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One year later, "Elf Century" will merge with reality and realize digitization, turning the history of mankind from now on, and stepping into the symbiosis of elves and humans - "A New Era". "But...what about one year after the agreement?" Luo Bai looked at the green caterpillar grinning at him, really a little dazed. He seems to have logged in one year in advance... --------------------------- One year later... When people flocked to join "Elf Century", gearing up and preparing to do a big job, the master ball thrown by Luo Bai towards the empty seat just stopped shaking. "Ding! World announcement, congratulations to Luo Bai, a player in Huaxia District, for subduing the mythical beast Crack Kongza!" In an instant, the world became quiet...

Poison_Rage · Komik
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105 Chs

Chapter 102: It is imminent!

If my guess is correct,

then the correct situation should be like this.

It's all done by the league.

The underground flames are controlled by the alliance, relying on machines, they have the distribution map of everyone.

——Entity dynamic map!

With these maps, they can do precision strikes!

The wild elves in the forest were put in by the alliance. Naturally, they were reluctant to kill the elves they worked so hard to get, so they took them back.

As for time.

It should be last night.

And these machines should have been withdrawn in the short time when everyone was flustered when the sea of ​​fire struck just now.

In order not to accidentally injure them, only a few machines were left behind to monitor the living people like themselves.

Why are they doing this?

This involves Luo Bai's third thought!

The alliance should use some method to select several candidates in advance who are qualified to become trainee investigators in less than a day.

If you guessed right, it should rely on the monitoring of those machines in the sky, and then there will be a dedicated person in charge of calculation and derivation.

It is very possible that the last nine people who are still alive are those selected by the alliance.

Others who did not meet certain qualifications naturally all died.

Otherwise, according to this kind of tracking-type destruction strike with precise maps, how could there be so many people left alive.

But there are still doubts.

Why are they doing this?

Even if a qualified person has been selected, according to the normal process, further observation should be made,

Until the end of the whole trial, go to these people and select the five best performers. Why did he launch this world-destroying sea of ​​flames right after he was elected? It must have been too hasty. Yes, that's the rush! So why the rush? Something must have happened, so that the alliance had to quickly end this trial and end it hastily. Luo Bai felt that he might have found the truth of the matter. But at this time, his eyes shifted to the bracelet by accident. Trial time: twenty hours, twenty-seven minutes and three seconds. Number of participants: 501 Number of survivors: 7 Points owned: 0 Nearby cards: 2 Top five in total ranking: First place: Serial number 181, with 22 points Second place: Serial number 200, with 12 points Third place : Serial number nine, with 1 point, fourth place: serial number 356, with 1 point fifth place: serial number 423, with 0 points, there are only seven people left. Weren't the last nine people chosen? Just the lucky survivors? Was my guess wrong? No, no, it shouldn't be like this. At this time, Huohai was about three minutes away from Luo Bai. imminent!

If it was just now, Luo Bai might really have died with peace of mind.

But now, he felt that he had found some hope of life!

At this time, let him go to die in peace, he is absolutely not reconciled.

He noticed a change in the points leaderboard.

At this time, the points leaderboard is still working hard, and I have dropped from fourth to fifth.

Maybe only emotionless machines are not afraid of death, they will only live according to the program given by the designer.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration!

Moreover, this aura was immediately caught by Luo Bai!

He suddenly thought of one thing.

The condition for becoming a trainee investigator is to be among the top five in the overall standings.

Suppose those nine, and perhaps many more, were indeed chosen.

Then this rule should also be followed.

Of the people who are selected, there will be only five people left in the end.

Five people who are qualified as trainee investigators.

And the reason why the nine people just now became the seven people now is because two of them should be ranked last.

So it was the first to be eliminated!

Only the top five can become trainee investigators.

In other words, only the top five can survive!

Except for the top five, everyone else will die!

The reason why I am still alive is because I was selected, and even though I have no points, I am lucky enough to occupy the front position among all those who do not have points.

So I am still alive!

This guess is probably true!

The current situation is that the top four on the points leaderboard have points, while the last three people, including myself, have no points.

Although Luo Bai is in the fifth position, since he has no points, he is in a very dangerous situation!

He may be surpassed at any time,

and if he is surpassed, he will become the sixth!

The sixth place is not among the ranks of five people!

The sixth will die!

In other words, Luo Bai had to start earning points.

And it is not enough to get only one point, he may replace him at any time.

After all, everyone is one point, why is your ranking ahead of me?

It is very possible to be pushed down.

If all the guesses are true, then he must get two points in order to keep his position in the top five and ensure his survival!

Two credits!

From the very beginning, there are two cards around him!

It should be one of the cards randomly scattered by the alliance, anyway, no one should pick them up yet.

They are near Luo Bai.

This represents two points!

Luo Bai hurriedly glanced around, and found that there were two consecutive cards behind him!

The distance between the two cards is not very far.

Almost only less than 50 meters apart.

The closest one to Luo Bai is about 200 meters away.

Not too far.

The only problem was, they were in the direction the flames were coming from.

But this is not a problem for the time being, because with the speed at which the sea of ​​flames is spreading, Luo Bai can complete this matter with ease.

And when this matter is completed, Luo Bai will get two points.

He will keep the top five position!

He will survive!

At this time, the bracelet suddenly dripped, and a message came.

Luo Bai found that his ranking was pushed down at this moment.

He is not fifth.

Instead, there was another person who didn't know where he came from.

His points are 1.

Luo Bai became the seventh.

Yes, after being pushed down, both Luo Bai and the sixth place had 0 points, but by chance, he became the seventh place.

Luo Bai froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he found that the sea of ​​flames that was originally slow suddenly accelerated.

Originally, there was still about three minutes away, but at Huohai's current speed, it might only take less than 30 seconds!

At this moment, Luo Bai firmly confirmed his guess!

My thoughts are right!

Even the chosen ones, only the top five are eligible to live!

Now the third, fourth, and fifth places are all one point.

As long as I get those two cards, I can surpass them and survive!

The sea of ​​fire is speeding up!

Time suddenly became urgent,
