
Unknown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Fantasi
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13 Chs

A few words to the powersystem.

In this chapter I will explain a little bit how the powersystem works. You should read this, when you are around the 8th. Chapter. I won't explain to much, because this novel is very knew and I don't want to spoiler you.

Every soul and every gear has a rating which goes from Common->Uncommon->Rare->Epic->Glorious->Ascended->Legendary->Mythic->?.

You might see some cases with the <Unique> rating, which indicates, that the strength of the skill cannot be assigned to any rating. Skills or gear with the <Unique> rating might be weak at the beginning, but their potential is not measurable.

The next and last thing I want to tell you about, are the stages. Almost every being is born in the 0th stage, but only with awakening your soul is it possible to level up. The usual stats in Strength/Agility/Stamina/ for level 15 are 30(WITHOUT THE FREE STATUS POINTS). If Anfim would use his free status points, he would have 58 points in all off these stats, which is above the maximum and would make him almost twice as strong as a normal person of max. 0th stage.And we didn't even talk about his energy.Almost all beings can only use Mana and not every energy(There are other forms of energy, not only mana), the usual amount of points in Mana at level 15 is around 40-50. It highly depends on one's soul.

However some races have special stats.

For example the Human race has the Int stats which is shown in %. The higher the percentage of the Int stat, the higher the connection between your consciousness and subconsciousness. The higher this stat, the better you can control your reflexes. Your 6th sense and your perception sharpens as well. There will something happen, when he reaches 100%, but that you'll get to know in the story.

The more chapters are published, the more information I will add to this chapter

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