

Welcome To Universal Game. You are about to represent Earth in this never-seen-before contest. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? I hope you are... Get on board people! The game is about to start! Strellias Sedurion Georgonous Teknapo Thoktraz Viomen Hellyx Cycleria Bluelandia Lavaterra Bruxonom Earth These are the various planets where only one contestant can represent. Enjoy...

Ede_Gaius · Fantasi
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16 Chs


At the Universal house,

Rick laughed.

Joors rolled his eyes.

Xiliana was furious!

Rock was expressionless.

The remaining gasped!

'' Look at her face! It's priceless! '' Rick laughed.

'' Shut the hell up, Rick! '' Kin said furiously.

'' This is not normal. They can't ask questions like that! '' Kin added.

'' How can the audience even know about this? It's so... personal! '' Aqua gasped.

Back at the interrogation room,

Dee70 and Rose was still shocked by the sudden question.

'' I don't want to answer this. My private life should remain private! '' Rose defended after snapping out of her daze.

'' Oh Rose. This is Universal Game. Nothing is private here. '' MJ Mitchell called out and Rose sighed.

At MJ Mitchell's stage,

'' Thank you for your honesty Contestants. We will now let you get back to the living room with the others. We will take a short break! Stay tuned! In a few minutes, we will discover who will leave the house! And we will also call up the last group for their questions! ''

At the hallway leading to the Universal house,

'' Rose wait... '' Dee70 called.

'' Do you want to talk about what happend in there? '' She asked.

'' You mean about how MJ Mitchell tried to humiliate me in front of the whole universe? '' Rose rubbed her temples and sighed.

'' These questions were coming from the Audience. They chose those questions themselves. '' Dee70 said.

'' Did they though? Those questions seemed very personal to me! I don't see how the audiencewould know about this. '' Rose said thoughtfully.

At the producers base,

'' Rose is suspicious about the questions. What should we do about that? '' Rozy asked going through her phone.

'' Delete the footage. We can't put that on TV. '' X replied.

'' I'm on it. '' Rozy nodded.

Little did the producers know that a certain someone has been spying on them from the starting of the conversation.

' I told you Rose... '

Back at the hallway.

' Don't trust the producers. ' The voice added. Rose was shocked. The voice obviously belonged to Rock.

She finally started to feel scared.

'' That's weird. I just felt a telephatic frequency. '' Dee70 was confused too.

'' Did you feel that too? I couldn't decrypt it. '' Dee70 shrugged.

Rose quickly collected herself and replied.

'' No... I didn't feel anything... ''

'' Oh. Must be a glitch in my system then. '' Dee70 said almost awkwardly.

In the Universal house,

Aqua, Kin and Harry came to meet Rose and Dee70 who just entered the house.

'' Are you okay Rose? They went hard with you. '' Aqua sighed.

'' No. I want to fight whoever wrote this question. '' Rose said angrily.

'' I totally get that. I'd feel the same way. ''

'' Last group, it is your turn to answer the questions of the public... Aqua, Kin, Rock and Xiliana, you are up! '' MJ Mitchell voice interrupted.

'' Well... I guess it's our turn to be roasted. '' Aqua sighed.

'' Don't worry, you'll do great. We went through it too and see, we are still alive. '' Rose encouraged her smiling.

'' I know! '' Aqua laughed.

'' Well, wish us good luck. '' Kin said.

'' Good luck. '' Dee70 said.

'' Don't overthink the questions. You got this. '' Rose nodded.

At MJ Mitchell's stage,

'' Alright! let's connect with our last group. Do you hear me? I have all your questions right here! '' MJ Mitchell said raising a booklet.

'' Aqua you are up first. '' MJ Mitchell informed.

'' Here goes nothing... '' Aqua sighed.

'' You seem like a nice person, maybe too nice. Are you faking it? '' MJ read aloud.

'' What? No! I'm not faking anything! '' Aqua defended herself.

'' Ooh! Dont get so defensive! '' MJ Mitchell said and the audience laughed.

'' No I'm not. I... ''

'' Okay next question! This one is for you kin. You've been affected by Rose's nomination. Would you mind telling us how you feel about her? '' MJ Mitchell read aloud.

In the Universal house,

The housemates watching from the Television in the living room could see Kin's shocked face, and his hair color turning light blue!

Rose was shocked!

At the interrogation room,

'' Well... we only met a few days ago but she's a really nice person. '' Kin replied honestly.

'' Let me paraphrase the question Kin. Do you like her? '' MJ Mitchell asked.

'' Well... Yes. Yes I like her. '' Kin blushed.

'' He likes her! '' MJ Mitchell beamed.

'' Cough... cough. '' Kin felt awkward.

At the Universal house,

'' Kin wants to smash! '' Rick yelled and Sally facepalmed herself .

Rose looked awkward.

Back at the interrogation room,

'' Rock, we dont have any question for you since we don't understand you. '' MJ Mitchell informed.

'' Xiliana it's your turn. How do you feel about everyone talking behind your back? ''

'' Who is talking behind my back?! '' Xiliana asked furiously.

At the producers base,

'' No need to thank me for that one! '' X smirked.

'' She's gonna think the others talk behind her back! '' Rozy said and they all laughed.

Back at the interrogation room,

'' Who talked behind my back?! I want names! '' Xiliana demanded angrily.

'' Fantastic! '' MJ Mitchell laughed.

'' That was our last group! Did they convince you? You are the only judges of that! And in a few minutes... In a few minutes, we will know the results of the nominations! Who will leave the house? It's your choice. You still have a few seconds left to vote! We will be right back! ''

At the producers base,

'' People are voting like crazy. Even more than what we were expecting! '' X informed.

'' I knew it! '' Rozy flanked her imaginary hair.

At the universal house,

'' Who talked about me behind my back?! '' Xiliana asked angrily.

'' Calm down Xiliana. Getting mad won't solve anything. '' Rose sighed.

'' I am not getting mad! '' Xiliana said angrily.

'' All these questions were so personal! How can the audience know so much about us? isn't it crazy? '' Aqua sighed.

'' I know right? '' Rose sighed too.

'' Creepy... '' Aqua commented.

'' Attention housemates! This is MJ Mitchell speaking. Rose, Sally, and Silvo, it's time to say your goodbyes. Please join the airlock, one of you is about to get evicted from the house... '' MJ Mitchell voice boomed the whole living room.