

Hello people 😊, I hope all are doing good 🤗.. please support meh for this story also... I know I am not a good writer but I will try to improve my skills for sure..for that I need all ur support..😊 but I know uh all will always support meh..hai na..☺️

Enjoy reading 😊

Niti got freshup and came out of washroom and saw parth who is still sitting on her bed and scrolling his phone..so she went near him and spoke..

Niti: parth I am ready.. now can we go down!?

parth: (still looking at his phone he answered) ya sure...

They both went to Daining hall where everyone are waiting for them to have breakfast together

After coming there the sitting arrangements are like at the right side of dining table ayyaz, uttkarsh, Ayaan are sitting at left side Charlie and krissan sitting leaving 1 chair for niti they sat on other two chairs.. they both came and Niti see at their positions and started glaring at both Charlie and krissan who were smirking at her because they both are scared of parth so they left that seat for niti.. Niti stopped her galring section when parth shouted on her..

Manik: NITI...why are you glaring at them and why are wasting so much time..come sit here and eat fastly.. uh all have clg today Don't be late...

Niti nooded and Sat on the vacant place that is beside parth and she is eating her food with no intrest face. parth observes this and take spoon from her plate , n take some food in spoon and kept near her mouth..

parth: eat now.. open ur mouth..

niti: noo..I can eat by myself.. give meh I will have it...

parth: eat it..I know uh won't have it because uh hate this healthy veggies salad which is good for health...but uh have no other option left.. So now eat..

Niti: ok give meh spoon I will eat..

He left spoon and started eating his breakfast while talking..

parth: ayaan take care of everyone in clg.. and don't waste time in clg after completing ur clg straight come to home.. no wasting Time.. and uh four (pointing towards ayyaz, Charlie, krissan

, Niti he said) I shouldn't get any complaints regarding uh four about anything and uh all should concentrate on studies not on other supitd this.. I think I am clear to uh all right..!?

All jus nodded

parth: now I am leaving for office uh all have ur breakfast early.. I'll drop all grils.. uh boys can come in one car.. girls make it fast..

All three Said : we are ready..

All moved to parking area and this time niti is the one to sit in the car first she fastly sat in the back seat and then seeing her sitting in the back seat both krissan and Charlie also go to back seat and as usual started pushing eachother inside the car to someone should sit in passenger seat..they are talking slowly so that parth won't be able to hear..

Niti: what the hell Charlie y are you pushing meh..I sat here 1st so this is my place.. please go and sit with parth..

Charlie: y should I go I came 2nd here.. krissan you should sit in the passanger seat ..

krissan: no way.. I'll adjust here only...

Niti: krissan it is not comfortable please go na..

Charlie: Haa krissan even I am not comfortable..

krissan: if uh both are not comfortable then uh both go I am not going anywhere..

Charlie: no I won't.. I am comfortable here..

They both look at niti.. and niti was about to say before only parth

said having enough of their nonsense from the past few minutes...

parth: niti come and sit in the passanger seat.. fast uh can fight with them after coming Home..

Niti: ok..(she slowly moved from back to jump to front and then she falled on parth's lap..🤣🤣 krissan and Charlie are 1st shocked.. parth and niti were lost in eachother eyes then krissan and Charlie came out of shock and started laughing 🤣🤣 due to which parth and niti came from their dream land...

parth: umm Niti I said to sit beside meh not on meh I guess!..(he said teasingly)

Niti: (she looked at him feeling embarrassed) sry parth Actually....(before nandini say anything parth kissed her cheeks without krissan and Charlie notice and Niti was shocked)

parth: Actually..u what Niti!?

Niti: Actually.. Ntg..

parth: okay! So shall we go then?

Niti: Haan sure..

parth: but uh are still on my lap..

(He again teased her to which she moved to her seat fastly and parth smiled for her cute actions and composed himself and started riding the car)

Throughout the way all were slient krissan Charlie were checking their phones. N our parth is concentrating on driving and looking at niti time to time and Niti was thinking about the thing just happened..

Niti pov:

What happened to meh.. when I fall on Juju .. and I was lost in his eyes.. ofcourse his eyes are attractive..wait what! niti...uh r seriously mad girl!.. but y I felt like he kissed meh..!? I think I am overthinking.. y will he kiss meh.. no Niti.. uh have to stop thinking about this stupid thing.. I know for sure that is my imagination..

Pov end.

Her thoughts got distracted when they reached their college.. N all walked out of car and parth was about to go but stopped seeing a boy coming towards niti and hugging her.. parth is fuming in anger.. and then he saw Niti accepted the hug... seeing that parth fisted his hand and to control his anger he hit the car steering Hard ...

So by this I am ending this episode..

* So what do uh think the one who hugged niti..is he her boyfriend!?🤔

* Will parth take action against this !?

Ok think think..

Thanks for reading 😊