

Its a story of a gang, I wont give any spoilers to lower your interest.

WordEngine_JJ · Peperangan
Peringkat tidak cukup
217 Chs

Shadows of Retribution

As the dust settled on the echoes of betrayal, a vow took root within Rhett. The bitterness of defeat had seeped deep into his soul, and in its wake, a seed of vengeance sprouted. In the shadow of his grudge, he whispered to himself, a promise woven with threads of retribution: "I will come back and take revenge."

With a heart burning for retaliation, Rhett charted a new course. He vowed to carve a path that would lead him away from the city of Uprooters, a city that had once been his home. His aspirations took flight beyond its boundaries, taking root in the soil of ambition and enmity. Rhett sought to establish a new gang, one that would rise from the ashes of his past and stand as a testament to his determination.

From the day the election results were announced, Rhett remained a phantom. His presence faded from the city's streets, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty. In the wake of his departure, an air of tranquility settled over the city, the tranquil aftermath of a storm that had left scars both seen and unseen.

The days passed, marked by an eerie calm that belied the undercurrents of tension. Peace prevailed, but it was a fragile balance, as though the calm before the storm. And then, as abruptly as lightning strikes, the news arrived—a war had erupted, shattering the stillness like a mirror shattered by a stone's throw.

The once impenetrable wall boundary that had safeguarded the city lay in ruins, a testament to the ferocity of the conflict that had erupted. Alex, the vice-captain, was the first to bear witness to the report, a document that unveiled the city's vulnerability in stark detail. With urgency burning in his veins, he hastened to Darren's quarters, report in hand.

The room's ambiance shifted as the report was presented, its contents painting a grim picture of turmoil. Darren's reaction was a reflection of the steel that defined him, his demeanor calm, as if he had been bracing for this moment. "It's the Sunrise again," he remarked, a statement laced with a quiet understanding. "Perhaps they've unearthed the truth about the missing prisoner, Edward."

In the face of adversity, Darren's leadership held steady, a beacon of resolve in a world suddenly clouded with uncertainty. He wasted no time, his orders clear and calculated. "Alex, gather the troops. Inform them to arm themselves and converge at the boundary," he commanded, his words a rallying cry that echoed through the chambers.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city's heart quickened with a sense of urgency. Soldiers mobilized, a tide of determination carrying them towards the impending storm. Tanks rumbled to life, helicopters took to the skies, and a river of warriors surged forward, their steps a march towards the unknown.

United by a common purpose, they moved with precision, an army that bore the weight of a city's safety. The boundary, once a symbol of security, now lay breached, a harbinger of the challenges that lay ahead. The city braced for conflict, its heart a drumbeat of resilience as it faced a foe that had once been a rival and now sought to redraw the lines of their existence.

As Darren led the charge, his eyes burned with a fire that matched the impending chaos. In the distance, the tumultuous battlefield awaited, a theater where alliances and rivalries would converge, and the echoes of a grudge born in betrayal would collide with the resilience of a united front.