

Welcome To Universal Game. You are about to represent Earth in this never-seen-before contest. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? I hope you are... Get on board people! The game is about to start! Strellias Sedurion Georgonous Teknapo Thoktraz Viomen Hellyx Cycleria Bluelandia Lavaterra Bruxonom Earth These are the various planets where only one contestant can represent. Enjoy...

Ede_Gaius · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Rick's Immunity Part 2h

'' Don't listen to him Dee. He's a moron. '' Rose comforted Dee70.

'' No he's right. I'm not like other extraterrestrials. I can't even have romantic feelings. '' she said sadly and ran from the party.

' gasps! '

'' Rose what just happened? '' Kin asked as he went forward to meet Rose. Xiliana tagged along too.

'' Rick told her she wasn't a real woman... that was so rude of him. '' Rose sighed.

'' What?! Who does this guy think he is?! '' Kin was angry.

'' Yeah it makes me angry! '' Xiliana said angrily.

'' Where's he? '' Kin asked searching around the room. And boom! they found him flirting with and Kissing Marilyn.

'' What the hell?! '' Kin was disgusted.

'' I hate kisses. '' Joors who was near the duo rolled his eyes.

'' What's wrong with men in this house? First Silvo hits on everyone, now Rick does it. Can't they control their hormones? '' Rose facepalmed herself.

'' HOW DARE YOU?! '' A loud voice echoed in the room disrupting the party and every one gasped to check what was going on.

'' Calm down Sally! Let's not make a scene. '' Silvo backed away a little.

Turns out to be an heated argument between the two!

'' Oh you don't want me to make a scene?! ''

' And... Action! '

'' Well you should have thought about this before flirting with other girls! You told me you liked me! And I even believed it! '' She ranted.

'' I do like you. '' Silvo said

'' You said the same thing to Aqua and Rose! Do you have any idea how humiliating this is for me? You played me in front of the whole universe! '' She continued.

'' Common guys stop fighting. It's our first party. '' Harry tried consoling them.

'' Don't tell me what to do Harry! Look at me Silvo! I want an apology! I won't stop until you apologize! '' Sally yelled.

'' Please stop arguing. This is silly. Let's forget about all this and enjoy the party. '' Rose said calmly.

'' Who do you think you are to say this? I wouldn't be doing this if you hadn't been so suggestive with Silvo! '' Sally retorted and others gasped apart from Rick who laughed.

'' Suggestive? What are you implying? '' Rose frowned

'' I'm not implying anything. Just stating facts. '' Sally replied harshly.

'' You might be fooling the others, but not me honey. You are just a tease, a vulgar one. '' She added

'' How can I be a tease when I haven't flirted with anyone here? '' Rose asked raising her brows.

'' I said what I said! I don't like you Rose! ''

'' Glad to know the feeling is mutual. '' Rose shrugged.

'' Common girls stop fighting. '' Silvo intervened.

'' This is happening because of you Silvo! '' Sally pointed out.

'' And also because Rose won't accept the fact that she's a hypocrite! '' She added.

'' Hey I'm done with you insulting me! You could at least be respectful! '' Rose was on the verge of exploding in rage.

'' Respectful? I only respect people who deserve respect. '' Sally shrugged.

'' Let her talk Rose, she's not worth it. '' Kin spoke softly.

'' I would punch you and break your nose Sally, but you don't have one! '' Rose grew even more annoyed.

'' Are you threatening me?! Do you wanna fight me?! Fight me idiot! '' Sally yelled.

'' Ok... Well I guess it's bedtime for me. Thanks for ruining the party guys. '' Harry touched his forehead like he was having a headache and left.

'' Yeah... I'll go to bed too... '' Marilyn sighed.

'' Guys... wait no don't go... ''Rose tried calling them back.

'' I didn't wanna party with hypocrites anyway. '' Sally huffed folding her hands.

'' I ruined the party didn't I? '' Rose sobbed facing Kin.

'' No you had nothing to do with this. Sally did this. Don't feel guilty for what happened. '' Kin tried comforting her.

At MJ Mitchell's stage,

'' Well, It looks like Sally and Rose won't start becoming besties anytime soon! Only one thing is clear, it's that the other Contestants didn't like the argument. And Rick has completed his mission! I would say the game is upto a great start! Will all this influence the vote for the first nominations? We'll discover it tomorrow... Winks. ''

'' And.. Cut! '' the cameraman said.

' Thank God. ' MJ Mitchelle sighed.

'' Good job everyone. Have a great night everyone! '' MJ Mitchelle climbed down the stage.

Somewhere in the spaceship,

A girl was seen sobbing and crying when a voice interrupted her emotions.

'' Here all fixed. ''Tech Guy said.

Dee70 was shocked and decided to hide and eavesdrop on their conversation.

'' I don't get it. Why did they send us here only to fix one camera? '' Tech girl asked the Tech guy.

They were also aliens with eyebrows and mouth. They didn't have eyes or nose!

'' All other 1,200 cameras are working just fine. '' Tech girl added.

'' Haven't you heard about what happened last year? '' Tech guy asked a bit surprised.

'' What? '' Tech girl asked ignorantly.

'' I probably shouldn't tell you about it... I was working here for the test-season. '' Tech guy facepalmed himself.

'' And let's just say... something bad happened. So now the producers are super strict on safety. '' he added.

'' What? this isn't their first season? '' Tech girl was shocked.

'' Shh someone could hear us! That's why they freaked out for one camera. '' Tech guy pointed out.

'' Wow. what happened must have been pretty bad. ''

'' It was... yeah... I'll never forget what happened here. It's better now though, they won't let it happen again. But don't tell anyone about this! '' Tech guy warned.

'' I won't... '' Tech girl sighed.