

Welcome To Universal Game. You are about to represent Earth in this never-seen-before contest. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? I hope you are... Get on board people! The game is about to start! Strellias Sedurion Georgonous Teknapo Thoktraz Viomen Hellyx Cycleria Bluelandia Lavaterra Bruxonom Earth These are the various planets where only one contestant can represent. Enjoy...

Ede_Gaius · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Kin's hair color changes

Back of the spaceship,

At the producers base,

'' MJ You were amazing in there! '' Rozy complimented.

'' Thank you guys! '' MJ Mitchelle smiled.

'' You were amazing MJ! That premiere was great! '' Complimented Mario.

'' And all that potential for drama! This season will be fantastic! '' Rozy added happily.

'' I know. We really have great Contestants! '' MJ Mitchelle agreed.

'' We thought about a few things to help the drama. It could be interesting. '' Mario said.

'' Wow. We're already getting into that? '' Rozy was surprised.

'' Well we're the producers. We have to control the game. '' Mario shrugged.

'' Uh... I thought we already learned the lesson with what happened last year... '' X said calmly.

'' Let's not talk about it. '' MJ Mitchelle shushed him.

'' But we should! What happened was terrible! '' X countered.

'' X is right. It was a tragedy. I don't want that to happen again. '' Rozy sighed.

'' I thought I had been clear when I said no one would ever talk about these events! '' Lord Bextor who happened to hear their discussion asked angrily.

'' Oh! Lord Bextor! We're sorry... We didn't mean to upset you. It won't happen again. '' Mario apologized.

'' Indeed. It better not happen again. We didn't broadcast the first season of Universal game for a reason. Nobody can ever know about the tragedy! And nobody can ever know that this is not our first attempt! To the universe, this is the first season. Am I being clear? '' Lord Bextor said sternly.

'' Very clear... '' Mario nodded.

'' Great. Now go back to making great TV and make some drama happen, would you? '' Lord Bextor demanded.

Back at MJ Mitchell's stage,

'' Welcome back to Universal Game! Last night you discovered our Contestants. And we could already smell drama in the air! I wonder what their first day will look like... I'll only say this, things are heating up between Sally, Silvo, and Rose! '' MJ Mitchelle smiled as she left the stage.

Inside the Universal house,

'' First time waking up in space... the view is so breathtaking. '' Rose admired the view.

'' Let's get ready. I need to find my outfit today. '' She walked into her closet.

In the kitchen,

'' Good morning guys. '' Rose greeted Dee70 and Kin happened to be in the kitchen too.

'' Morning Rose! '' Dee70 beamed, performing her excited emotion, and Kin blushed!

'' Oh Wow Kin! Your hair just changed color! '' Rose noticed.

'' Oh! She's right! It turned darker! '' Dee70 was shocked.

Kin gasped!

'' Look you switched again! '' This time the color was a lighter shade of blue. Almost white!

'' That's so cute! How do you do that? '' Rose asked.

'' I can't really control it... '' Kin sighed.

'' Why did it turn so dull now? does it mean you are sad? '' Dee70 put on a thinking expression.

'' It usually turn bright when I'm sad or embarrassed. '' Kin said

'' Why are you sad? '' Dee70 became emotional.

'' No! I'm not sad, Dee! '' Kin quickly explained.

'' So you're embarrassed? '' Rose asked and Kin blushed, turning his hair colour back to normal light blue.

'' Look, back to normal, everything is fine. '' Kin smiled.

'' Well, I'm happy you are not sad. Otherwise I'd cry too. My system contains empathy as well. '' Dee70 informed and left the kitchen.

'' Your hair is fascinating. How many colors can you do? '' Rose asked going closer to Kin.

'' Oh uh thanks. Almost every shades of blue, depending on my emotions. '' Kin said.

'' Do you think I can make it change color? '' Rose beamed.

'' You can try. '' Kin winked.

'' Okay let's see. Maybe I could... Booh! '' Rose tried scaring him.

Hair color remains the same!

'' Oh come on. That was scary. You can't say it wasn't! '' Rose puffed her cheek.

'' BOOH!! '' Kin tried scaring Rose in turn.

'' Gasps...''

Kin laughed. This time, Kin's hair color turned darker.

'' What's this emotion? What did I make you feel? Tell me, I want to know! '' Rose said intrigued.

'' Cough cough!... Uh. That was nothing. I have to work out. I'll see you later. '' Kin bid her goodbye and left.

'' That's weird. Did I do something wrong? '' Rose sighed.

'' That, honey, that was attraction. '' A voice said from behind.

'' Attraction, as in? '' Rose asked turning around.

'' As in, being attracted to you, or having a crush on you. '' Aqua said.

'' No that can't be. We've just met. ''

'' Beep beep! '' MJ called Aqua.

Aqua quickly excused herself and went to her room to answer the video call. The audience could see and hear it too!

'' How did you know about Kin's hair color? '' MJ asked intrigued.

'' Has she looked at the color of my skin? Blue is my color. And I can recognize what a shade of blue means when I see one. Such a dark shade of blue means he has a huge crush on her. But hey, I won't speak for Kin, that's not my role here. '' Aqua answered and ended the call, going back to Rose who was still deep in thought.

'' Trust me I know what I'm talking about. '' Aqua said and Rose sighed.

'' You think he likes me? '' Rose blushed.

'' I like you too! winks... '' A voice said from behind.

'' Oh please Silvo, you like everyone. '' Aqua raised her brows at him.

'' Indeed. I also like you too, Aqua. '' Silvo said shamelessly and she facepalmed herself.

Rick, who just happened to pass byheard their conversation, and called MJ Mitchelle on a video call.

'' I've been watching Silvo since last night. Rose, Sally, and now Aqua? That guy is a serious womanizer. And a gentleman like me hates that. But since I love manipulating people, it gave me an idea... ' Rick winked as he ended the call.