


Ever thought of falling in love with a woman? I have never.

Yeah, I'm a guy. I'm supposed to like girls because I have that five-letter p-word and they have that six-letter v-word, but are we supposed to like them, really? I just love myself, and three more other persons apparently, but why fall in love with someone else when you can just go on with your life womanless?

I am contented with my life. I can cook, I'm a clean freak, and I do household chores so basically, I can do most girls can do. So why have a woman in my life when I can do what they can do?

I don't need a woman. In fact, I don't like 'em. They're practically annoying and loud and annoying, and have I ever mentioned they're really annoying? Because they are, like very. I never liked a girl my entire life.

But what the hell? What is this feeling every time I look at this woman? She's my archrival. I'm supposed to despise her. I'm supposed to not look at her this way, but why the hell...

How dare she magnetise me to this danger zone called 'love,' and why the hell did I let myself be magnetised?

This is dangerous. She is dangerous, but I can't help it. This internal organ of mine is just too strong it cannot be controlled.

I am in love. That's it, I'm not gonna lie. I'm accepting my defeat. I am really in love.

And apparently, just like in the movies, my life has a twist. She can never be mine, because she's already someone else's mine (ouch). And that's it! End of this story! I like her, she likes someone else, and here I am, living freely with my ginger cat named 'Satan,' careering my title, womanless, while I'm still liking her from afar.

Some might think that it's a sad life, and unfortunately, they're right. Still, no one can stop me from telling this unrequited love story of mine.

So it all started when—seriously, I'm not entirely sure—and I think I won't ever recover from this unwanted (but not really) attraction.
