm gonna wish for anything it should be OP while being Op might be boring I'm not willing to sacrifice my safety just for entertainment especially if I'm going to be a girl so that weak to strong tag can go fuck itself, There are a plethora of Overpowered female characters but I have to go with the one I saw from my very first anime.

She said that anything except omnipotence so it should be fine if I wish for her powers right

"Okay, I wish for the body and powers of Kaguya Otsutsuki from naruto Shippuden to make it so it's the power she had after she ate from the divine fruits, Which means rinnegan byakugan and Sharingan and all her jutsu, also include Hashirama's wood style in there, make it so I don't need to do hand signs to cast a Jutsu. I have watched naruto but I'm not a die-hard fan that knows all the hand signs, I want to keep the memories of my past life too"

"Okay but I'm gonna have to take away the Rinne-rebirth Jutsu from the rinnegan including the ability to bring the dead back to life, also the kotoamatsukami is out of the Sharingan no Izanagi either, though you have a large pool of chakra it will be a quarter of the original Kaguya no better yet it will be the size of a country, still too large but acceptable"

Well those aren't total losses I guess, a chakra pool the size of a country is pretty big, it's A shame I won't be able to bring the dead back to life but Kaguya was immortal she can only be sealed so it should be fine since I'll be immortal I'll try and make my new life fulfilling."

"Nope no immortality you'll be semi-immortal, everything needs to eventually die so no"

"Can't say I'm cool with the random nerfs but alright"

It's not like it takes away anything significant plus I'm still just as powerful but I'm now Killable.

"Good now let's shake hands and be done with it"

With that said I shook her hand and everything went black again.


A/N: Hope you like the chapter and thanks for reading, I accept any suggestions you might have.

Though this says fanfiction the world will be original


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