

Welcome To Universal Game. You are about to represent Earth in this never-seen-before contest. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? I hope you are... Get on board people! The game is about to start! Strellias Sedurion Georgonous Teknapo Thoktraz Viomen Hellyx Cycleria Bluelandia Lavaterra Bruxonom Earth These are the various planets where only one contestant can represent. Enjoy...

Ede_Gaius · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Untitled chapter

Well, guys I just thought about clarifying some of our aliens physical appearances and attributes so you wouldn't be too confused.

The Contestants...

Starting with our Mc...

● ROSE: An Earthling with our usual hot-girl attributes.

● MARILYN: Has a human feature, brown hair and brows, and a pale-green skin.

● RICK: Also has a human feature, Yellow hair, a bit of tanned skin and yellow brows. Likes putting on accessories.

● AQUA: Human like feature, Light blue skin, ash colored low cut and brows, Ice-blue eyes, and a Royal.

● HARRY: Human like feature, has the nerd vibes 'cause of his glasses, and has abit of brown skin.

● KIN: Blue hair which changes according to his emotions, a darker brown skin, blue eyes and has a human like feature.

● DEE70: A bionic hybrid with a human like feature, with only her pink leggings looking like that of a robot, pink hair and a tanned skin.

● SILVO: Has a human like feature, white hair and always dresses in white, and has abit of brown skin.

● SALLY: Has a human like feature, purple curly hair, purple lips, noseless and brow less, dresses in leave-like, purple and green clothes.

● ROCK: Has a human like feature, dresses ancient and black with a hijab and a one handed wrapper-like gown. Has no brows, fair skinned, wears an eyepatch.

● XILIANA: Has a human like feature, red dreadlocks, eyes, brows, and lips. Dark brown skinned, and loves dressing in red.

● JOORS: Has a human like feature, red eyes, black hair with two horns, fair skinned, and always dresses in black.

The Producers...

● ROZY: Has a human like feature, fair skinned, purple eyes and lips, browless, always in skin cut, and dresses in white. Also the head of the Rozies.

● MARIO: Orange hair, green skinned, black lips, eyeless, brow less, and noseless. Has a human like feature.

● X: Blur face with only red lips, ash-brown locks, and a real human like feature.

● LORD BEXTOR: Has a white hair and brows, Very deep brown skin, light green eyes, wears an eyepatch and always dresses in white, contrasting his dark skin.

● MJ MITCHELL: Just like Mario. Orange hair, black lips, no brows, eyes or nose, and green skinned.

● AUDIENCES: Mixture of all kind of aliens all around the universe, including earth!

Add anyone you aren't clear with and I'll try and reply. Thank you.